Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 813

Feng Zao Shenren hesitated for a while, then cast his head very firmly, "Don't bet!"

"Eh~ you have nothing to lose anyway," Night Eclipse was a little disappointed.

"This is the most terrible thing! Knowing that I have nothing to lose, you still want to bet with me!" Fengzhao Shenren looked firm, "If I bet against you, there must be something to make me I can’t wait for a headshot to happen!"

"Cut," Ye Eclipse let go of Feng Zao Shenren with an unhappy expression, obviously blind sometimes, but sober at critical times.

"Sure enough, I made the right choice," Feng early Shenren stood up and rubbed his shoulders, revealing the winner's smile.

Leticia looked at Feng Zaoshen with sympathy.

People who let the devil deflate will always be happy for a while.

Chapter 27 Isn't it common sense to ask someone to show your belly?

"Two consecutive losses!"

Fengzao Shenren and Claire sighed while lying on the table.

"What's our current ranking?" Feng Zao Shenren weakly teased Scarlet, who was very well-behaved in front of her, with his fingers.

"Wanting to get a spot is like dreaming," Claire sighed and then began to bite the jam and bread, seeming to want to vent all the grievances of losing the game.

"In the final analysis, it is because we are too few!" Feng Zao Shenren thought of the opinion of the class teacher who broke into the arena.

"Isn't it because you are too weak?" Claire tilted his head, "If you can string everyone together and fight, will the problem be solved?"

"I can't refute you," Feng Zao Shenren lowered his head in frustration. If she had been three years ago, she would have been able to fight five opponents one by one, but it is a pity that she now uses assassination techniques to stun two. .

"This way, you can't participate in the sword dance festival at all! God person, you can become more powerful for me!" Claire pulled up Feng Zao Shenren's hair in dissatisfaction.

"Don't embarrass people! Can't you find a few more people!" Feng Zao Shenren patted Claire's hand in pain.

"Do you think... someone will come..." Claire looked at Feng Zao Shenren with deep eyes.

Feng Zao Shenren was taken aback, the sister of the evil spirit Ji Ji and the male spirit envoy (pseudo)...


Feng Zao Shenren and Claire lowered their heads at the same time.

The morale of the Claire team was greatly diminished.

"Oh~ are you eating?" The voice of arrogance and elegance suddenly sounded beside them.

"Lin Selei is in the mood to fight with you now," Claire glanced sideways at Lin Selei and Carol who appeared suddenly.

"It's really rude, I don't want to fight with you now, it will only make my identity depreciate," Lin Silei calmly looked down at Fengzao Shenren and Claire with her arms around her chest.

"The young lady meant to say that you can't stop you at this level of cheering up quickly," Carol also translated the subtext of Miss Tsundere unhurriedly.

"Carol!" Linselei blushed and raised her fist to hammer Carol's shoulder.

In the end, even if Claire was a little unwilling to let the strange master and servant join their lunch, Fengzhao Shenren never interrupted their conversation, just staring deeply at the chocolate cake in front of them.

The sword dance festival this time is like chess. From common sense, the most important thing is teamwork. Individual combat is not feasible at all, but this is common sense...

She knew there was a person who, as a pawn, had the unreasonable characteristic of being able to take all the pawns while not being eaten by other pawns. If he could join them, it would be no problem to qualify, but...

Feng Zao Shenren showed a tangled expression.

"Shenren, do you know the new transfer student?" Claire pulled the sleeves of the early Shenren.

"Ah? I don't know," Fengzhao Shenren was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly shook his head.

"Then your expression..." Claire was a little confused.

"It's nothing, just thinking about how to appear," Feng Zao Shenren sighed secretly, "Clarier, do you really want to win the sword dance festival?"

"Well, I definitely want to win!" Claire nodded with firm eyes.

"Ah~ It seems that I have to be more serious," Feng Zao Shenren sighed and gently touched Claire's head, "Don't worry, I will definitely take you into the sword dance festival!"

"Oh, I see," Kleier's face turned red instantly, feeling the heat above her head, but she didn't slap Feng Zao Shenren's hand.

"Your relationship is very good," Lin Silei looked strangely between the two people.

"What are you doing! Envy!" Claire snorted coldly.

"Ha? Why is this lady envied!" Lin Silei stared at Claire very upset.

Ah~ the future is worrying, I can only do this.

Seeing that there was a kind of Claire and Linselei who came to make three hundred rounds, Feng Zao Shenren sighed.

late at night.

Feng Zaoshenren, who was lying on the sofa, opened his eyes and crept up the stairs to the door of the night eclipse, looking around like a thief.

"Come on! It's all for Claire!" Feng Zao Shenren patted his face and cheered himself up quietly.

Her purpose is very simple, begging for help from the boss, she has done it for this, no matter how ghostly the night eclipse is, she will accept it all, and then smile and continue to live!

Feng Zao Shenren took a deep breath several times and then knocked on the door gently.

After a while, the door opened slowly, Feng Zao Shenren couldn't help swallowing his saliva, the windows in the room were closed tightly, and the curtains of the bed were pulled tightly, causing the room to be dark and hard to see. Stuff inside.

When the door was half opened, it stopped, and Ye Eclipse half-opened his eyes and glanced at Feng Zaoshenren.

"God man? What are you doing? I have to go to sleep after that."

Feng Zao Shenren blinked, and now the night eclipse is completely awake and not very conscious. If you ask him at this time, you might just fool around casually, with the pride of night eclipse. I will definitely not regret it!

"Well... can you do me a favor?" Feng Zao Shenren carefully observed the reaction of the night eclipse, and secretly relieved when he found that the night eclipse still looked sleepy.

"Emmm..." Ye Eclipse yawned and didn't respond to Feng Zao Shenren, but looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"That... Lord Eclipse?" Feng Zao Shenren lowered his voice, "I can promise you some conditions."

"Huh? This kind of thing..." Ye Eclipse beckoned to Feng Zao Shenren to signal her to come closer, Feng Zao Shenren blinked and didn't want to move his face towards him.

This is the night eclipse suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the back of Fengzhaoshenren's head, still looks sleepy.

"Master Eclipse!" Feng Zaoshen's face stiffened.

"Of course you have to think about this kind of thing~" The corner of Ye Eclipse's mouth raised, revealing a kind smile.

Feng Zao Shenren swears that she has never seen such a ghost smile before, and her determination began to waver.

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