Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 802

The night eclipse gloated at the Feng Zao Shenren who seemed to be thrown into the stove and being fished out.

"Whose fault do you think it is?!" Feng Zao Shenren wiped his tears sadly.

Ye Eclipse shrugged his shoulders, but the red-haired double ponytails standing next to Feng Zao Shenren exploded like a flammable explosives bag.

"What you mean is my fault!" Claire pulled the whip in her hand, "Obviously I gave you canned food last night, but you ran into someone's house to sleep, which made me not only and Lin Silk Lei had a fight and was warned by the Wind King Knights!"

"Obviously you are the same as the dynamite bag, don't blame everything on my head!" Originally, Feng Zao Shenren was very moved when she heard that Claire actually gave her food, but his head was inexplicably detained. After several pots, Feng Zao Shenren was not moved.

"Huh? It's obviously a peeping pervert!"

"Well, standing in front of you is the leader of the Knights of the Wind King, can you save yourself?" Seeing the two people who were arguing and about to be unilaterally ravaged, they raised up helplessly. Hands up.

"I didn't expect Alice to be ousted from the stage by you, no wonder she left right away last night," Claire frowned. After Alice was provoked last night, Alice did not say anything uncharacteristically, which surprised her for a long time. .

"This can't be regarded as not being heard," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes, "I remember that private fights are forbidden in the academy, and Alice left directly to show that she followed the rules."

"Huh? I think she just doesn't..." Claire frowned uncomfortably and was about to ridicule, but was covered by the wind early god next to her.

"Ah-it's late! We should go to class! Goodbye!"

Feng Zao Shenren ignored Claire's resistance and said that she hugged her and ran away in a hurry.

"Really keen," Night Eclipse glanced at the sky.

I think she is scared...

Even though Feng Zao Shenren quickly blocked the next few words back, but he still understood what Claire meant.

The heart was traumatized for some reason, so he showed his fangs to everyone. This night eclipse wouldn't feel wrong, a lone soldier.

But Claire showed too much willfulness, dragging other people down without realizing it, showing her fangs but still thinking about relying on someone.

She is also a lonely person, who also wants stronger power. Vercelia chose to be cruel to herself and transplanted a curse costume on her heart. Even so, she did not abandon her elves, but Claire clearly possesses power. But the elves are still pursuing stronger elves. From the point of view of consciousness, Claire is just a little ghost.

Moreover, it is an annoying kid, and it is estimated that only a bad person like Fengzhao Shenren can bear it.

"But Alice really made me look at me with admiration. If that's the case, then she can't be wronged." The Eclipse stretched out and walked slowly towards the teaching building, "So you go and play. The leader of the Knights of the Wind King is going to reward his men~"

"Don't you follow?" Monkey King scratched his face.

"It's okay, Ye knows it in his heart," Yae Sakura squinted his eyes in a breath, "And didn't he let us play?"

Xue'er's eyes lit up, "Yes!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, why can't I remember it!" Alice was lying on a pile of books with a headache, and her blue hair was messy.

"Because you are a fool."

A big hand was placed on Alice's head and rubbed it gently.

"You rude fellow!"

Elise didn't hesitate to grab the knight's sword from her waist and stab the rude person behind her.

But what was unexpected was that the hard knight sword fell softly like noodles.

"Eh, Esther, you are pretty good~"

"Well, I can interfere with all sword weapons, and..." Esther raised his head and grabbed the corner of the night eclipse, "Can you touch my head?"

"Of course," Ye Eclipse stretched out his right hand with a smile and stroked Esther's head.

The latter smiled comfortably.

"You...what are you here for...and!" Alice pointed to the left hand of Night Eclipse, which was still on her head, "When will you touch it!"

"Ah, isn't it because you are disappointed~" Eclipse rubbed Alice's head gently.

"Let go... let go!" Alice flushed, but didn't break free, still lowering her head and letting the eclipse touch.

"Alice, I'm very happy~" Night Eclipse said with a smile.

"Why?" Alice tilted her head and looked puzzled.

"Didn’t you clashed with the two problem children last night? I was so proud that I could resist not doing anything with them~" The eclipse patted Alice’s head and sat with Esther in her arms. The opposite of Alice.

"Really..." Alice squeezed the corners of her skirt with disappointment, then raised her head uprightly. I'm still a knight, and I will never engage in private fights against school rules! But..."

Alice squeezed her fist unwillingly, "They insulted everyone in the Wind King Knights!"

"Nice expression," Night Eclipse raised the corners of his mouth, "So I will apply to the academy dean for you to have a duel. If they lose, they must accept punishment!"

"So we lost?" Alice asked cautiously.

"Well-they violated the school rules and we discouraged them, but they turned a blind eye. We were justified. We just gave them a step down to win them. It doesn't matter if you lose. Is it possible that you should apologize? They're interfering in violation of school rules?" Night Eclipse spread their hands and looked at Alice, who was ignorant, suddenly smirked, "But if you lose, my face will be saved. Can't make it~"


"As the leader of the former knights, I must accept my punishment~" Night Eclipse lifted Alice's chin with a smirk, "Of course it won't hurt your companion~"

"Take... accept your punishment?! What are you going to do!" Visible steam came out of Alice's head.

"Who knows~ I haven't seen the upright knight show humiliation and shame for various reasons for a long time."

"Sure enough! You are a demon!" Alice bit her lip, "I will never let you show it!"

"Then win it for me!" Night Eclipse chuckled, "In this case, your sister might hear your voice."

Alice's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at the smiling night eclipse somewhat moved.

"But I look forward to Alice's shame p lay~"

"I want to make your ribs soup!" Alice grabbed the knight sword that was no different from noodles with a face of shame.

"Allah, allah~ so terrible~"

"You guy!"

Chapter 17 The One-sided Battle

——The gate of the wizard world

"Well, that's the way it is. I have already passed through Gravas. She allows us to fight in the elemental elves, but only we know about the duel due to the two sides." Night Eclipse clapped and looked around. People around, "understand?"

"I'm afraid that your Wind King Knights will lose," Claire said disdainfully.

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