Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 805

"Hmm! Carol, don't talk too much!" Linselei immediately rushed to Carol and blocked her mouth.

The night eclipse patted Fengzao Shenren on the shoulder, "If words can't break the shackles of a person's heart, there is only despair left."

"What are you talking about?" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes narrowed.

"You don't feel a headache. You know that your strength is just like that but you want to see a strong elves. It can even be said that you have performed your willfulness to the extreme. If you don't care, you will lose your life one day." Night Eclipse felt uncomfortable even now, and even dared to say Esther was hers in front of him.

"So you are for her good?" Feng early Shenren was a little confused.

"Yeah, I will save her life, of course only her own life," the corner of Night Eclipse's mouth raised.

"How can you repent if you lose your life?"

Chapter 19 True Kindness or Shaking M


The cat wrapped in flames rushed towards the demon elves with its wide open mouth. The flames that could even burn out steel were meaningless. The petite figure was instantly bitten by the demon elves' huge mouth.

"No! Scarlet!" Kleier slumped on the ground and stared at the disappearing flame elf with eyes blankly.

"Are you talking about this kind of thing?" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes flushed and angrily grabbed the collar of the night eclipse, "You can stop that demon elf, right!"

"Yes," Night Eclipse didn't care about the collar grabbed by the Feng Zao Shenren, but seriously answered Feng Zao Shenren's question, "That level of elves can't even get close to me. Of course, kill it instantly. easy."

It's no wonder that they were violent but stayed there and didn't attack them!Because of this guy staying by!

"Then why are you..."

Feng Zao Shenren was about to continue questioning, but was overwhelmed by the night eclipse with a louder voice.

"Is this really good?! Claire is very dangerous now~" Eclipse pointed to Claire, who was sitting motionless in front of the demon elf.

"Damn it!" Feng Zao Shenren angrily loosened the collar of the night eclipse and rushed towards Claire.

"Really, young people nowadays are really impulsive," Night Eclipse thought of the collar that had been messed up by the wind early gods, "but I don't hate it."

After all, it's hard to hate people like Fengzao Shenren, such as Asashi, who is obviously whipped and burned but still caring about Claire. It's not like being a companion.

Of course, it is also possible to shake M.


At this time, the demon elves were completely irritated by Feng Zao Shen Ren's behavior of grabbing food from his mouth. The disgusting tentacles attacked everything around him indiscriminately, and Feng Zao Shen Ren who was holding Claire was almost affected.

"It's so noisy, your scene is over now."

Night Eclipse stretched out his right hand and waved forward, and the lock of the sky was nailed into the ground.

——Son of Man, hold on to the gods (Enuma Elish)

The earth was trembling, and the demon elves who were destroying unscrupulously stopped their movements and wanted to escape. Countless chains broke through the ground and merged in the air. Golden light burst from it, like a stream of light that cut across the sky.

"Your box lunch, put away."

The demon elves were screamed before they were pierced by light, and the impact directly drove Fengzao Shenren and Kleier into the sky.

"Ah—" Feng Zao Shenren screamed without any promise, but even then he still didn't let go of Claire.

"do not be afraid."

A chain entangled Fengzao Shenren's waist very quickly and pulled her back, and then slowly placed it on the ground.

"It's okay," Enkidu, who has absorbed the tragedy experience of Vercelia, appeared in front of Fengsao Shenren in a translucent form.

"No... it's okay," Feng Zao Shenren looked at Enqidu sluggishly, "Are you... a fairy?"

"Emmm... for the time being," Enqidu smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Fengzhaoshenren's head. As a result, his hand passed directly through Fengzhaoshenren's head, "Is this not good?"

Feng Zao Shenren took a step back, anyone who saw an extra arm on his head would shiver.

"I hope you don't hate the night eclipse. He just looks far away. Maybe you can't understand it now, but you will definitely find that everything he does is meaningful in the future." Enqi looked at the wind apologetically. Early gods.

"Huh? I only see a cold-blooded and merciless person now," Feng Zao Shenren glanced at Claire, who had passed out in his arms, a little distressed, "I can't understand him!"

"Emmm... if you don't understand him, you will be miserable by him," En Qidu spread his hands, and his translucent body floated towards the direction of the night eclipse, wrapped around the waist of Feng Zao Shenren. The chain also retracted.

"Wait a minute! If you don't understand, you will be punished! Where is he from the tyrant!"

"You're going to do extra things again," Hearing Feng Zao Shenren seemed to be looking down on his hearing speech, Night Eclipse glanced at the retracted chain somewhat speechlessly.

"Yeah~ I haven't talked much with the children here when I came here, and I couldn't hold back it for a while," Enqi scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Isn't there a child~" Ye Eclipse laughed sternly.

"I'm really sorry for that child," Enkidu suddenly covered his face in embarrassment at the thought of Vercelia's scared soul coming out.

"Introduce, this is her sister," Night Eclipse lifted Alice up like a doll.

"Wait...what's the situation! Now my mind is so confused, can you put me down first!" Alice's eyes turned like mosquito smoke incense.

Not only was her brain confused, the others also looked ruined.

"What kind of expression are you guys?" The Eclipse loosened her hands and Alice sat on the ground with a clatter.

"It hurts! Did you do it on purpose!" Alice burst her ass with tears in her eyes.

"Well, what can you do if I did it on purpose? Do you want to hit that one?" The night eclipse stretched out and pressed her head as if it was deliberately stimulating Alice, and the other hand was pointed by the light. The land of the basin had long ago wiped out the helpless magic elves of Alice and the others.

"Damn it! Sooner or later I will make you a tiramisu!" Alice squeezed her fist and resisted the urge to punch.

"Eh~Can you still cook? Can you let me taste it?"

"Of course! I've been practicing hard for my future husband-in-law... Are you talking about me!" Alice slapped her head past the night eclipse.

"No, no, I just really want to try it. Maybe I can help you gain the power to make your sister listen to your preaching~" Night Eclipse's mouth raised.

"! I will use my own strength to let my sister know that she has gone wrong!" Alice's eyes lit up first, but she shook her head and looked at the night eclipse firmly.

Night eclipse's eyes lit up, and I gently rubbed Alice’s head, "Yes, not bad, Alice, you are really good, although you are still very weak, but you will not be led by strength, as a knight you are very Excellent, you can go a long way in the future, and you will be better than your sister!"

"That's it...hehehe..." Alice lowered her head very obediently and let the night eclipse stroke her head.

"The attitude is completely different!" Feng Zao Shenren walked over with Claire dissatisfied.

"You are also very powerful~ Obviously you have been beaten by a whip and burned by the fire, and you can still insist on her," Ye Eclipse showed a gentle smile that made Feng Zao Shen Ren numb, "You are really amazing. Shake M!"

"Ghosts are!"

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