Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 804

A huge creature with all over its body revealing things broke through the ground.

"If you make trouble."

Chapter 18 The Wayward Claire

"Magic spirit!" Alice called out the name of the huge creature with a solemn expression.

"It's disgusting, you guys get rid of it quickly," Eclipse waved his hand without any intention of moving.

"This is a demon! We can't win with our strength!"

"Eh~ it's really useless."

The night eclipse looked up and down the demon elves, except for the spicy-looking eyes, there was absolutely nothing to watch.

"Then let's retreat." Night Eclipse stood up very decisively and planned to go straight back.

"Can't even you solve it?" Feng Zao Shenren saw a ghost on his face.

"No, it was all led out by you no matter how you look at it, you should be responsible for what you do when you are so old," Night Eclipse waved his hand.

"But no matter how you look, you feel troublesome and don't want to do it," Feng Zao Shenren's face was full of black lines.

The movement of the night eclipse paused, and then slowly turned his head.

"it is as expected!"

"Please, I am not your nanny, but you were called in by me for the time being," Night Eclipse spread out helplessly, "so give you the best option and retreat immediately."

"I think it is the best option for you to directly kill that demon elf," Fengzhao Shenren patted the dust on his body.

"No, no, no, this will only allow the duel to continue, and the person who loses will definitely be you, so now the retreat duel can be postponed, it is a chance for you to comeback," Night Eclipse stretched out the index finger of his right hand and shook Akira, "So this is the best opportunity for you."

"So you are such a good person?" Feng Zao Shenren looked moved.

"Because it will be fun."

"Yes~" Feng Zaoshen's face collapsed.

"So ~ everyone from the Knights of the Wind King stay behind, and the problematic children's group should go back to class."

The night eclipse clapped his hands, as if he was a teacher who led the school children out on a spring outing, now greeting the bear children.

"How do you feel... I'm despised," Lin Selei looked awkward, but she still honestly put away the elf magic outfit. Her strength is really not enough to defeat the demon elf, so it seems that there is no other than retreat. Option, and Carol was still looking at her worriedly not far away.

"Understand and understand, I finally don't need to be chased by a hammer to run around," Feng Zao Shenren scratched his head.

"I hope you can consider us who are being attacked by the demon elves!" Alice shot away the demon elves' tentacles and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Go!"

"I know, I know," Linselei closed her messy long blonde hair and took Carol's hand to leave.

"Roar roar—"

The demon spirit waved the tentacles on his body and rolled up a gust of wind, and the two people beside Alice were blown away.

"Tsk, the strength is still too weak," Ye Eclipse frowned, and the chains on his body flew out like lightning, entangled the waists of the two who were caught in the sky and tore them off.

"You two can't slacken your practice! The elves in your hands don't look very obedient. Whether they are soft or hard, you must convince them, otherwise they will always be impenetrable as elves." He tapped the two girls' heads twice, "You guys retreat too, Alice is just right here to hone her combat experience."


"We understand," the two girls glanced at each other, bowed respectfully to the night eclipse, and then turned their heads and left the elf world.

Feng Zao Shenren scratched his head and was about to flash. At this moment, she saw Claire, who was standing still and staring at the demon elf.

"Kleier, why are you still standing there? You are going to retreat!" A bad premonition came to Fengzao Shenren's heart, "You shouldn't be thinking!"

Kleier exhaled heavily and clenched the whip tightly, and walked towards the demon spirit who was completely violent with his eyes determined.

"Wait for Claire! That's a demon elf! And it's a demon elf in a violent state! It will die!" Feng Zao Shenren stepped forward and grabbed Claire's hand.

"It's okay, I can do it. Someone has done it before," Claire muttered to herself as if she was in a demon.

"That's Grevas! She's a witch!" Feng Zao Shenren walked to Kleier and stretched out his hands and pressed Kleier's shoulders heavily.

"Maybe...I also have the potential of a witch!" Claire said as if self-hypnotized.


"What's wrong?"

A mocking voice in the tone rang in Fengsao Shenren's ears, and Ye Eclipse did not know when he had appeared beside them holding Alice.

"Huh? Huh, huh! When!" Alice, who had just reacted, waved her hands in excitement, and the spear in her hand struck the eclipse's head dangerously and dangerously.


The lock of the sky wrapped around the night eclipse quickly rolled up the spear and tied it to Alice.

"Is this also an elven magic outfit!" Alice tried to break free with her greatest strength in her life, but she couldn't loosen the chain even if she blushed.

"The lock of the sky, Enkidu, the god-made creature that controls the earth and the forest," Ye Eclipse shrugged and looked at Claire, "You have your own will, and I will not interfere with your choice, but You are still a student of Aresia College, I will only save your life."

"Wait a minute! It's too dangerous, pure physical damage won't be converted into mental shock!" Feng Zao Shenren clung to Claire's shoulder firmly, "It will really die!"

"That's right, Claire is not the time to be willful now," Lin Silei stretched out her hand to Claire.

"It's okay! I can definitely do it!" Claire shook off Feng Zao Shenren's hand with a whip and walked towards the demon spirit who didn't know why he didn't say a word as if waiting for them to finish talking.

"Klei... hurts! Who is pulling my hair!" Feng Zao Shenren just wanted to catch up with a tingling pain coming from the back of his head. When he turned his head with tears in his eyes, he saw Night Eclipse pinching Alice Under her left armpit, her right hand was unceremoniously tugging at the hair in her head.

"Let go of me! It's so embarrassing to look like this!" Alice blushed and wiggled her legs.

"You will show it again when you move fat again~"

Well, although it has been exposed...

"Um..." Alice calmed down instantly and protested in a low voice, "At least let me down."

Then the night eclipse gorgeously ignored...

" hurts," Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Night Eclipse loosened Feng Zao Shenren's hair and said meaningfully, "No matter how much she is now, you will only be regarded as deaf, I am afraid you are not the first to persuade her. People, at least the eldest lady in the back persuaded me."

"Huh? I just think that if the price is too low as my enemy, I won't follow the price." Lin Silei turned her head in an incredible face, but her white skin was stained with a blush.

"Well, what the young lady meant was that she was worried when she saw her childhood playmate's downturn, so she always wanted to persuade her," the maid on one side, Carol, perfectly translated what Linsley wanted to express.

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