Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 806

Chapter 20 Taming Esther

"Claire hasn't left the room yet?"

Night Eclipse put down the stone sword in his hand and turned to look at Feng Zaoshen who was panting after a trot.

"What does this have to do with me? If she likes house, let her stay here, Alice, don't be lazy, come over quickly, let you wear a fairy costume at least to touch me," Ye Eclipse looked bored She curled her mouth and hooked her fingers to Alice, who was holding the spear directly in front.

"Um... Even so, I am still a little worried, after all, she has lost an important contract partner," Alice also looked worried.

"Alice is really a kind girl," Night Eclipse praised in a very insincere tone with Shi Jian on his shoulders, rolling his eyes.

"This tone! Are you perfunctory me!" Alice held the gun and rushed towards the eclipse.

Eclipse took a breath and swung the stone sword in his hand, without any fancy and weird sword skills, only the most basic sword swing, the wind pressure produced made Alice's sprint abruptly stopped.

The stone sword in the hands of Night Eclipse also shattered in an instant.

"Hmm!" In the end, Alice was overturned without catching a breath, and then was connected by the net formed by the lock of heaven.

"Before worrying about others, it is better to solve your own problems. Now you will only be smashed by your sister." Night Eclipse pulled the lock of the sky back and looked helplessly at Alice sitting on the ground panting. .

"Don't be so scary, she is my sister..." Alice's face darkened, "It seems that she will..."

Vercelia, what the hell did you do.

The night eclipse rubbed his temples, "Enqi is coming to take the sword, it doesn't matter if it is crisp."

If it's too strong, maybe Alice will really go to heaven if she misses it.

"Although I think too, but the gaze over there is too dazzling," Enqidu helplessly pointed to Esther, who was sitting not far away like an exquisite doll, and she was dying with an extremely grieving gaze. Staring at Enkidu deadly.

"Ah~ Alice gives you time to rest. I'll go to comfort the frying cat," Night Eclipse scratched his head and walked in the direction of Esther.

Reminiscing that Esther didn't hesitate to hit Lena's head before, he probably guessed the matter, and it would be very troublesome if it is not resolved.

"Hey! I also have very important things here!" Feng Zao Shenren waved his hand dissatisfied.

"Ha? It’s my shit. I know the things she has experienced. Everyone will have sad memories, but this should be a mature temper, not an excuse to make a person more self-willed. Claire is really It's too immature. She can't even beat Alice and dare to say that she can subdue the demon elf. It's ridiculous! She herself doesn't trust the flame elf, doesn't trust her power, and the flame elf that hurt her was hit hard. Eclipse scratched his ears.

"That means Scarlett is not dead!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes lit up.

"Ah-I missed it."

"I'm going to tell Claire now!" Feng Zao Shenren jumped up a little excited.

"Feng Zao Shenren, you can't let you go to her right now," Night Eclipse raised her hand, and the earth wriggled dozens of sky locks entangled with Feng Zao Shenren's body, in order to prevent her from taking advantage of it. It lifted her directly to the sky.

"Hmm-what do you mean!"

"Ah~ you hang on it for a while," Night Eclipse yawned and squatted before Esther, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Esther's head, "What's the matter, look at Eun with those eyes Qidu."

"I am the master's sword, the master's weapon, everything about me exists for you, so the master only needs to use me," Esther narrowed his eyes, but his tone was a bit blunt. Eclipse is dissatisfied with using any weapon other than her.

"I said, Esther, did you misunderstand something," Ye Eclipse smiled bitterly and pinched the tip of Esther's nose. "What I need is not a weapon. I no longer need destructive power."

"Master does not want Esther?" Esther's voice was a little sad.

"Then why am I looking for you?" Eclipse rolled his eyes and flicked Esther's forehead lightly, then opened his hands. "What I need is not Esther as a weapon, but as a family member. Esther, so..."

The eclipse held her face with a dull gaze in Esther, and the golden cross pupils were gentle, "Astor, do you want to be my family or a weapon."

"That... what happens if Esther chooses weapons?" Esther raised his hand cautiously.

"Emmm... guess what~" Night Eclipse began to knead Esther's delicate face.

"Are there any snacks?"

"How can weapons eat snacks, they can oil you regularly~"

"Hey hey! The master is a demon!"

"This is the treatment that weapons should have."

"Can you stay by your side forever?"

"No! Only my family can stay by my side."

"Astor wants to be the master's family!" Astor hugged the night eclipse without hesitation.

"Isn't that all right, even if Esther is not strong, I won't give up on you, you can also call me by my name directly, because we are family~" Night Eclipse lifted Esther gently Stroking Esther's head, "I won't leave you alone..."

"Family, well, Eclipse is Esther's family, and will not be separated from now on!" Esther buried his face in Eclipse's arms, and his body trembled slightly.

"Ah~ this girl," she couldn't help smiling as she felt the wet night eclipse in her chest.

"It's great," Alice clasped her fingers on her chest, her eyes soft.

"It's great!" Feng Zao looked at the night eclipse bitterly, "If only you were so gentle with everyone."

"It's too much~" Ye Eclipse curled his lips with some dissatisfaction, "I'm not gentle with you."

"Isn't this even more excessive!" Feng Zao Shenren struggled like a salted fish, "Let me down! I want to challenge you!"

"Okay," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Wait a minute! I'm still...well!"

Feng Zao Shenren fell directly from the sky and hit the ground very miserably.

"So, you can't even beat a demon and elves, and you dare to stand up against me. Inconsiderate and courage are two different things," Ye Eclipse looked down at Feng Zao Shenren sitting on the ground and rubbing his arms.

Not far away, Alice lowered her head in embarrassment. She was also someone who couldn't beat even a demon elf.

"But even in this way, I can't give up. Claire has been alone for a long time! I have to tell her that Scarlet, who has been by her side, is not dead!" Feng Zao Shenren was not afraid Staring at the oppressive golden cross pupils of the night eclipse, "She is just a momentary mistake!"

"So... would you dare to make a bet with me!"

Chapter 21: Feng Zao Shenren Attempts to Reckon

"Ahhhh-that bastard! If I had the strength three years ago, I would now kick his triumphant face twice!"

Kazuo Shenren ran across the street while scratching her head. Her goal was to be located in the arena in the middle of the city, where the Kagura ceremony was taking place, and the winner would get the right to conclude a contract with the military elves.

"After losing her contract elves, and there are military elves to fight for, that arrogant fire cat girl will definitely go to the arena."

The appearance of the night eclipse that seemed to see through everything came to the mind of Fengzhaoshenren.

wrong!Claire is not arrogant!She is just trying her best!

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