Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 801

"Maybe it's the fairies of the night," Ye Eclipse sighed. He almost knew who it was, or more precisely which group of guys did it.

At this time, the door opened, and Xue Er came in with the food in her hand, and the Yae Sakura who was holding Esther followed her.

"We are back~"

The ground at the feet of the night eclipse wriggled a chain to break the ground and quickly entangled him, followed by an evil spirit-ridden key.

"Cut, even if the concubine is the mother god, there is no way to surpass you!"

"Isn't this taken for granted! I am the earth itself!"

"What kind of plane are you doing," Ye Eclipse looked speechless.

"Probably they are tit-for-tat," Yae Sakura hugged Esther and handed it to the night eclipse. "Your sword spirit."

"Yeah, yeah, you are really naughty, Esther," Eclipse rubbed his nose helplessly and hugged Esther, dragged Esther with his left hand, and gently stroked Esther with his right hand. With a small head, Esther, who was still cold, immediately showed a comfortable expression.

"It's really naughty~ especially not wearing clothes," Yae Sakura narrowed her eyes.

Ye Eclipse's face stiffened, "Aren't you wearing it now..."

"That's because of the clothes I found for her." Yae Sakura put her right hand on her face and raised her mouth. "It really scared me. In the morning, Lena was holding a naked body...Ah no, only wearing knee socks The little girl came to me."

"Yeah~ Esther must wear clothes~" Eclipse lowered his head with some guilty conscience, and said to Esther earnestly.

"Well, you will dress well except by your side," Esther nodded seriously.

"This is also wrong!" Lena finally couldn't help but jumped out.

"Lena, you did a good job," Yaezakura patted Lena on the shoulder and nodded in satisfaction.

"Traitor..." Esther looked at Lena faintly.

"Speaking of, where did Jill and Arthur go?" I felt that the atmosphere was gradually becoming troublesome. Even Fengzhaoshen people consciously squatted in the corner and began to weaken their sense of existence, and the night eclipse began to change the topic lamely. .

"Oh, Arthur and the others said it was embarrassing to ask you to prepare for breakfast, so they went out to find something to eat. Jill said the three poor ghosts must have no money, so they went out with them," Lena said.

Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, what are the three guys so conscious...

"Can we start now?"

Sun Wukong, who had been sitting at the dining table a long time ago, held the chopsticks with a look of expectation, even his hair began to curl up, and he was almost transformed.

"It turned out to be your reason..."

King Arthur, who knows that their appetite is comparable to a black hole, is not because of conscience, but simply because there are Saiyans who can explode the planet in minutes.

No one can, at least the King Arthurs can’t eat faster than the Saiyans...

Absolutely impossible!

"Let's have dinner," Night Eclipse waved his hand.

Monkey King cheered, and Feng Zao Shenren sat beside the night eclipse very naturally.

"You may have a great talent," Ye Eclipse's mouth twitched and looked at the cheeky Feng Zao Shenren.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?" Feng Zao Shenren picked up the bun with a blank look and put it into his mouth.

"Choke you to death."

"Feng Zao Shenren!!!"

The familiar roar made Fengsaojinren's eyes burst while gnawing on the bun, and then he began to beat his chest desperately.

Well, she choked...

"Oh roar~ See what I said~" Ye Xi smirked and picked up a cup of soy milk and shook it gently in front of Feng Zao Shenren.

"Do you want it~ this pure white liquid~"

"Mmm..." Feng Zao Shenren blushed and nodded, struggling to stretch out his hand toward the soy milk in Night Eclipse.

"Do you want that?" Ye Eclipse grinned, slowly raising the soy milk, as if he didn't intend to give it to Feng Zao Shenren.

"Cough, cough, cough," Yae Sakura coughed slightly and looked at the night eclipse meaningfully.

"Don't be polite to me!" Night Eclipse quickly reduced his smile and stuffed the soy milk into Feng Zao Shenren's hands.

"Hmm... I'm saved," Fengzhao Shenren took the soy milk and poured it down, then took a heavy breath, and looked at Yaesakura with gratitude, "Thank you."

Yae Sakura smiled lightly and said that it didn't matter, but Night Eclipse was unhappy and poked Feng Zaojin in the face.

"And me?"

"Huh? You didn't plan to save me just now, you just wanted to see my jokes, right!" Feng Zao Shenren shot back unceremoniously, seeming to think that as long as Yae Sakura is in a night eclipse, he would not dare to act wantonly.


Night Eclipse stood up and stretched out his hand to hold Fengzao Shenren’s head, "You have to be able to make an inch of it is really amazing~"

"Ahhhhh..." Fengsaojinren with a cold sweat on his face became even more panicked when he saw Yae Sakura smiling while watching the show.

"An Xin, you will be broken when you touch it a little bit," the night eclipse lifted Feng Zao Shenren to the door, "so I will find someone who can traumatize your body but will never let you die. people."

"Should it be!"


The closed door suddenly opened, and the night eclipse chuckled like a pitcher throwing a baseball and threw Fengsaojinjin out.


Feng Zao Shenren screamed and flew out of the gate and rolled on the ground several times before stopping at someone's feet.

"It hurts, uh... black?"

"How familiar do you choose?"

Claire smiled softly, a beautiful flame burning in the flat palm of his right hand.

Author's message:

PS Does anyone explain that p la is a sensitive word?

Chapter 16 The Honest Knight is the most interesting

"You are so miserable~"

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