Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 822

"Why are you here!" Claire was a little dissatisfied.

"Emmm...because that kid beat us from the Wind King Knights, so I want to fight back," Ye Eclipse wanted to say directly that Feng Zao Shenren begged him to help, but saw Feng Zao Shenren pray After the look in his eyes, Night Eclipse changed for a simpler and rude reason.

"This really fits your style," Claire believed it without even suspicion, and didn't ask why he didn't set off with Alice.

Ye Eclipse curled his lips and looked at the strange master and servant behind Feng Zao Shenren, "I remember you don't seem to be in the same team."

"Hmph, of course, this young lady can't look down on helping them~" Lin Silei said arrogantly, shaking her blond hair. At first glance, she thought she was a defiant lady.

"The eldest lady meant she was worried that something would happen to them, so she came to help."

Then Carol, who was useless except for translating the words of the master, succeeded in making Linselei her true face.

"It seems to be someone else," Ye Eclipse nodded his head and found that there was missing some purple hair that had been attached to Feng Zaoshen.

"Eh oh oh-help!"

A cry of grief came from behind them, and then they saw Fijana being thrown off the back by the crazy horse.

"Help! God man!"

Flying in the air, Fei Yana screamed, but Feng Zao Shen Ren seemed to be taken aback by her appearance, just like that, Fei Yana had already flown through Feng Zao Shen Ren straight in the direction of the night eclipse. Flew over.

Fayana's purple eyes and the golden cross pupils of the night eclipse were precisely aligned, and Fayana was sure that the night eclipse knew what she meant.


Then Night Eclipse grinned and watched Feiyana fly over. Throughout the whole process, Feiyana watched the night eclipse closely, her eyes changing from reassuring to doubting to disbelief, and finally to despair.


Fiana fell to the ground, the plump twin peaks almost cruelly crushed.

"I can't believe it!" Feiyana stood up immediately and walked directly to the night eclipse without taking any dust on her skirt. "You actually saw myself falling to the ground, can't you hear my cry for help!? "

"Aren't you the god-man shouting?" Night Eclipse stretched out a little embarrassedly, "In case you want to create an opportunity for the god-man hero to save the beauty, I am not very embarrassed if you are accidentally intercepted by me."

"And it's the god-man who didn't catch your relationship!" Night Eclipse did not hesitate to draw the flames of war to the god-man Fengzao.

"Why blame me again!" Feng Zao Shenren wailed. She is not a god, and she can predict that Feiyana will come on stage like this. If she missed it, she wouldn't be able to come back at that speed!

"Then the gods missed it, why didn't they come to save me!" Fayana knew that it was her fault if she entangled so much, but she still couldn't let go of the night eclipse smile.

That is the terrible smile that I can save you, but I am even more curious how far you can fly!

"Your Royal Highness, men and women can't accept it!" The night eclipse took a step back, comparing his hands with a big cross on his chest.

A shock of thunder slashed behind everyone, and Feyana's mouth twitched. She didn't expect that night eclipse would use such a reason.

Feng Zao Shenren curled his lips, and the ghost believed that the man and woman in his mouth were incompatible. He knew that she was a daughter, and he stretched out his hands to pinch her belly and said she was fat!

"Okay, count you cruel!" Feiyana turned her head around her chest and chest bulging.

"OK, then we pack up and get ready to go!" Eclipse twisted his wrist.

"But what should I do if there are not enough horses here?" Fayana rolled her eyes, and stretched out her hand to cover the arm of Fengzao Shenren who was touching his belly, "Then I will be with the Shenren."

"Why!" Claire was undoubtedly angered by Fiana's behavior.

"Because I don't know how to ride a horse, and the head of our Wind King Knights does not have a horse, I can only be with others," Feiyana took it for granted.

"You can join me," Claire said through gritted teeth.

Fijana glanced up and down at Claire, especially after staying on Claire's chest very deliberately for a while, and then said in a very suffocating tone, "I'm sorry for the safety of my life or forget it. "

"What do you mean!"

"I can't catch it!" Fijana rolled her eyes.

"Huh—" Claire exhaled heavily, and then called out Scarlett with a smile on his face, "Now burn the excess fat~"

"Huh? Then let me make your airport a little bit more level," said Fijana, taking out two elven ore from her pocket.

"Aren't you going to stop it?" Lin Silei cautiously bypassed Claire and came to the night eclipse.

"Two stubborn people can only burst out the brilliance of friendship by rubbing each other," Ye Eclipse smiled playfully.

"Huh?" Lin Silei looked puzzled.

But Carol next to her does look like I understand, "Mr. Eclipse means it's really interesting to watch them pinch each other, so I'd better watch them by the side."

The eclipse was a bit speechless for a while, and it was a special translator for Miss Tsundere!How did it translate to his head!

"You are really nasty," Lin Silei looked disgusted, but did not walk away from the night eclipse, after all, the two over there were still going to fight.

Lin Silei sighed, holding her forehead with a headache, "If you don't stop them, we don't know when we will be able to set off. The mine is a whole day away from here."

"Lin Silei, I suddenly found that you are the most reliable person here," Ye Eclipse pressed Lin Silei's shoulder with emotion on his face. Housework is omnipotent and kind-hearted. Although he likes to be pushy, compared to the surroundings People are really normal.

"Wha...cough cough cough, isn't this of course," Lin Silei was startled by the movement of the night eclipse, and then turned her head blushing after reacting.

"Miss is shy..." Carol smiled secretly while covering her mouth.

"Carol, don't talk nonsense!"

Although this was the case, Lin Selei's increasingly rosy face was not convincing at all.

As expected, they are all innocent eldest...

"But you are right about one thing," Eclipse snapped his fingers, and the lock of the sky that was wrapped around him shot out and tied Fiana and Claire and hung them in the air. "It's time to go. Up."

"Let me down!"*2

Claire and Fiana covered their skirts with flushing faces in sync.

"Look at your reaction..." Ye Eclipse licked his mouth playfully, "You don't want to wear something that is so amazing~"

"No!" Claire flushed even more.

"Do you want to see it? As long as you give me the man of God, I don't mind letting you see it~ this is the bottom of the princess's skirt~" Compared to Claire, Fiana is extremely bold, even Licking his lips.

"Emmm... do you think you have a decision?" Ye Eclipse looked strange, "I can just turn you upside down right now."

"Um..." Fijana shut up instantly.

"Sample~" Ye Eclipse snorted disdainfully, "Now it's time to go."

"It's an honor to be able to board Vimona!"

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