Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 807

Feng Zao Shenren bit his lip, "Wait for me, Claire!"

"Then take a gamble, whether the flames of the fire cat girl will become dirty, if the fire cat girl is as pure as you trust, I can follow your command until the end of the sword dance festival, but if the fire cat girl falls Enter the darkness, then you must obey my orders!"

"I'm looking forward to Ren? Ashuper's performance, the strongest sword dancer~"

"Ah!!! The witch must have said it! How can it be repaired! Two bastards with similar smells!"

Feng Zao Shenren rushed towards the arena with a furious roar.

On the streets that were somewhat empty because of the Kagura in the arena, the night eclipse hugged Esther and walked slowly towards the arena.

"It's really too much, I just want you to recognize yourself," I don't know if Feng Zao Shenren is really backlogged for a long time, he can even hear that roar, "Fortunately for Ellie Si went back to rest, or my image of her upright and aboveboard would collapse."

"I think that in Miss Alice's eyes, the eclipse you didn't divide it from the beginning," Lena appeared next to the eclipse and naturally pulled Esther out of the eclipse's arms.

"Hey, Lena, you said earlier, then why should I hide it for so long," Night Eclipse chuckled.

"Woo..." Esther shoved Lena's face reluctantly.

"Hey, we are family members," Lena reached out helplessly and stroked Esther's head.

"Yes, we are all family," Night Eclipse reached out and patted Lena and Esther's heads.

"Family? I know it's not the time, but I still care a little when I hear this word~"

Dark feathers fell from the sky, and a girl in a black dress walked out slowly.

"My name is Restia Asiudal," the girl gently lifted the skirt of her dress like a princess.

"Can you please stop, now for the gods... not for Ren is a critical moment."

"I'm going to say no!" Night Eclipse raised his brows, squeezed his fist bones and made a burst of noise, "Would you say you want to block me?"

"What if I say yes?" Restia smiled softly.

"Then you can disappear," the red ferocious sword and the radiant Demon Demon Sword appeared in the hands of Night Eclipse.

"This attitude... sure enough," Restia shook her head and let the way go.

"Really from the heart," Ye Eclipse smiled disdainfully and released the two swords in his hands, Lena and Esther reappeared beside Ye Eclipse.

"But I still hope you can put it down a little bit. For the current Ren, the sword dance festival is too dangerous. She needs to awaken her true strength." Restia glanced at Lena who was holding Esther.

"Let's go," Night Eclipse ignored Lena's and stretched out his left hand and hugged Esther with his right hand and walked towards the arena.

"It's enviable..." Restia looked sadly at Lena's right hand, who was firmly gripped by the eclipse's left hand.

"What am I thinking……"

Restia laughed mockingly and put her hands on her back and followed the night eclipse.

"Stop following me."

"No~you~ just drop by~"


"Ahhh~ it really turned out like this," The first thing that came to the night eclipse in the arena was the wounded wind early gods and frantic elves, as well as the black flame elves in front of Claire.

"Yo! Lian... Fengshao Shenren, I seem to have won this bet." The night eclipse didn't care about the frantic crowd around and sat in the auditorium with Erlang's legs raised as if waiting for the show to be staged. The audience is average.

"Hey! Is this the time to talk about this!" Feng Zao Shenren was a little broken, "Aren't you the head of the Wind King Knights! Hurry up and help!"

"Did I win the bet?" Night Eclipse smiled and pressed his chin on Esther's head, looking at Feng Zao Shenren leisurely.

"Do you admit that your trust has failed my vision?"

"If you admit it, how about my shot, after all, you lost yourself to me."

"Ah!!! I know!" Feng Zao Shenren scratched his head vigorously, "You won!"

"Then I..." The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth raised.

"But ah! I definitely don't admit it!" Feng Zao Shenren took a deep breath and walked towards Claire step by step. The feeling he had already lost returned to the body that had been decadent for three years, and his weak power began to surge. "Krell has not fallen! All she needs is a partner who can fill her hollow heart!"

"Then let me see your sword dance," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

The strongest sword dancer-Ren? Ashbel!

"Don't worry about Claire, I'll come to you now, this dirty flame is too bad for you!"

Feng Zao Shenren walked forward in spite of the heat of the flame, and stretched out his hand to Claire.

"It's time to come back—"

The eclipse sitting in the audience witnessed the process of saving the beauty by the heroes of Fengshao God, but the damage of the flame came in front of the confused girl, and then was given two whips...

In short, it returned to normal.

"Is this the result you were expecting?" The Eclipse looked at Fengzao Shenren and Claire meaningfully.

"Who knows?" Restia, a row behind the night eclipse, was holding her chin and looking at the Fengzao Shenren who was flirting with Claire, her tone a little sour.

"Although I am awakened, I am still very unhappy, so forget that wake up."

"How about a night eclipse! Have you seen it! Claire won!"

At this time, the god of wind early took Claire's hand and turned to the night eclipse and showed off loudly.

"Are you gone?" Night Eclipse raised her eyebrows, and Restia disappeared as soon as Fengzao Shenren looked at them, and the stone pillar sealed with military elves was wrapped in a black mist , It's a pity that neither the completely triumphant Feng Zao Shenren nor the shy Claire had noticed.

"Yes, yes, the fire cat girl finally ended her mess, so please write a review book afterwards and submit it to the Wind King Knights," Night Eclipse clapped her hands very perfunctorily.

"Why!" Claire had no doubt blown up her hair.

"Look around for yourself," Night Eclipse pointed at Kagura, who had been messed up by Claire around him.

"Got it! Got it! I'll urge Claire!" The wind early god took Claire's hand and made a color at her.

"I see, I will write," Claire lowered her head a little aggrieved.

"Why are you wronged?" Ye Eclipse sighed speechlessly, as if he had been wronged into a move.

"Also! Don't be happy with the wind early gods, don't forget that you have lost to me."

"That... isn't it to motivate me to say it on purpose?" Feng Zao Shenren said with a shy face.


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