Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 800

The night wind gently moved the curtains, and the bright moonlight shone on the face of the sleeping night eclipse.

The holy sword placed on the bedside emits a faint light, and the holy sword gradually becomes transparent with the passage of time, and finally disappears completely, replaced by an expressionless silver-haired young girl-Esther.

Esther tilted his head and stared silently at the sleeping night eclipse, and after a while, he carefully reached out his hand and gently touched the night eclipse's head and stroked it.

"I have been waiting for you."

Esther gently lifted the quilt of the night eclipse, and got in naturally.

Then it was picked up by a chain...

"No~" Lena put her hands under Esther's armpits and raised her up. Seeing Esther's naked body exuding strange charm in the moonlight, Lena's smile was a little stiff, "Nude sleeping is not good habits."

Esther glanced blankly at the chains like a snake guarding the territory, "I wear knee socks well."

"It's the same as not wearing it!" Lena lowered her voice as much as possible.

"Can I sleep together if I take it off?" A seductive blush appeared on Esther's face, who was originally expressionless, and his voice became squeaky, "Then I can't take it off."

"This is not the problem at all!" Lena sighed helplessly, "Anyway, you can't sneak away Esther anyway."

"I just want to sleep next to him," Esther looked innocent. "Don't you want to?"

"I..." Lena's face turned red instantly, and she began to hesitate.

"We are all alone," Esther continued to encourage Lena, who was beginning to waver, with a flat voice.

Lena was shaken.

"It sounds like..." Lena put Esther on the ground and unconsciously rolled up her hair.

"You don't need to undress," Esther raised a finger.

"So this is not the root of the problem!"

"Then I'll go to bed first," Esther rubbed his eyes and unhurriedly lifted the night eclipse quilt.

"Then I..." Lena gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand to grab the button of her dress.

"Hey~ Lena~"

The arm covered by the golden armor hooked Lena's shoulder from the right, Gilgamesh looked at Esther who was confronting Enkidu with a playful look.

Lena froze.

"You are not going to betray us, are you?"

The arm covered by the black armor hooked Lena's shoulder from the left, and the southern hemisphere hit Lena's face heavily. Altria gently stroked Lena's face, who was beginning to sweat with his left hand.

Alto Lili and Alto Lia stood helplessly on one side.

"Miss Gil, Miss Arthur, I'm just a little hot," Lena smiled awkwardly.

"Did you know? Sometimes, once someone fails to control their desires, they will make the real opponent serious. Once she is serious, we have no chance of winning." Athena in a Greek robe sat by the window and watched. The female dormitory in the distance seems to be observing someone, "This is what the wisdom of the goddess told the concubine."

"Miss Yae Sakura?" Lena covered her face, was stimulated by Esther's bold behavior, but forgot her real opponent.

"It's good if you understand, so now the real problem is this persevering little girl," Athena looked at Esther who was "fighting" with Enkidu in the form of the lock of sky, "I can see her. I really just want to fall asleep next to him..."

"Actually, I'm... I'm sorry..." As soon as Lena spoke, everyone looked at her indifferently, and then she stopped.

"But even this concubine will still be jealous," Athena had a headache and glanced at Lena, who was somewhat natural, "So let's go to the living room downstairs!"

"Then what about the Feng Zao Shenren?" Lena asked cautiously.

Because Fengzao Shenren cried Lihua with rain, and finally the night eclipse still kept her.

"Stunned, tied up," Altoria made the brutal remarks as always.

"Good idea," Gilgamesh nodded.

"Let's go," Lena sighed, ignoring Esther's struggle and hugged her directly.

"Don't want to stay here!" Before leaving, Athena grabbed Enkidu who was trying to pretend to die.

Finally the whole room became abnormal~


Chapter Fifteen The Wind Early God Man Who Furiously Tests on the Edge of Death

"so sleepy."

Night Eclipse walked downstairs while yawning. Originally, it didn’t matter if he stayed up all night because of his physical fitness, but God knows what’s going on. He circulates that memory all night, even if he closes his eyes. no way.

Because how is it possible to fall asleep while dreaming!

Until dawn just now, this touching, but I don’t know how many times I’ve repeated the memories ended.

"Is there something bug."

Eclipse patted his forehead helplessly. Enki, who had been strapped to him, didn't know where he was going, and Athena, who had barely left his one-meter radius, didn't know where he was.

When the night eclipse entered the living room, I saw Monkey King and... who were putting breakfast on the table.


"What shame p lay are you playing?"

Night Eclipse squatted in front of Fengzao Shenren, who was tied up into rice dumplings and whose mouth was still blocked and could only make a whine.


"I don't understand what you say," Ye Eclipse rubbed his temples with a headache, "Monkey Wukong, please translate."

"Hey! Didn't he just gagged his mouth and tied him up by himself!" Sun Wukong looked surprised, "because he looks like this when I get up in the morning, and he sleeps quite soundly. "

"You really have an incredible quirk," Ye Eclipse looked disgusted and threw out the cloth ball in Feng Zao Shenren's mouth and threw it into the trash can.

"Ghosts have a quirk! Ahhhhhhh..." Feng Zaoshen's face stiffened, "I seem to be unable to turn my head."

"It's probably a stiff neck," Ye Xi smirked and gently pushed Feng Zao Shenren's head to the side with his fingers, causing the latter to cry.

"Woo, you are inhumane."

"I'm not here to confirm if it is really stiff neck~ It won't die anyway," Ye Eclipse spread his hands and grabbed the chain on Fengzhao Shenren's body, and pulled the chain directly to break it.

"Who did it? Obviously I didn't notice anything." Feng Zao Shenren rubbed her stiff neck and looked at the night eclipse questioningly. Even though she was no different from The Walking Dead in the past three years, she had something carved in her bones. Things will never be forgotten, at least she will not be tied up or gagged without any reaction.

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