Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 816

Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, did you know that you are a slave at this time?

"Why should I help you?" Night Eclipse buttoned his ears and looked impatient.

"Isn't it right for the master to help the slaves?!" Feng Zao Shenren looked incredulous.

"It's just right for the slave not to cause trouble to the master!" Ye Eclipse stretched out his finger mercilessly and stabbed Feng Zao Shenren's cheek. The soft touch made Ye Eclipse couldn't help but poke.

"Ah...Master, if I die, wouldn't you lose a lot of fun," Feng Zao Shenren said in a awkward tone.

"Hey~This will be quite clear for you to position yourself~" Night Eclipse pinched Feng Zaoshenren's small face and rubbed it vigorously.

"Why would it be swollen!" Feng Zao Shenren's tone was a bit vague, but from her flattering eyes, she could see that she was really in a life and death crisis this time.

The night eclipse was silent for a while and picked up the Feng Zao Shenren, "Really encountered a life and death crisis?"

"Please help me!"

"Okay," Night Eclipse scratched his head and clamped Feng Zao Shenren to his waist. "If you die, I will lose a lot of fun. Toys are always good for jumping around. Let's talk. Where is the enemy?"

"In Kleier's room!" Feng Zao Shenren looked grateful.

"Huh? You wouldn't say people have flat chests or something," Ye Eclipse looked suspicious, but walked toward the girls' dormitory.

"How come!" Feng Zao Shenren grievedly grasped the night eclipse's clothes, "Somehow the witch arranged an S-level mission. She said that she was helping us and actually wanted to pit me!"

"Eh~S-level mission, what do you do?" Night Eclipse nodded to the curious-looking girls around while talking to the wind early god.

"Uh... I always feel that your attitude towards other girls seems to be very patient," Feng Zao Shenren was a little bit savory.

"At least they have the appearance of a girl," Night Eclipse said meaningfully.

"Um... back to the topic just now, although it only takes a few patrols, but in fact, the strategic-level elves there must be re-sealed," Fengsao Shenren scratched his face.

"Do you want me to blow it up for you? Very thoughtful, once and for all," Ye Xiu patted Fengzao Shenren's face with approval.

"That..." A little cold sweat appeared on the face of the Fengzao Shenren, watching the night eclipse eagerly, as if he would rush out at any time.

Fortunately did not say the location!

Thinking that what he said next might be related to the biggest crisis in the history of the Aresia Academy, Feng Zao Shenren suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

"But before that, there is a more terrible problem!" Feng Zao Shenren wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Also? The Elf King is making noise again?!" Ye Eclipse's eyes lit up. He had long heard of the Elf King's moody character. In his opinion, he was just a bear kid. It would be fine to beat them until they dare not make a fuss. Yet!

Of course, in this place where the Elf King is equivalent to the world, it is estimated that few people have ever beaten the Elf King, so it can only make them noisy.

"It's not so exaggerated," Feng Zao Shenren grinned, and it is indeed more terrible than the strategic seal elves running away, and only the Elf King is mad again.

"Cut, but the destination is Claire's room. I don't know that I have guessed it much." Ye Eclipse scratched his head impatiently.

Feng Zao Shenren looked grateful.

You are such a good person!

If Feng Zao Shenren said so, it would be fine, what a pity!

As a person who has seen Claire's body, he dare to directly say that people have flat chests, and even know that he will be burned in the future. Will he who dare to say that people have flat chests speak such ordinary things!

"Night Eclipse you..."

"Actually Tsundere, right!"

The eclipse stopped instantly and looked forward blankly.

However, Feng Zao Shenren didn't even notice the abnormality of the night eclipse. Instead, he talked like a detective, "From the beginning, I was just skeptical. He clearly said that I would not be allowed to enter the bungalow and let me sleep in the stable. Stopped to fix me, but in the end I dragged it into the bungalow, gave me food and gave me the quilt. Today you can drive me away as you did before, but when you hear that I’m in danger, you still come with me, so I It can be judged!"

"You are the one!"


Ye Eclipse's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the Feng Zao Shenren who was still talking about it immediately realized how shocking things he had just said.

Whether it is gentle or a ghost, anyone who can be arrogant has a switch that cannot be touched.

But you can't expose him face to face as a tsundere!

Once you say it in front of him, congratulations, you will come across a life option, and the person chosen is not you, it's God.

Is the person who debunked his arrogant object?

To use the most demonstrative analogy, the pioneer of the tsundere world-the tsundere gun, no, it is the super-electromagnetic gun Misaka Mikoto.

Just like Misaka Mikoto was exhausted by the stripping mad, she also had a shy face, and she subconsciously released an electric or something, and would never deliberately attack that person.

But if it is changed to Kamijou Touma, I will say something in front of Misaka Mikoto.

You are actually arrogant, right??

So sorry, if you don't have a fantasy killer, then you will be electrocuted to death, if you have a fantasy killer, then you will be electrocuted to death, incidentally with iron sand attack and super-electromagnetic gun warning.

Isn't it exciting?

So the question is, what will happen when the night eclipse is revealed to be Tsundere?

The cold sweat on Fengzao Shenren's face was like a waterfall, and she could clearly feel that the originally gentle left hand of the night eclipse that was resting on her lower abdomen began to slowly tighten, and the soft flesh on her stomach was pinched again.

What made her even more terrified was that the night eclipse actually raised her head, which made her unable to judge whether the night eclipse was the shame of being exposed or the shame after being exposed.

"Hey...the wind early god..."

Night Eclipse slowly spoke, and the flat voice made Feng Zaoshen's scalp hairy.

"Humans are always exploring endlessly, but under endless exploration, they will always touch the so-called taboo..."

Night Eclipse lowered his head and showed an incredibly evil smile at Feng Zao Shenren.

"A taboo that humans can't bear!"

After seeing the smile of the night eclipse, Feng early Shenren knew that he was over.

"People must dare to accept who they are!"

"Then please accept your destiny," Eclipse raised his fist.

Feng Zao Shenren sighed, "Take it lightly."

"depend on mood."

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