Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 808

"You are right, just for the motivation of the will, so you are responsible for the following things," Night Eclipse leaned against the chair with both hands.


The giant shining white light crawled out of the [door] floating in the air.

"Speak first!" Ye Eclipse pointed his right hand at the pale Fengzao Shenren.

"This time it's for the body to inspire!"

Chapter 22 But this is impossible

"You are the commander of the Wind King Knight Order that maintains order!" Feng Zao Shenren picked up Claire and escaped the wreckage of the building destroyed by the movement of the giant elves.

"So I have rescued everyone," Night Eclipse shrugged.

"Eh? Eh eh! No one is gone!" At this time, Feng Zaoshen found that there was really no one in the arena except for a few of them, "How did you do it!"

"Just walk over in an ordinary way and send people out in an ordinary way," Eclipse flicked his nails and looked at Fengzao Shenren playfully.

Outside the arena, a group of people were looking at each other in confusion. They didn't realize until the giant elves collapsed half of the arena...


"Then why not send us out too!" Feng Zao Shenren protested in dissatisfaction.

"Because this is your fault, and... ah~ so tired, I can no longer run to save the civilians. I wanted to bite my teeth and try my best to send you two out. Who knows that someone wants to repent of the harm, my heart is so tired," Ye Eclipse buried his face in Esther's long silver hair with a sad look and rubbed it.

"Good, good," Esther stretched out her little hand to stroke the eclipse's head without expression.

"You are saying that I am right!" Feng Zao Shenren gritted his teeth and wanted to raise his middle finger to the night eclipse, but now she has no time at all. The giant elf chased her as if he had recognized her.

The most overwhelming thing is that when she wanted to be led to the position of the night eclipse by the giant elves, the giant elves actually blocked her!

This mindless elf would actually block her!

How afraid of night eclipses are you!Death will not pass!Then don't stop me!

Feng Zao Shen people want to cry without tears.

"Eh~Don't say that~ I won't force others. I just want to quietly watch you being chased and beaten to restore my mood," Night Eclipse raised his head and blinked at Feng Zao Shenren.

"Ah-I see! I am willing to bet and lose!" Feng Zao Shenren yelled out of self-defetion.

"OK, my collar has been prepared for you. Turn around and pick a chain you like." Eclipse's eyes lit up and put Esther on Lena's knee and stood up and twisted his wrist.

"Huh? Just listen to your life... Damn! Are you trying to treat me as a slave!" Feng Zao Shenren was a little awkward, but he was cruel when he saw the night eclipse as if he was about to sit back. The scalp agreed, "Slaves are slaves! Don't forget to prepare my three meals and lodging, bastard master!"

"Then the contract is established!"

Night Eclipse shook his hand, stepped on the railing in front of the auditorium and jumped high, kicked at the giant elf, and the hem of the dark coat was completely unfolded in the air.


The giant elves subconsciously waved two huge palms towards the night eclipse.

"No sense."

Night Eclipse smiled coldly and kicked it down.


The huge palm and the upper body of the giant elves were blown to pieces at the foot of the night eclipse.

"End of work," Ye Eclipse clapped his hands and walked to the sluggish Feng Zao Shenren, took out a dark collar from the King's Treasure and stayed on Feng Zao Shenren's neck.

The night eclipse took a few steps back and looked up and down. Feng Zao Shenren nodded in satisfaction, "From the first moment I saw you, I thought it was especially suitable for you."

"Thank you really," Feng Zao Shenren's mouth twitched.

"What's the matter with you?" Claire was a little dumbfounded.

"Well, a little thing, Feng Zao Shen Ren has already admitted to be my slave," Night Eclipse reached out and patted Feng Zao Shen Ren's head, "rest assured that as long as you are obedient and obedient, you can take care of three meals, as long as you behave well. Let you serve dinner."

"Let me serve it to the table!"

"No!" Claire grabbed Fengzao Shenren's clothes, his face flushed, "This guy can't do it! Lecherous and useless! Not even fighting power!"

"That's what you said about your savior?" Feng Zao Shenren looked at Claire with tears.

"Anyway, I'm a man," Ye Eclipse gave a meaningful look at Feng Zao Shenren, Feng Zao Shenren turned his head with a red face and a little guilty conscience.

"And no matter how strong Feng Zao Shenren is, it's not as strong as me."

"Don't underestimate me! I will make your eyes pop out after a while!"

"Don't worry about that much, you just need to make me happy everyday."

"No!" Claire said loudly, "No! This guy can't give it to you! I just decided to make him my slave elf!"

Claire stared fiercely at Fengzao Shenren’s face with flame-like eyes, then turned her head back and said, "I feel honored. Although you are horny and useless, this lady doesn’t care, even I can be merciful to let you live in my room, so be my slave elves obediently!"

"Heh," Ye Eclipse smiled disdainfully.

Since ancient times, the hero saving the beauty has always been a project that has made girls’ favorability soar. I am afraid that Claire was secretly in love after witnessing Feng Zao Shenren’s life-death behavior, but she just couldn’t make it through her face and wanted this excuse to leave Feng Zao Shenren. Around.

Feng Zao Shenren also clearly saw that the girl with evasive gaze in front of him was just hiding her shyness.

It was really a boring act of concealment, and the night eclipse also looked at Feng Zao Shenren, the golden cross pupils were extremely clear, without a trace of impurities.

Like him, he never hides anything!

"Feng Zao Shenren, you are already my slave. When you look back, remember to clean the house. Although you don’t need to wash my clothes, the work of serving tea and water is still to be done. If you do well, I will reward you with some women’s clothing. wear."

"Seeing you with such a straight gaze saying so taken for granted, I feel that the future is worrying," Feng early Shenren covered his forehead with a headache.

"An Xin, I will reward you with food equal to mine."

"That's really thank you," Feng Zao Shenren stuck out her tongue, at least in terms of food, she was quite satisfied with the treatment of the night eclipse.

"Wait a minute! Why didn't you choose me? I can also give you canned food and let you live in my room," Claire paled.

It was promised to save me!

Why did you give up on me again!

"Kleier, I..." Feng Zao Shenren opened his mouth.

Seriously, why do you have to hold her as a slave!

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