Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 814

"Anyway, let's go outside first, don't disturb other people." The Eclipse loosened Feng Zaoshenren's head, put her arms around her shoulders, and led her down the stairs and left the bungalow.

At night, Alicia was very quiet, the breeze gently brushed the flowers on the ground, and the soft moonlight poured down. What should I say... It is a good time to confess.

Ye Eclipse tilted his head and quietly looked at Feng Zao Shenren, who was standing not far away, with a restrained expression, his long dark hair fluttering in the wind.

"What do you want to say to me?"

"I, please! Wish me a helping hand!" Feng Zao Shenren said sincerely, lowering his head, "I want to help her!"

"Are you... begging me?"

"Yes," Feng Zao Shenren still lowered his head.

"Show your belly," Night Eclipse yawned.

"Huh?!" Feng Zao Shenren looked up at the night eclipse with an incredulous expression, "Are you kidding me!"

"Isn't it common sense to show your belly when you ask for help?" Night Eclipse scratched his face.

"It's also... a ghost!" Feng Zao Shenren was a little crazy.

"If you don't show it, I'll go now," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Don't!" Feng Zao Shenren's face was pale.

"I show!"

Chapter Twenty Eight

Under the bright moonlight, the wind is early to the gods, no, it should be said that it is the strongest sword dancer Jilian? Ashupel's face flushed and lifted his clothes, and his white belly slowly appeared in front of the night eclipse.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, Lian? Ashbel's lower abdomen has a different sense of temptation. It seems that because his shame is about to explode, the white skin is stained with pink.

"Please...please..." At this moment, Lian? Ashbel was so ashamed that he didn't even know what to say.

The night eclipse silently looked at Lian, who was trembling because of the cold night wind or shame? Ashupel seemed to be waiting for her to finish speaking.

"Please help us!"

"You..." Night Eclipse walked a few steps forward and came to Lian? Ashbel slowly stretched out her hand towards her lower abdomen.

Lian? Asupel's body stiffened and wanted to avoid subconsciously, but when she thought of Claire's loss, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, and the hands holding the clothes trembled constantly.

No matter what you encounter, you must bear it!


The night eclipse pinched Lian? There was some obvious soft flesh on Ashubel's abdomen, "You all these years..."


"I really didn't exercise much."

Lian Asupel slowly lowered her head, loosened her tight clothes, pressed her hands on the chest of the night eclipse and pushed him away heavily, and then...

"Um... ah ah ah..."

Holding his face with both hands, he cried and ran back to the bungalow as if he were running away, and there seemed to be a flash of crystal clear liquid between those slender fingers.

"Did you overdo it?" Night Eclipse looked at his right hand, and just now when he met Fengzaoshenren with his right hand, he vaguely felt that some technique was eliminated, so he was originally just a soft-looking teenager. She became a heroic girl with long silky hair pouring down, but it changed back when he detached from his right hand.

"The continuous illusion-type hair spirit technique that directly acts on the surface of the skin. Didn't directly destroy the core just now, so it started again?" Night Eclipse shook his hand, but it felt pretty good, fleshy.

"Speaking of which, why is she looking for me?"

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Eclipse looked helplessly at Feng Zaoshenren who was lying on the sofa and completely wrapped himself in a quilt.

"Hey, it's time to get up. As a slave, what the hell is it to get up later than the master? I'm not Linselei."

Feng Zao Shenren's body moved, as if resisting the rule of the night eclipse, the quilt was wrapped tighter.

"Oh roar~ are you making a silent protest to me?" A big tic-tac-toe burst out on the forehead of the night eclipse, "Are you alone!"

"The boss, Xueer and the eldest sister seem to be going shopping today, so they won't come for breakfast," Monkey King wrapped apron holding a big pot and snorted on the dining table.

"Here is a bowl!" *3

Looking at the King Arthur trio and the three bowls in front of him like a signal, the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth twitched, "This is already the third pot! I haven't eaten a bite! And the boss is so big! I haven't eaten yet! If you are the king, give me a bit of self-consciousness!"


The three bowls placed in front of Monkey King flicked at the same time, and slowly and hardly retracted, followed by the sound of three heavy objects hitting the table.

"Boss! They are dead!" Monkey King pointed at the three furry heads on the dining table with a look of horror.

"Anxin, they are still alive," Night Eclipse glanced at the lifeless King Arthur trio. As for Altria and the others, they basically didn't need to eat at all. The reason for eating was just to satisfy their mouths. Just like Gilgamesh, you can’t see her eating at all. Basically, she swayed with red wine, because her desire for food is not that strong, but Altria and the others are completely opposite. Knowing that it is meaningless to eat, he still pretends to not know anything and keeps eating.

In a sense, he is indeed a king who is headstrong.

"But it's pretty good not to gain weight," said Night Eclipse meaningfully.

Feng Zao Shenren's body shook fiercely, and this time completely shrank himself into a ball.

"Master, I think you'd better say less," Leticia held her forehead helplessly.

"Reassure, I know the scale!" Night Eclipse gave a thumbs-up with a sunny smile, and then his left hand stretched directly into the gap in the quilt and pinched the soft flesh on the lower abdomen of Fengzhao Shenren with great precision. "You can't get up."

"Eh!! I get up! I'm up! Don't pinch!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed out of the quilt.

"Don't you see that this is getting up~" Ye Eclipse laughed and walked to the dining table with a happy face admiring Feng Zao Shenren's shameful and angrily expression.

"Damn it!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed and took a steamed bun on the table and rushed out of the bungalow. She really couldn't imagine what kind of ghost and animal treatment she would encounter while staying.

"Sure enough, it's still a kid," Ye Eclipse gave a chuckle.

"No, master, you just overdone the ghost," Leticia waved her hand calmly.

"Huh? Is there?" Night Eclipse spreads out his hands unconsciously.

"By the way, boss! I remembered something. If we want to participate in the sword dance festival, we need to rank," Sun Wukong rubbed his chin and looked serious. "Now we don't even have a team, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to participate in the sword dance festival. "

"This is a long-standing solution," Night Eclipse spreads out, "You don't think I'm playing these days."

Monkey King swallowed and asked cautiously, "Isn't it?"

"I..." Ye Eclipse's cold face turned black and almost couldn't hold back a punch to Monkey King's face, but considering that his actions these days are really difficult to see that there is a purpose other than playing, let it go for the time being.

"Forget it, today I will prove my foresight," Night Eclipse grinned.

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