Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 812

"Then your clothes and face..." Night Eclipse lowered his head and looked at Leticia's face carefully. There were some red marks on the white and tender face, as if it was caught by someone, but due to the vampire's ability to regenerate It disappeared very quickly.

Seeing the face that the night eclipse was about to stick to, Leticia blushed and turned her head, and said in a guilty tone, "It was just she was accidentally caught while playing with a little wild cat."

"Eh~ I really want to see the little wild cat that can scratch the four-digit Leticia~" Eclipse stretched out both hands and kneaded Leticia's silky and cool face.

"Cough cough cough! Speaking of which, Brunnhild deserves to be the original Valkyrie, but I don’t know why he has been chanting Master’s name with his spear," Leticia coughed slightly and looked at him with a smile. Night eclipse.

Inexplicably, the night eclipse felt a chill behind his back.

Chapter 26 What if the backstab is strong enough

Brunhilde is a standard sickness template. The more she loves you, the more she wants to backstab you, and her power will rise.

"It's okay, even if I stand there and stab her, there is no problem," Ye Eclipse gave a thumbs up indifferently.

Master, have you already acquiesced that Brunhild will stabb you?

Leticia held her forehead somewhat helplessly.

"Ah, who is this maid?" Carol raised her hand curiously.

"My name is Leticia, the maid of Eclipse," Leticia pinched the corner of the maid outfit with one hand.

"Miss Leticia is so beautiful," Carol looked envious.

"Well, these guys are Kahlo, the maid of waste wood, rude and rude tablet Claire, and Linsley who barely looked at the past, and there is a slave, Leticia with her name, don't care about it," Eclipse One by one pointed at Feng Zao Shenren and others.

"It's too much! I'll give you tea and water at a loss!" Feng Zao Shenren's mood is now in tears.

"The collar of the master isn't..." Leticia tilted her head, and the black collar on the neck of Feng Zao Shenren was unusually conspicuous. She clearly remembered that it was the gifted item that Bai Yasha threw to Night Eclipse.

"Well, in order to increase the durability of the toy," Night Eclipse looked up at the sky without reddening and heartbeat.

"Master is really kind," Leticia smiled softly.

Ye Eclipse's face turned black and stretched out both hands and began to knead Leticia's small face unscrupulously.

"Speaking of which, what on earth are you here for?" While enjoying Leticia's cool little face, Night Eclipse looked at the two peeping ladies.

"I just glanced at me curiously when I saw Claire peeking," Lin Selei waved her hand.

"Is it all on me!?" Claire jumped up like a cat with exploded fur for an instant, but soon calmed down and took a deep breath and looked at Fengzao Shenren seriously. "I hope you can join my team."

"Wow," Ye Eclipse smiled badly.

"No!" Claire blushed and said loudly, "Because he said he wanted to save me, then he must take full responsibility!"

"It's really stubborn and self-willed~" Fengsao Shenren grabbed his hair helplessly, and then smiled, "But there's really no way, it's not good to just let it go."

"Youth~" Ye Eclipse sighed.

"You didn't stop me!" Feng Zao Shenren looked astonished.

"Why should I stop you?" Ye Xi asked rhetorically with a curious look.


"You don't even have a genie. From the actual point of view, it is not considered combat power at all. In short, it is a scum."

The words of the night eclipse pierced through Fengzao Shenren's chest like a huge arrow, causing her to take a few steps back, holding her chest in pain.

The strongest sword dancer in the past was bluntly said to be scum, which was very exciting in all aspects.

"And even if you run to another team, I can still play with you, no! It's better to say that it makes me feel more exciting!" Night Eclipse's eyes lit up.

"Are you a demon!" Feng Zao Shenren wailed.

"No, I am the Demon King," Night Eclipse smiled brightly, "Don't try to escape after being caught by me, but the kind-hearted I allow you to struggle!"

"Then make you happier? I'm sorry I chose to give up on myself," Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes.

"Then please put on women's clothes."

"Please allow me to struggle to the end!"

joke!It's just that no one thinks that the strongest sword dancer is a man, but it doesn't mean that no one will recognize it after changing into women's clothing!

"Then I have to force you!"

"Mr. Godman, I think you are very suitable for women's clothing."

"You... your mouth is unexpectedly poisonous."


"Alice is undergoing special training," Vercelia looked at the ravaged Alice through the window. In her opinion, even if she changed her, it was just a bit more beautiful to be ravaged. The knight who ravaged Alice didn't get serious at all, and was merely correcting Alice's weakness.

"You are getting stronger, but I am getting weaker."

Vercelia pressed the position of the heart, and the curse that had been used for many years was easily eliminated by the night eclipse, together with the accumulated curses, but the infinite power also disappeared. Now she and the lotus three years ago There is not much difference between Ashuper's easily defeated her.

But the sense of peace that she had never had before made her a little confused. She knew that the person was still in Aresia’s territory. After all, she was an important test subject for that person. She could re-attach the curse at any time as long as she wanted. In the heart, this way you can get infinite power again, but...

"That guy will be savagely eliminated again."

Speaking, Vercelia looked at the night eclipse who was running around with the chain chasing the wind early god.

As if feeling something, Eclipse raised her head and smiled brightly at Vercelia. The inexplicable Vercelia only felt that her face was a little hot and pulled the curtains directly.

Even Vercelia, the first female tyrant in the academy, was actually just an innocent girl, but she was off track because of something.

"It's weird," Ye Eclipse shrugged his shoulders and pressed Feng Zao Shenren's shoulders and pushed her to the ground.

"Relax, I said I will not force you."

"I can only feel the strong malice from what you say!" Feng Zao Shenren wriggled on the ground like a caterpillar.

"Because the master is carrying an absolutely evil flag," Leticia walked to the night eclipse very intimately holding an umbrella.

"Miss Leticia, I don't understand what you are talking about, but can you pity your colleague a little bit."

"No, you are a slave, I am the maid maid, we are not colleagues," Leticia corrected seriously, "Identity status cannot be messed up."

"It's better to be like this, let's take a gamble!" Night Eclipse showed a sincere smile, "If..."

"Don't bet! Don't bet if you die!" Before the night eclipse was finished, the god of the wind quickly refused.

"You can win back your freedom~" Night Eclipse said in Feng Zao Shenren's ear with a very seductive tone.

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