Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 820

"What about you?" When Claire and Feiyana each helped up a member of the Knights of the Wind King, they realized that Night Eclipse did not intend to help them, and vaguely meant to leave.

"Men and women are not getting married," Night Eclipse said lazily.

"What about the one in your arms!?" The two said at the same time.

"We have a good relationship," Eclipse said casually.

However, Alice was taken aback for a moment, and then the steam that was visible to the naked eye came out of her head, and then she passed out.


Chapter 34 The Innocent Alice

"you guys……"

Vercelia in her pajamas looked a little confused at the night eclipse standing at the door, and Alice, who was sleeping (?) with her eyes closed in her arms.

"Aren't you the same room? I sent your sister back." The Eclipse looked up and down Verseria, then nodded, "It was unexpectedly bold."

Vercelia blushed, but she quickly covered her chest calmly and stepped aside, "Did something happen?"

"There was a little bug of its own," Night Eclipse walked into their room holding Alice, and then said jokingly, "There is no such thing as a mess of underwear."

"No," Vercelia curled her lips.

Night Eclipse looked around for a while, it was really neat, but...

Night Eclipse tilted his head and glanced at some of the little rabbits and bear dolls placed on the bedside, "I didn't expect you to like this style of things, you really can't see it."

"That's Elise's things. I have no interest in those weak things at all." Vercelia leaned against the wall with her arms around her chest. "Alice is so weak because she is addicted to them."

"It's really harsh, Iris admires your sister very much," Ye Eclipse gently put Alice in her arms on the bed, squeezing her face like a joke, "She has been worry about you."

Vercelia looked at Alice in silence, clenched her arm unconsciously, and turned her head as if giving up after a while, "If she beats me, I will talk to her chat."

In the end, did the two sisters both die hard? Night Eclipse rolled her eyes, "Then I will take a good look at which of you two has stronger will."

"Isn't the result obvious," Verseria lowered her eyes, "Even if I lose my infinite power, it will not be easily defeated by Alice."

"What is your expression," Night Eclipse walked to the wall next to her head with her right hand in front of Vercelia, and her left hand raised her chin, looking at the slight loss on Vercelia's face. Night Eclipse was a little helpless, "Don't you also want to ease the relationship between you?"

"It has nothing to do with you," Verseria turned her head, trying not to look at the eyes of the night eclipse that seemed to reflect her inner heart. "I am a person who can do what I say."

"Really?" Night Eclipse loosened Vercelia's chin and stepped back a few steps, with her hands behind her back, "Then I hope that if you lose, you can keep your promise and leave it at my disposal."

Vercelia's expression became a little unnatural, "An Xin, I won't regret it."

"If you regret it, I will let you have a deep memory," Ye Eclipse smiled and picked up the Sky Lock.

"Already," Vercelia's mouth twitched.

Memories that will never be forgotten in this life!

"Then I wish you a good dream~" Eclipse flicked Vercelia's forehead lightly, and then left the room of Vercelia and Alice leisurely, and closed the door. .

"Really a frivolous man," Vercelia touched her forehead where the eclipse had been bombed, and then walked to the side of the sleeping Alice.


Just when Vercelia was about to untie Alice's clothes, Alice grabbed Vercelia's hand tightly and curled up.

"It really hasn't grown at all," Vercelia's eyes softened a lot, and she carefully pulled her hand out to help Alice untie her clothes.

"Well, the body has grown a lot..."

The next day, Ye Eclipse looked at Alice with a blushing face with her hands behind her with a puzzled face.

"what happened to you?"

"That...thank you for what happened yesterday, this is a thank you gift!" Alice faltered, took out a bento box from behind and handed it to the night eclipse.

"Eh, it's okay, I actually saw a lot of good things yesterday," Night Eclipse waved his hand nonchalantly.

For example, Vercelia's pajamas.

"Good stuff!?" Alice was stunned for a moment, then blushed as if thinking of something, and then backed away for several steps, "You guy wants to lie to me again! I've asked my sister, it's her Help me change clothes!"

"Aren't you expecting these things," Ye Eclipse approached Alice with a smirk, and at the same time stretched out her right hand toward Alice.

"No! I didn't!" Alice shook her head with a guilty conscience.

"It doesn't matter, Alice has reached this age, I don't mind being the object of your fantasy," the eclipse took the bento in Alice's hand, "because I have an honest knight, I often use me as her fantasy novel Object."

"What!?" Alice looked incredulous, and then strongly condemned, "How can such a knight be called upright! Then the one who serves himself...come..."

As if thinking of something, Alice became hesitated.

"Alice, you really..." Eclipse patted Alice on the shoulder with a helpless look, "Sometimes don't restrain yourself too much. Being able to sincerely face your desires is also a symbol of a mature knight. "

"Come on!" Alice rolled her eyes and patted Eclipse's hand away, "Anyway, you are planning to tease me again, right."

"A girl who is too smart is a little cute," Ye Eclipse curled her lips and opened the lunch in her hand, smelling it, "but a girl who can cook can get extra points, and you will definitely become a good wife in the future."

"That's it..." Alice played with the skirt a little embarrassedly, "I have been practicing cooking for the future husband-in-law."

"Your cooking is very delicious," Night Eclipse exclaimed while eating Alice's cooking, then tilted his head, and the next second a spear pierced his head.


"I see, Alice does not cook for me because she loves me and wants to marry me, but she simply admires me, right," Night Eclipse easily avoided Alice's random stabbing.

"The second half sentence is superfluous!" Alice blushed and waved the wind wing spear in her hand more quickly, "Who wants you to explain to yourself!"

"It's really boring. I always use stabs to hide my shyness. When your husband makes a joke with you, he won't be directly stabbed to death on the bed by you," Ye Eclipse shrugged and clamped firmly with chopsticks. Alice's wind-wing gun.

"Don't worry, my future husband must be a man who can easily catch my stabbing!" Alice raised her brows and said loudly.

Night Eclipse blinked. This world is typical of feminism. It is not the kind of women who are in power, but women’s combat effectiveness is really higher than that of men. Just like Alice, she can just stab her with a wind-wing gun. A huge boulder can be easily crushed, and ordinary men's legs are estimated to be soft when they see it, not to mention that Alice can easily catch her attack.

But isn't there a person who can easily catch her attack!

Eclipse smirkedly released Alice's wind-wing gun and opened her arms, "Really, Alice is really a shy child, just say it's me~"

Alice was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously recalled what she had just said, and combined with the way the night eclipse had just easily caught her attack.

Isn't she hinting at a night eclipse?


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