Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 809

"Kreyer Elstein made a mistake because of you," Night Eclipse stretched out a finger, "It's not that the early wind gods didn't choose you, but they couldn't. I chose you, but you gave up by yourself."

"Even if you lose the contract elves, your flames will be pure and incomparable. The early wind gods have gambled on their trust in you, but you are willing to fall, even if you change back now, what if there is no early wind to you? Redemption, you may have died with that ugly appearance now."

"Then why are you taking the gods away from me!" Tears filled Claire's eyes.

Night Eclipse looked down at Claire indifferently, "Because your glass-like heart cannot support your ambition, but you have it because your heart is too fragile and want more. Once you lose it, you will fall into despair. Firmly grasping what you have is the right choice. Don't expect more."

Night Eclipse reached out and grabbed the collar around Feng Zao Shenren's neck and pulled Feng Zao Shenren towards the exit of the arena. Lena, who was sitting in the auditorium, also led Esther to follow Night Eclipse.

"Before your heart becomes strong..."

Author's message:

PS Why is Lien Chan all sensitive words (hold your head)

Chapter 23 Remote Summon Leticia

Outside the bungalow, the night eclipse was lying on the recliner basking in the sun, and the lock of the sky did not wrap around him, but wandered around the recliner.

Alice is receiving the training of the Knight King trio called Teaching, which is actually a unilateral abuse, but seeing Alice's excitement, probably don't worry about her...

Sun Wukong and Cher didn't know where to go to play, if Gilgamesh hadn't thrown them a gold bar before they left, maybe they would go to a restaurant to fish them.

As for Yaezakura, I don't know why he has been addicted to needlework and cooking recently, making him a little lonely and want to toss people.

"God, I want to drink water."

"I'm coming!"

"God, cake~"


"God, emmm... I'm so bored, can you please please~"

"Don't go too far!" Feng Zao Shenren put the cake heavily on the wandering Heaven Lock and said in an angry tone.

The night eclipse yawned and sat up, picked up the cake on the lock of the sky and said casually, "God, as a slave, whatever I ask you to do, you must do it with a smile, even if it is Little things like letting you show your belly."

"Ghosts will be exposed!" Feng Zao Shenren covered her clothes with a vigilant face, as if worried that the night eclipse would suddenly come and pick her clothes.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't like to force others." Eclipse put the whole cake into his mouth very elegantly, and then looked at Fengzao Shenren meaningfully, "I prefer to let a person do it unwillingly. Thing."

"That's not too much," Feng Zao Shenren vomited.

"Then to make my lovely slave feel something about me," Eclipse snapped his fingers, "I will reward you now."

"Really!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes lit up.

"Golden chains, silver chains and bronze chains, choose one yourself," Night Eclipse grinned.

"I knew it would be like this," Feng Zao Shenren smiled slightly, and he was so stupid that he expected a night eclipse.

The two little heads behind the tree not far away were really sneaking at the night eclipse and the wind early god.

"Damn it, I also want to have such a good relationship with the god-man," Claire bit her finger and looked at the god-man unwillingly.

"I don't think the gods are very happy," Linselei patted her forehead.

"That... Miss, do you have to peep like this?" Carol reminded a little embarrassedly, standing behind them.

More than one or two students have pointed at them.

It feels like a fool!

"Cough cough cough! Who... who is peeping!" Kleier coughed fiercely with her hands around her chest and a face of disdain, but her flushed cheeks betrayed her heart.

"Say... that's right! How could this young lady be peeping!" Lin Silei tossed her hair, "this young lady is just investigating the enemy!"

"How about asking in person?"

Two hands were placed on the shoulders of the two eldest ladies, Claire and Linsley.


"Ah, Mr. Eclipse is really amazing," Carol clapped her hands with a smile, "That's why I said Miss, if you want to chat with them, just go straight over~"

"Is Carol talking about it now?" Linselei looked at Carol with some shame.

Claire was stiff and motionless. After all, Night Eclipse had been divided into the kind of hard and soft, very strict person in her impression.

"Say early~" Night Eclipse patted the heads of Claire and Linsley, "I thought there were two sluts peeping~"

"I'm not a slut!"

"That's why--the god man has a guest here," Ye Eclipse led the wonderful combination of two peepers and a maid to Feng Zao Shen Ren.

"God... God-man, what a coincidence!" Claire said with a flushed face and hesitated.

"Youth," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

"Idiot," Lin Silei felt a little embarrassed.

"I'll get dim sum and black tea," Feng Zao Shenren turned his head and left.

"Wait a minute, I'll help you," Carol took a few steps forward, only to trip on her left foot and fall to the ground with a snap of her right foot.

"Carol is okay!" Linselei helped Carol up with a distressed look and gently patted the leaves on her maid's clothes. "Is there any damage? Or go back and rest!"

"You are the eldest lady, right," Ye Eclipse looked at Linsley silently, wishing to check Carol up and down.

"Of course! I'm the eldest daughter of the Frost family," Lin Silei patted her chest with pride.

"Uh, that nobleman with a long history?" Ye Eclipse blinked, "Then why did your maid fall on the ground?"

The night eclipse also specifically asked Grevas about the children’s information. What was unexpected is that Linsele’s family can be said to be rich enough to guard against the sky. It is said that walking in the courtyard of her house will make you get lost. Kind of, based on the perception of night eclipse, the eldest daughter of a family like this is generally the kind of pampering and defiant, and the maid around is definitely the elite of the elite.


"Will the maid be cute?" Lin Silei hugged Carol for granted. "In order to keep Carol cute, I have always prepared her food carefully. In order to make Carol feel good, I have always Only wake her up until she is full."

"But miss, it doesn't matter if you call me earlier, I also want to help the lady with the housework."

"It's okay, Carol, you just have to eat and sleep well. I am very good at housework and so on," Linselei touched Carol's head with a cowardly expression.

Claire had an expression of "Ah~ this guy is starting again".

"Does your maid have no other use other than being cute?" Ye Eclipse covered his face, are you really the noble lady!

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