Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 815

"Boss, you are not going to threaten Grevas," Monkey King said with some worry on his face, "That's not good."

"Emmm... In your eyes, do I only take the threatening path?" Night Eclipse felt a little uncomfortable.

"No... isn't it?" Monkey King scratched his head in embarrassment. This is the most likely action he thought of the night eclipse. After all, he didn't think his old meeting was really going to complete those tasks with other elves. Make a battle.

"As the boss, how can I be easily seen through by the younger brother," Ye Eclipse sighed, "I will show you the real fastest and most justifying method!"

Vercelia blinked and looked at the night eclipse that suddenly stopped her.

"Join my team."

"Huh?" Vercelia could not react for a while.

"If you don't agree, I'll let her play with you," Ye Eclipse smiled and picked up the Sky Lock.

It's not threatening!

Chapter Twenty Nine

Finally, under the warning of the lock of the sky in the night eclipse, Vercelia almost nodded her head in tears. It is conceivable that Enkidu caused deep damage to her soul.

For this reason, the entire Sky Lock seemed dead and lifeless.

"Relax, you must know that your current teammates can sling Gravas's foursome, let alone enter the finals of the sword dance festival, and help you win the championship in minutes," the night eclipse patted Verselli Ya's shoulders shook with the soft heaven lock, "If you agree, I won't use this big trick."

"I...I'm just too surprised," Verseria relied on her tenacious willpower to suffocate the tears that were about to burst out, but her eyes were already red, making this cold-looking girl The tyrant looked softer.

"What's so surprising," Night Eclipse raised an eyebrow. "You are the first in the academy. It's no different from being a finalist with you in the team. Why don't I look for you?"

Vercelia was speechless for a while, and it took a while to speak slowly, "But I am weak, I can't even reach your heels, you can earn enough points soon if you want..."

"But I don't want to," Night Eclipse interrupted Vercelia directly, and compared her hands with a big cross on her chest. "Why should I waste precious time playing house games."

Duel?accept mission?Making jokes on the international yarns, the opponents are all the kind that snap their fingers to death, and it is not enough to play once. How many times do you have to play from not ranking to the top three required for shortlisting!

I'm sorry, he doesn't have the so-called mentality of slaughtering young people, not to mention that his opponents are all that kind of innocent girls. Playing too much will make him rare...conscience disturbed.

As for the task...why does he help the Gravas who looks like an old fox!If she gets rid of some competitors, wouldn't it be a loss!And because the fighting power here is generally too low, it is difficult for him to judge whether the opponent is an obstacle to Grevas. This kind of silent use and making himself look like a barbarian with only power is absolutely not allowed to happen. !

"Well, then I'll join your team. Anyway, I watched around, and there are not many people here that meet my requirements," Verseria nodded, "But I hope you can give me a chance. ."

"Opportunity? What for?" Night Eclipse raised his brows, "First say, although I have a way to directly increase your strength, I don't really like the kind of people who simply want to become stronger and rely on external forces to force them. "

"Did you have it!" Vercelia's eyes lit up, listening to Night Eclipse as if this method was not dangerous. As for whether she would be liked by Night Eclipse, it didn't matter to her...probably.

"No!" Ye Zhu righteously refused.

"Okay," Vercelia scratched her face, and then looked at Eclipse's eyes seriously, "I hope, at least when facing Alice, you can let me go without your hand."

"Does your sister mean to come here? You are really confident," Ye Eclipse tilted his head and looked at Verseria with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of losing to Alice?" "

"I know that Alice is receiving your special training recently, but..." Verseria's mouth raised a proud smile, "The difference in strength will not be made up by a few days of special training."

After observing Vercelia, some things can be confirmed. Alice’s special training is more focused on correcting the flaws in sword skills, and it will indeed only make Alice have fewer flaws when confronting people. , In a certain sense, improved strength, but it didn't work for Vercelia.

She took a full-map bombardment. As for Alice's sword dance, the flaws have become less. In her opinion, it is just that the sword dance has become much more beautiful. It should be taken away with one shot or one shot. What a difference.

Not to mention that Vercelia’s own contract elves are still city elves. The full-covered elves’ armor is terribly defensive. Even if I stand there and let Alice fight, it’s estimated that Alice will not wear armor. .

So this is a sure win!

I can't see it at all and it will roll over

Seeing Vercelia's self-confidence, the night eclipse couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water, "Don't forget, this is not a heads-up but a team battle. You might be beaten in groups."

Vercelia did not answer the night eclipse, but the night eclipse can already tell her thoughts from her eyes and expressions, that naked disdain...

I want to fight ten!

"Then other teams will also ask you to solve it easily, and let me water skiing," said Night Eclipse.

"Okay," Vercelia agreed directly without even thinking about it. Anyway, she seemed to be a mob, and it could be solved in one shot.

"I said..." Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "What if you lose to Alice's team? My trust is very valuable."

"Then... then you will be at your disposal!" Vercelia hesitated for a while, but she would lose if she didn't think about it, so Vercelia gave up thinking altogether.

"It's really exciting," Night Eclipse gave a meaningful smile.

The inexplicable Vercelia felt a chill.

"Impossible, those Alice's teammates are all kind of third-rate goods," Verseria said softly as self-comforting.

"Then Alice?" Eclipse was a little curious.

"Second-rate," Vercelia curled her lips.


Dean’s Office.

"You are here so fast," Grevas looked at the Fengzao Shenren who had come to her early in a daze.

"Originally, when I thought of coming to you, I felt that my steps became extremely heavy, but there are people behind you who are more ghosts than you, and the steps are inexplicably lighter," Feng Zao Shenren clutched his lower abdomen with a forced smile With.

"You...have eaten your stomach?" Grevas glanced curiously at Feng Zaoshenren's belly.

"No!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed. Since the night eclipse pinched the soft flesh on her lower abdomen, she felt goose bumps as long as she had eyes on her lower abdomen inexplicably.

"Eh~ I suddenly became interested!" Grevas showed an interesting smile.

"If you want to say this, I will leave!" Feng Zao Shenren took a step back with a look of disgust. She could imagine that if she let this witch learn about this embarrassment, she really couldn't be in this witch all her life. He raised his head in front of him.

Although it's not much worse now--

"Don't worry~" Grevas gave a mysterious smile.

"Isn't this about to be said~"

Chapter Thirty: When Tsundere Was Revealed

"This is the request of my life!"

Night Eclipse's eyes subtly looked at Feng Zaoshen who was sitting in front of him.

If Feng Zao Shenren came to him with the consciousness that he would want to help Claire even if he would be toyed with, this time he was simply facing the danger of his life and wanted to hold the last straw.

"If you don't help me, your poor slave might die today and! It will definitely die!" Feng Zao Shenren said in a very terrifying tone.

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