Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 818

"Shenren save me!" Feiyana looked at Fengzao Shenren who was playing soy sauce with tears in her eyes.

"She originally planned to let you eat it," Ye Eclipse glanced at Feng Zao Shenren who was beginning to hesitate, "Otherwise you can eat it."

"Forget it!"

"Actually, Lian..." Feiyana rolled her eyes.

"It's too sweet," Eclipse quickly picked up the spoon and directly pierced Feyana's small cherry mouth.


Fayana turned her eyes and shook her body sharply, and fainted with her head tilted.

"Win or lose in points."

Chapter 32 The Heir to the Devil (laughs)

"It's a bit noisy—"

Night Eclipse sat up from the bed and glanced at the bright moon outside the window. Since just now, the sound of fighting can be vaguely heard in the college.

"Did the master noisy you to sleep?" The shadow by the window fluctuated and Leticia came out of it.

"It's just a little bit," The Eclipse yawned, sleepy eyes pulled off a coat on the shelf and put it on his shoulders, staggeringly supporting the window frame.

"Master, let me go," Leticia untied the ribbon on top of her head and turned into a royal sister's form, reaching out to support the somewhat unstable night eclipse.

"It's okay, it will be resolved soon," Eclipse waved his hand in a daze, grabbed the sword-shaped Esther placed on the bedside, and then jumped from the window.

"The master really fell asleep," Leticia patted her forehead and jumped down with the night eclipse. If the night eclipse accidentally fell asleep in the grass, wouldn't it be the best to miss a sleeper? opportunity!

As for taking the night eclipse back... I'm sorry, the quality of the mainland can't hold it!

"Who are you!?"

Alice clutched her injured arm and glared at a small figure in a hood not far in front of her.

"Answer me! Invaders!" Alice held the wind-wing gun in her hand with the pain.

However, the hooded intruder did not answer her, raised his right hand, and the blue and white thunder and lightning churned in the heart of his right hand.

"—Show up, Thunderbreaker!"

Alice's eyes narrowed and tried to avoid, but the sudden tingling on her feet made her fall to the ground with a scream.

"It's over!" Alice closed her eyes in despair.


The inexplicable touch on her face made Alice opened her eyes curiously. What entered the field of vision was the half-opened night eclipse, and he was now poking her finger at her somewhat dirty face.

"what are you doing?"

"Irreme!...No! Hurry up!" Alice subconsciously blushed and wanted to slap the night eclipse's hand, but when she saw the thunder light flashing behind the night eclipse, her face turned white, she immediately reached out to push her. Open the night eclipse, it is a pity that the night eclipse seems to be motionless like a mountain, but Alice seems to take the initiative to throw her arms.

"Will you give me a hug? Alice has become so bold," Night Eclipse hugged Alice very unceremoniously, and rubbed Alice's blue hair directly.

"Wait! Let go! Isn't it time to do this! There is an attack..." Alice's face was flushed flushing and she waved her small fist and beat the eclipse's chest, but she quickly reacted, as if there was an attack just now. !

"Attack?" Night Eclipse raised his eyebrows. It seemed that something had touched him just now, but the intensity was too light to be ignored.

"Yeah! The one behind you is the invader! Being the leader of the Wind King Knights is a bit conscious!"

"Ah~" Night Eclipse scratched his head helplessly and stood up to face the intruder who had been motionless since just now, "Isn't it just a bug? No wonder Vercelia said you are all third-rate."

Alice snorted coldly with a black face, her hands and her chest.

"Insect? Really arrogant," the intruder lifted his hood, "I'm Geo! It's a demon..."

"Ha~ can't help but hurry up, I have to go back to sleep," Night Eclipse yawned and interrupted Jiou's self-introduction directly, "Hurry up and show me any tricks."

The corner of Ji'o's mouth twitched, and the eclipse made him angry with his attitude as if he was watching a monkey juggling, "—show up! Fang wolf spirit!"

A ray of light flashed by, and a ferocious wolf pounced on the night eclipse.

"Very cute Wang Jiang," Night Eclipse touched his chin, raised Esther, and pierced it directly through the mouth of the tooth wolf elf, "but it's dead now."

Fortunately, after the elves died, they turned directly into ashes, so they didn't splash night eclipse blood.

"It's gone?"

"Don't underestimate people!" Geo's face was twisted, "——show up! Wind Spirit!"

The gust of wind swept towards the night eclipse, and then the night eclipse nodded comfortably, "You know that you can't beat me, so you give me a blow to please me? But sorry, I don't accept bribes."

"This guy! Run through him for me! The spirit of magic light!" Jiou's face cast a spear of light toward the night eclipse with a grim face.


The spear of light traversed the space and shattered when it touched the body of the night eclipse.

Eclipse patted his clothes, glanced at Geo with disgust, then turned and knelt down and stretched out his left hand to knead Alice's face mercilessly, "Why can't you beat this kind of scum! "

"Well—" Alice looked at the night eclipse grievously, but she couldn't say a word to refute, who made the night eclipse the boss now.

"Do not--"

"Don't underestimate me!"

Jiou's eyes were blood red, and he rushed towards the night eclipse.

"Show up! Sword Elf!"

A big sword shining with cyan light appeared in Geo's hand.

"Go to hell!"

Jio raised the big sword in his hand high and slashed it towards the head of the night eclipse.

"Be careful!" Alice screamed and pulled the collar of Eclipse.

However, it was too late, and the sword spirit, known for its sharpness and hardness, had appeared above the head of the night eclipse.

Alice closed her eyes in despair, no matter how strong the night eclipse is...


Jiou's face was completely distorted. He hoped that he was dreaming. The sword spirit, which was characterized by hardness and sharpness, would cut off someone's head first. Is this possible!

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