Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 120

He stretched out his hand to the girl in Yanfeng Qili's arms.

"I'm her dad." Yanfeng Qili said in an unwavering voice that shocked the night eclipse.

"You think I'm stupid! You have a silver-haired daughter in Asia?" Although you said that you don't believe it, the night eclipse took her hand back. After all, Yanfeng Qili in front of her is not a ghost animal version developed by Jin Shining. He still doesn't understand what pleasure is. Now he is still a priest who abides by the rules, so he won't lie about such things.

"But I really didn't expect Yanfeng Qili that you can have children. I think you are not interested in women because of your lack of affection, but I didn't expect..."

Although the night eclipse is half of the words, Yanfeng Qili can still see the flames of gossip burning in the night eclipse's eyes.


Just as Yanfeng Qili was considering whether to use a precious magic spell to stop the night eclipse, the girl in his arms woke up.

"Are you home?" The girl raised her head to look at Yanfeng Qili.

"Fine, but don't worry, I will take you back to your real home soon." Yanfeng Qili gently put the girl down and stroked the girl's silver hair.

"Hey! Pay attention! I'm still there!" The night eclipse can't stand it anymore. If the usual father and daughter, the night eclipse will only watch silently, but!The two expressionless guys talked in a tone with no amplitude at all. This scene is simply weird!

"Yanfeng Qili now I believe this is your own." The expression and tone of expression are almost in sync.

"Huh? So there are people here!"

The night eclipse looked stiff.


"Little ghost, I am a hero! It's not very good for you to speak like this!" Eclipse subconsciously wanted to slash the person in front of him who deliberately kicked him off, but the opposite was just a kid, and Eclipse could only hold back his anger...

"Heroic? I thought it was the second-year young man with beautiful contact lenses?" The girl expressed her contemptuous thoughts in a flat tone, "but the so-called heroic spirit is nothing more than this, your eyes...oh~you are using a girl Called by comics."

"Less...less...less...girl manga!"

Author's message:

PS ten consecutive draws out of the British inspired by the malice of the world, and then turned his head to shine ╮(▽")╭

Chapter 7 is still inappropriate

"There is a cross in the eyes that is still flashing, really like those bitches in the girl's manga that are in heat."

The girl used plain words to tell the words that made the night eclipse collapse. In the eyes of the night eclipse, the cross dragon pupil was described as a girl manga...

Night Eclipse lowered her head, and the broken hair on his forehead blocked Night Eclipse's eyes, which made Yanfeng Qili on the side unable to see his expression, but for some reason Yanfeng Qili only felt that his heart was tightened by a pair of invisible big hands. Holding it to the ground, he couldn't breathe.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Does the kid know? Most of the heroic spirits are celebrities in history, but the heroic spirits are not the heroes who rescued the princess in the fairy tale books. It is not an exaggeration that some heroic spirits are called evil spirits... Do you want to know why? Little devil~" Night Eclipse bent down and said softly in the girl's ear.

"Assassin, who is obviously the weakest, is so arrogant. You will only bully and bully me. It is estimated that you will be the first hero to be eliminated."

"Oh~ It seems that my Master is good to you. It was the first time I saw you that I told you my job." After that, the eclipse glanced at Yanfeng Qili who was stopping the bleeding.

"Not only the intermediary job but also your real name!"

"So what?" No one in this world knew me anyway, and Night Eclipse shrugged, like a girl extending a big sinful hand.

"You don't want to bully the children! You are!" Seeing that the night eclipse actually disregarded the dignity of the heroic spirit and directly acted on herself, the girl was shocked and was about to say what the result was before she was finished. I got up and pressed it on my thigh.

"Don't worry~ it will be over soon~ hum hum ha ha ha" Night Eclipse laughed and lifted the girl's nun dress up, revealing the girl's delicate butt.

The sudden development made the girl panic, especially when she was not wearing underwear... The girl shuddered subconsciously.

"Is it cold? Don't worry, it will heat up soon~ but it's really H if you don't even wear underwear~" Ye Xixie smiled and poked the girl in the face with her finger.

"You............Ah! It hurts!" Sudden pain came from the lower body, making what the girl wanted to say directly turned into a scream.


"It hurts so much! You devil! ... I will never forgive you!"


"Oh! bastard!"


"Woo you... yes... yes... I'm sorry I was wrong! Let me go!"


"No, no... no more! If this goes on, it will... oh!"

After hearing a scream, the eclipse stopped and watched the results of his battle.

The girl with a flushed face, her indifferent eyes were constantly turning her eyes back, strings of crystal tears slid down the girl's face, mixed with the saliva at the corners of her mouth, and dripped onto the floor.

Night Eclipse looked at the girl who had been played with pity, although he did it, but in the middle he clearly found that the girl stretched his hand to Yanfeng Qili, seeming to be asking for help, but what he saw was not a concerned stare but ...Pleasure!

Then the girl showed a feeling, not despair but an expression of getting on the thief ship, and then...

"Is it too much?" Ye Eclipse looked at the girl in a state of absentia with a headache, but Ye Eclipse quickly shook her head, "She is the first one who dares to say that to me! If it wasn't for her to be a kid It's not as simple as spanking!"

"But priest, you seem very happy to see that your daughter is so miserable!" Night Eclipse inserted the long sword aside in front of Yanfeng Qili. The sharp blade clearly reflected Yanfeng Qili's. face.

It was obviously an indifferent face, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his calm pupils contained emotions that made him feel familiar and unfamiliar.

"I..." Yanfeng Qili subconsciously wanted to refute, but facing the familiar face and unfamiliar expression, he could only remain silent.

"Tsk! It's troublesome! Master is really unpleasant like this, I don't even dare to face my own feelings." Seeing Yanfeng Qili's night eclipse was very upset, yes yes, no, no!Going around is not to admit in the end.

Sure enough, I still can't get along!

Ignoring the shocked look of Yanfeng Qili, Night Eclipse drew the sword at Yanfeng Qili.

"Assassin, you are..." Before Yanfeng Qili was finished speaking, he saw the sword in the hands of Night Eclipse swayed, and a sharp pain interrupted Yanfeng Qili's question. The back of Ling Shu's hand was bloody.

Ling Zhou was stripped!

This sudden change caught Yanfeng Qili by surprise.

"I suddenly felt that the two of us were not suitable, as expected, we should divide it!" Night Eclipse said with a smile that still floated in his hands the three magic spells that had just been stripped from his former Master.


Obviously it was something two men said when their lover broke up!Obviously, he only slashed the opponent with a sword, but just said it was inappropriate!Mingjian was still dripping blood but it seemed as if nothing happened!...

Of course Yanfeng Qili would neither think so nor be shocked to complain.

"Why Assassin? It's one year before the Holy Grail War. Why did you cut off the contract without magic power! As...what do you want to do!" Just as Yanfeng Qili asked about the night eclipse, he was horrified to find that the night eclipse will make an order The curse was pressed on the back of his daughter who had been unconscious.

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