Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 121

"The contract is established!" Night Eclipse smiled slightly.

This made Yanfeng Qili even more puzzled. She was still raging at his daughter before, and now she is giving her precious Lingshu. In the end...

"Seeing you are so curious, let me be merciful and sit down there." Ye Eclipse pointed to the bed where Qili Feng had been lying before, and then gently rubbed her temples to start thinking. After half a salary, she said.

"Heroic and Master share memories, right?"


"Actually, you have been unconscious for two days before~"

Yanfeng Qili was shocked again. No wonder he always felt that his dazzling was not working well before. Originally thought it was poisoning. It was because he was hungry for two days and had no water and no food. Fortunately, his body is strong enough or the dignified substitute starved to death. Laughed out big teeth, but after all, why did you stay in a coma for so long?Generally speaking, although the injury is serious, but with the tyrannical body of the substitute, he should wake up soon. What's wrong?After all, this heroic spirit wrapped his unconscious Master into a mummy, and he was done without giving him food, and also asked him to look for his daughter when he was hungry for two days, let alone all his body. He cut off the black keys!

Almost dying!

Unknowingly, Zhongyanfeng Qili looked at the night eclipse with seven points more resentment, two points of doubt, and one point of confusion.

"Cough cough cough! But now that you modern people are really fragile. I was injured at this level and can regenerate in just a few minutes. Young people should exercise their bodies and don’t always think of bad things. , Ah ha ha!" The night eclipse is a bit embarrassing. Yanfeng Qili will be in a coma for so long. It really has something to do with him. At that time, Yanfeng Qili was seriously injured, but with his body sleeping, he could be alive and kicking again. He was stepped on by a night eclipse, and he stepped on it hard!It seems that I almost crushed Yanfeng Qili's skull...but it seems to have a concussion ╭(▽)╮.

"After seeing your boring memories and boring interpersonal relationships, I suddenly had another good idea. Come to Qili."

The inexplicable Yanfeng Qili suddenly panicked, that good idea in the mouth of the night eclipse might change everything about him!But he couldn't help but leaned over.

Sure enough, after hearing the idea of ​​the night eclipse, Yanfeng Qili subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"No! This kind of thing is definitely not..."

"Do you really think so! Your eyes tell me plainly that you want to do this! Give up! Actually you are this kind of person! It's just because the strict rules oppress your emotions, now you are a Opportunity! Opportunity to resist everything! You shouldn’t want to..." Night Eclipse interrupted Qili Yanfeng’s rebuttal without hesitation. The fierce words made Qili Yanfeng’s heart start to shake, but the final words did not Explain, because Yanfeng Qili's eyes answered him.

"So happy cooperation!" Ye Eclipse smiled and stretched out her hand to Yanfeng Qili.

"Yes, happy cooperation!"

Yanfeng Qili held her hand tightly. Although her face was expressionless, the night eclipse could still tell that Yanfeng Qili was very happy now.

Chapter 8 Ticket Evasion?what is that?

"Karen Aldysia! You will be my Master from now on! Bet on my honor and dignity as a hero, I will protect you until the end of the Holy Grail War!" Night Eclipse solemnly said to the girl in front of him, " Are there any requirements now? Master!"

"Oh? Then you are naked now and go out and run two laps back." Karen touched her red and swollen butt and said coldly.

"Okay!" The night eclipse's expression didn't change, she still smiled kindly.


"You want to open a dye shop if you rely on the kid to give you some color! I don't want my butt!"

"You hit your Master! Where is the glory of your heroic spirit! ... Oh ah! It hurts! I was wrong and I was wrong! Sorry!"

"It won't be enough, then Qili, you should book two tickets now. The sooner we leave, the better!"

After all, I have to save Sakura.

"Two? Although Karen is still a child, she still needs to buy a plane ticket." Yanfeng Qili was a little confused.

"When did I say that I was going to buy a plane ticket." Ye Eclipse tilted her head and looked at Yanfeng Qili with a puzzled face.

"No... even if you are a hero, you still have to buy a ticket, and I still have one more ticket..."

"Relax! I have a plan myself."

"Is it impossible..."

"Is it impossible..."

Unknowingly, Yanfeng Qili and Karen had a scene in their minds, wearing armor and following the plane behind the plane, flying from Europe to Asia...

"It's too exaggerated to think about it!"


"Sir, please take your ticket."

"Oh yes."

Yanfeng Qili slipped the ticket she handed over into her pocket and led Karen to the boarding entrance.

"The spirits of the heroic spirits used you to evade fares! I am more and more suspicious of your vows at the time." Karen turned her head to mock the empty place beside her.

"No! As a hero, you should always be with the Master. As for the fare evasion...what is the fare evasion? I don't know!"


"Okay! Assassin, you shouldn't really use spiritualization for the sake of ticket evasion. What are your plans?"

Although she was asking about the night eclipse, Yanfeng Qili did not turn to the night eclipse, but touched Karen's head. It seemed to outsiders that she was saying yes to Karen.

"As expected of a priest, you should be able to feel that someone has been monitoring you since you entered the airport."


Yanfeng Qili nodded, indeed since he stepped into the airport, he clearly felt a chill, as if someone had been aiming at him with a sniper rifle.

"You were really targeted by a sniper rifle." Night Eclipse glanced at the Eomiya Kiriji who was hiding in the building outside. This cargo was tracked and aimed throughout the whole process from Yonfeng Kirei to boarding the plane. The eclipse is very strange. It is clear that there is no intersection between Eimiya Kirei and Kirei Kenmine, and there is no conflict of interest. With the character of Eimiya Kirei, unless the situation is urgent, it is impossible to snipe someone in the public. Is it possible...

"Kirei, do you know Eimiya Kirisu?"

"Eimiya Kiriji? That magician killer, it is said that he will do whatever he can to achieve his goals. To be honest, I would like to meet him." Yanfeng Kirei told Night Eclipse very honestly.

Hehe, if you want to see him, he wants to snipe you. From every aspect, he is a pair of enemies.

However, according to Yanfeng Kirei's statement, he has never seen Eimiya Kirei before. Why is he so persistent, but what seems to be afraid of?

"Ah so annoying! Otherwise, I'll kill him now," Night Eclipse said with some annoyance, grabbing his head hard.

"He? Is it possible that Eimiya Kirisu is nearby!" As soon as he heard the night eclipse's complaint, and combined with the previous night eclipse problem, Feng Kirei understood everything in an instant. Is it possible that Eumiya Kirisu was nearby. It must be!And made a threatening move!

Thinking of this, Yanfeng Kirei subconsciously pulled Karen behind her, and at the same time stretched her hand into her clothes to use the black button to defend herself...

No black keys...

Blame you, why should I break my black key!

Although he didn't say it directly, Yanfeng Qili's sorrowful eyes nakedly told Ye Eclipse about the resentment in his heart.

"Are you not a hero? How would you know modern people!"

At this moment, Karen, who was pulled behind by Yanfeng Qili, suddenly raised her head and asked.

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