Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 810

"Don't the maids need to be cute!" Linselei frowned and raised her voice.

For a while, the eclipse thought of Leticia, the majestic maid who can freely switch between Yu Jie and Loli.

"Of course it must be cute!"

"That's all right~" Lin Silei spread her hands.

"Hey! Where's the most important use of the maid!?" Ye Eclipse looked incredulous, "Enjoying the lovely maid's massage is a source of happiness for the master!"

"Emmm...I often help Carol massage," Lin Silei recalled seriously.

"Yes, Miss's technique is great," Kahlo agreed.

"You fellow dare to be called a maid!"

"What are they talking about?" The Fengzhao Shenren who was carrying the cake looked at Lin Selei and the night eclipse, who were arguing inexplicably.

"Just two fools, don't mind," Claire held her forehead with a headache. She was a fool who thought the night eclipse was severe just now.

"No! You must see a real maid!"

The golden gate opened in an instant.

A strand of short blond hair floated out.

Chapter 24 Back to Sixteen Nights: (??ω?)? Hey

The golden gate gleaming under the sun, responding to the call of crossing the space, the maid of the night eclipse Leticia appeared!

"Get to know, the real maid!" Eclipse opened his hands.

"Hmm!" Feng Zao Shenren and others were completely stunned by the golden gate behind the night eclipse.

There were golden ripples between the gates, and a golden hairy head emerged from it, and a pair stretched towards the night eclipse, as if to give him a hug.

"Uh -" Feng Zao Shenren's face instantly became very strange.

Claire and Linsele turned their heads away while holding back a smile, while Carol showed a meaningful smile.

"Huh?" Facing the expressions of Fengzao Shenren and others, the night eclipse was a little overwhelming.

"Across time, respond to your call, your favorite--"

Even if the voice is deliberately weakened, it still can't conceal the unruly nature.

The eyes of the night eclipse are no different from death in an instant.

"Go back to Master Sixteen Nights!"

The hands that stretched out the golden gate hugged the night eclipse with the power that could easily break the stone pillars. The visitor gave up the disguised voice very simply and gave the night eclipse a fatal blow with the original voice.

"There are also meet-up gifts that don't take us to play together!"

Ikuyo's feet almost plunged into the ground, and his violet eyes shrank fiercely.

"German arch bridge fell!"

However, nothing happened. Izayoi quietly hugged Ye Eclipse from behind, and Ye Eclipse squeezed his fist and swung forward twice, as if he was trying to feel his hand.

A drop of cold sweat slid down Ikuyo's forehead, and laughed a little far-fetched, "Master Devil, have you eaten fat recently?"

No matter how hard he tries to eclipse at night, he will remain motionless. You must know that he has the gift of smashing the heavens and the earth. Throwing stones out of the Third Universe can be done casually. How could he not even be able to hold a person!

Of course, if it is a night eclipse, it should be another matter.

But it was right that he had fought against the night eclipse not long ago, and it was right that he was punched and flew out!

"Are you thinking about why you can't pick me up and throw me to the ground, right," Ye Eclipse breathed a sigh of relief into his right fist, and wiped it gently, as if he was maintaining a weapon that was about to enter the battlefield.

"Solving the confusion," Ikuyo released the night eclipse and slowly backed towards the golden gate. If the movement is too large at this time, it will only be ravaged by the madness of the night eclipse, so it is better to take it slowly. Although I thought of running away in my mind, I still had the expression of a good-looking baby on Ikuyo's face.

"I, after blasting Az Dakaha, I got a seemingly useless lingu from him," Eclipse nodded with satisfaction looking at the shining right fist and turned to face Sixteen Nights. "Now my quality is—"

"A continent!"

"Also, did you come here obediently and punch you in the face, or did I let your face come in and be punched obediently by me," Ye Eclipse waved his fist forward, and the wind slammed Shizuo Ye forehead. The front blonde was completely lifted.

"Really a benevolent Demon Lord, but!"

Sixteen Ye stepped on his left foot earlier, and slammed his right fist toward Ye Eclipse's face at the speed of the third universe with lightning speed.

"Do you think this uncle will be obediently arrested!"

The mentality of Sixteen Nights is very flat now, anyway, the night eclipse cannot escape with a punch. Rather than thinking about how to avoid it, it is better to add a little more chaos to the night eclipse. This is what a problem child should do.

"So I'm waiting for you here!" Ye Eclipse didn't back down, tightly holding his right fist and smashing it towards Ikuyo's face at the speed of the third universe.

"It's too naive to Sixteen Nights! My arm is--"

Even in the face of Sixteen Nights' fist with enough power to smash the mountain into terror, Ye Eclipse still feels like water, and I have to ask why!

"Better! You! Longer!"

"It's a miscalculation!" Sixteen night's face is a little distorted. If he walks along this plot, he must be hit by the night eclipse before his fist hits the night eclipse's face, but he flies back with a regretful blow. Hakoki!

If this goes on, the plan to surprise (scare) the night eclipse while the two women sneak up while pinching each other will fail!

The eldest lady has no fighting power, and has no effect other than being thrown back after screaming for a few words. Yao estimated that if two chicken legs were stuffed in the night eclipse, he would go back obediently.

As the only hope that can surprise (frighten) the night eclipse, how could he be beaten back in despair!

"The maid of your house in the night eclipse fought with that Brunhild!"

"Huh?" Night Eclipse was taken aback, and his fist slowed down subconsciously.

"That's it!" Ikuya's eyes brightened and his head shifted to the left. The Eclipse's fist slid over Ikuya's head dangerously and dangerously, and Ikuya's fist almost touched the eclipse. The tip of the nose.

"Is this really the case?" The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth raised.

Ikuyo's heart sighed, but even he couldn't stop it, and he didn't lose anymore!Just smash you into the ground!

At this time, a strange scene appeared. The fist that had wiped Ikuya's face suddenly moved back for a while, but Ikuya could only widen his eyes and watched the face of Yekuya that was about to be touched suddenly. Pulled away, and the big fist of Night Eclipse Casserole was getting closer and closer to his face.

"Sixteen nights let you see the killer that I have treasured for a long time!" Ye Eclipse's eyes suddenly opened, and the golden cross pupils burst out with dazzling light, and the right fist was slightly loosened, and then squeezed tightly.

The ultimate meaning of fantasy killer!


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