Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 821

The water vapor visible to the naked eye condensed in Alice's eye sockets, and her snow-white neck quickly covered a layer of blush from bottom to top.

"Hmm! It's not like this!"

Then Alice dropped her weapon and ran away, covering her face.

Chapter 35 Night Eclipse Full of Money Lending Talent

"As always innocent~"


Some people's gaze made Night Eclipse helplessly sigh, "Say good Esther first, I am not like this to all women."

"Stare—" Esther stared at the night eclipse with her big blue eyes still expressionless.

"It's just because Alice is so funny," Eclipse reluctantly put the chopsticks into the lunch box, and then rubbed Esther's head.

Esther gently rubbed the palm of Night Eclipse with his little head, and then slowly spit out a few words, "Night Eclipse H."

"It's really too much," Ye Eclipse shrugged with a wry smile and handed the lunch to Esther, "Do you want to taste it?"

"Well," Esther nodded and took the lunch and slowly ate it, not minding that the chopsticks were just used by Night Eclipse.

"Hey! I just saw Alice running away with her face covered in her face. You wouldn't have done anything to her again," At this moment, the god of wind walked slowly from the direction of Alice's escape, his face was full of suspicion. .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh doubted the innocence of others as soon as I opened my mouth. I am obviously my slave but I don't even call out the most basic master. I treat you well. I didn't let you do anything harmful to the world or warm your bed. Give you the same food as me," Night Eclipse lifted a dead fish eye, "It seems that tomorrow I can only let you squat in the corner and eat dry food."

"Please don't do this, Master!" Feng Zao Shenren quickly put his hands together and lowered his proud head.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter with me?" Ye Eclipse breathed out a smirk at Feng Zao Shenren.

"I hate it, why do you think I always have something to find you?" Feng Zao Shenren scratched his head with a smile.

"Huh? Isn't it?" Night Eclipse asked rhetorically.

"It seems so," Feng Zao Shenren dropped his hands weakly, "I want to ask you for help..."

"Let's talk about it, what are you going to give," Ye Xixie smiled and stretched out his hand to Feng Zao Shenren, "Is there anything you have to betray me..."

"Um...why do you want a devilish tone?" Feng Zao Shenren took a step back in fear, holding her chest, she always felt like she was dealing with the devil.

"I'm the demon king~ Is it possible that every time you have something I have to help you for free? You can't do it, you treat me as a thug!" Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "I will also charge for the last time I helped you. of."

"What's this! Didn't you eat that time!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes suddenly burst, and she was reasonable that time she was counting on Claire and Feyana's dark cooking to kill the night eclipse. God knows them both. I actually killed myself!

"If you didn't have me, you might have been sent away by Fiana's food," Night Eclipse curled his lips, "I tell you, if you want to go wrong, I will force you to take it, but don't cry if you suffer a lot. I'm saying I didn't remind."

"Hey!!!" Feng Zao Shenren only felt a bit of chill from his spine to the back of his head.

"By the way, what you pay is not what you give, but..." Night Eclipse smiled evilly, "It's what I want!"

"Isn't this still the same!"

"It's not the same, one is that I force you, and the other..."

"You forced me to voluntarily, right," Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes.

"That's right," Night Eclipse gave a thumbs up, as if he was a child.

"Although we have not known each other for a long time, I have a deep understanding of your degree of ghosts and animals, so I still think about it," Fengzhao Shenren withdrew, based on her understanding of night eclipse ghosts and animals, he was referring to the rest It will probably make her want to commit suicide in shame.

"Eh~Shenren, you know me so much that I am very happy, but is this really good~" Night Eclipse raised his eyebrows, showing a smile that made Fengzao Shenren shiver fiercely.

"I like to settle accounts at one time. Anyway, it will make you ashamed and want to commit suicide. It is better to owe a little more. Anyway, to a certain extent, you don’t care. It’s just like owing a debt. If you can’t afford it, let’s have a good time and owe more~"

"If you go out to lend money, you will definitely make a group of people unable to pay the debt," Feng Zao Shenren gritted his teeth, "You demon!"

"Why, I didn't force it, it was because they couldn't bear the temptation. Maybe at that time they would still think of the idea of ​​running quickly after the flowers," Ye Eclipse shrugged, "So, the determined Feng Zao Shenren Classmate, would you like to borrow money from me as a devil~"

"Hmm...then you at least let me know what will happen to me," Fengzhao Shenren looked at each other with Ye Eclipse shaking his eyes and gave up.

"Relax, I will take the most precious one last," Ye Eclipse licked his mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't change it until I die," Feng Zao Shenren said firmly, clutching his chest.

"Well, I'm very confident in your willpower~" Ye Eclipse glanced up and down at Feng Zao Shenren with a smile, and then Feng Zao Shenren's hands covering his clothes tightened.

"An Xin, you will wear women's clothing for a few days after this time~"

"Huh? Don't you know that I can't be violent..." Feng Zao Shenren's face was unbelievable, and then a terrible thought came to his mind, Feng Zao Shen's face immediately became pale, "You shouldn't let me Wear women's clothing like this!"

"Otherwise," Ye Eclipse shrugged, "If you get rid of that, don't you tell others that you are the strongest sword dancer Jilian? Ashbel?"

"Isn't that just pure perversion!" Feng Zao Shenren resisted.

"Hey! You obviously don't have any psychological pressure to pretend to be a man, why would you feel abnormal if you let you wear a woman?" Ye Eclipse poke Feng Zao Shenren's face with a finger, "Don't you think it is too much!"

"But... men's women's clothing..." Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse with tears, "How about I just show you the original dress? You can let me wear anything!"

The night eclipse hesitated for five seconds, and countless costumes flashed through his mind, but he was not the kind of person who thought with his lower body, so he simply refused.

"No, I said, it's not what you give, but what I want!"

"Hmm..." Feng Zao Shenren unwillingly grasped the night eclipse's clothes, and his body began to show signs of returning to Lotus?

"If you talk nonsense, I will tell Claire that you are Lian? Axiubel," In order to prevent myself from being tempted by the wind early gods accidentally, the night eclipse directly imitates the truth of Feyana using the wind early gods. Identity threatens.

"If Claire knows that she worships the idol the most, the strongest sword dancer Jilian? Ashuper is a woman who can only kneel and lick me..."

"Ghosts have done this kind of thing!" Feng Zao Shenren slammed into Night Eclipse's chin.

"What a grumpy little wild cat," Night Eclipse stretched out his left hand to directly cover Fengzaoshenren's head, "How? Anyway, it is Fengzaoshenren who is considered abnormal instead of Lian? Ashbel~"

"Ah-that's not all the same!"

"Then you decide for yourself."

"You know threatening people!" Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse with tears, trying to let the night eclipse conscience discover it.

It's a pity that Night Eclipse doesn't eat her at all. "Sometimes threats can narrow the distance between each other, so that we can communicate more intimately and more conveniently!"

"You are the only one who is convenient!"

Chapter 36 New Posture

"Oh~has everyone here?"

The night eclipse's hands around the chest very naturally greeted the people who were pulling the horse wind Zao Shenren.

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