Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 817

Ye Eclipse punched Feng Zao Shen Ren's head with a blank expression.

"It hurts! Yacht butterfly! Be light! It's going to break!"


Chapter 31 The so-called hell...

Under the iron fist of the night eclipse, Fengzhao Shenren understood a truth. Humans can explore the unknown, but in moderation.

Misfortune comes from the mouth.

This is the most critical...

In the end, Night Eclipse brought the Fengzao Shenren who suspected that his brain was about to burst to the door of Kleier's room.

"Come on, let me see the hell in your mouth," Night Eclipse took Feng Zao Shen Ren to the door of Claire's room.

"In every sense, I think it's hell," Feng Zao Shenren patted his forehead helplessly and pushed the door open.

"I'm going back," Night Eclipse glanced at Claire's room and left without thinking about it.

"Wait a minute!" Feng Zao Shenren quickly hugged the waist of the night eclipse, "Don't be fooled by the appearance of things! This is just an illusion of hell!"

Night Eclipse sighed, "Although in a sense this is indeed hell, a hell named Shurachang."

At the moment, there are two beautiful girls waiting for Fengzao Shenren in the room, one is Claire, who is obviously a little impatient, and another girl who is very well-trained and has a good body.

"What do you want me to do, help you pinch one of them?" Night Eclipse stretched out his left hand and pinched, a golden arc flashed past.

"Please don't do this!" Feng Zao Shenren looked horrified.

"Shenren?" Claire glanced at Fengzao Shenren suspiciously.

"Wait a minute!" Feng Zao Shenren glanced at Claire with a smirk, and then whispered to the night eclipse, "What do they say to conquer men's stomachs with cooking, but you know!"

"Oh, I understand," Ye Eclipse pushed away Feng Zao Shen Ren and walked into Claire's room, looking at the two girls waiting inside, "I am the master of Feng Zao Shen Ren, and what she eats must be I have eaten it, so take your food out and let me taste it."

"Why!" Claire exploded without a doubt.

"It doesn't matter to me, are you not confident?" Compared to Claire, another young girl looked calmer, and gracefully walked towards the night eclipse. "My name is Fiana Le Odesia. You just call me Fiana."

"You won," Eclipse pointed at Fijana without hesitation.

"Why!" Claire pulled out the whip very simply this time, and the flame elf Scarlet also jumped out, but the eyes looking at the eclipse were not hostile.

"Calm down Claire! You can't beat him!" Feng Zao Shenren quickly calmed Claire, "If you offend him again, he really can't win!"

"Eh~ the gods don’t want me to win? Hey, should I say something about Lian? Ashbel’s business is all right," Feiyana tossed her hair elegantly, looking at the sweaty Feng Zao. God man.

This child has a black belly...

"Anyway, please bring your food first." Eclipse sat unceremoniously on the chair with Erlang's legs raised, and intersected his fingers. "I'm very strict."

In other words, the food is prepared for the beloved (mist). It must be carefully prepared, and the taste must be almost somewhere.

I don't know why Feng Zao Shenren rushed back to help.

Until the two girls brought out the cooking for the one they loved--

"Did you deceive your feelings and deceive your body? Are people going to retaliate now?" Ye Eclipse's face was a little distorted, looking at a plate of dark things, and there was still a big red substance that was still tossing.

"Do you think I can do it?" Feng Zao Shenren said blankly.

She has no tools for crime.

"That's right," Night Eclipse picked up the spoon with some hesitation and looked at the weird food that was still churning. "You said that after I poke this spoon in, it's not only the handle that I took out."

"Please don't say such horrible things!" Feng Zao Shenren shuddered, and she was the one who was going to eat!

"It's really rude, it's for sure that you won't corrode the spoon," Fiana puffed out angrily.

"Is it only negative!"

"Ha! Miss Ben's can be imported!"

"Has it become better than anyone else to eat!"

"Emmm..." Night Eclipse hesitantly watched two standard dark dishes for a while, and began to call the Arthur trio.

Often they are always the most positive about food-related matters, but this time the three of them didn't say a word as if they were disconnected, and it took a long time before they responded.


Not food at all!

The night eclipse seems to have seen Altoria and Altria with a serious face and crazy hair on their heads, and Altria who pretends to be crazy on their heads.

Is food that even King Arthur can’t accept is really edible!

Night Eclipse looked entangled. It was true that his physical fitness was so strong that he could swallow poison and eat jelly beans as easily, but there is a kind of death called mental death. The body can bear it does not mean that the spirit accepts it.

Probably my head will drop after eating.

"I said... After cooking, won't you try to eat it yourself?" Night Eclipse put the spoon back, "If you haven't eaten it yourself, I will be judged directly."

"When... of course there is!" Claire rolled her head with a guilty face.

"Please," Night Eclipse pushed Claire's plate of coke toward her, and also poured her a glass of water very intimately, as if she had expected something.

"Don't you dare?"

When it was over, Feng Zao Shenren covered his face.

For people like Claire who can't stand the challenge, they don't dare, can't play, and are afraid of losing. This series of lines is like a switch. Once you press Claire, you will be led by the nose.

Sure enough, Claire didn't hesitate to stick a piece of coke into her mouth with a fork, and then her whole face began to twist, and her eyes filled with tears in the water that Night Eclipse had handed her.

"It seems that the winner is divided." Feyana smiled slightly and got up to leave.

"It's you," Ye Eclipse held Fiana's hand with a blank expression, and passed the spoon over, "rest assured, it won't be corroded."

"Really, how can you grab a girl's hand casually?" Fayana's face was a little stiff.

"That's right..." Eclipse nodded and let go of Feyana's hand, but before Feyana could breathe a sigh of relief, the lock of the sky on Eclipse directly lifted up and tied Feyana to it. On the chair, "I will let you go after I take a bite of your food."

"No! Maybe it will be dead!" Fayana's face was pale.

"Hey, good medicine is bitter," Ye Xi smirked and handed the food to Fiana.

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