Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 823

Huge golden ripples appeared in the sky, and the golden Vimana appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Chapter 37 is over with a boom

Facts have proved that Vimona’s speed is really fast. The so-called one-day journey will arrive at dusk. Of course, if it weren’t for Elise and the others to be picked up on the road, and other people’s mentality can’t bear the speed, night The eclipse is sure to be there in just one or two hours.

"But it seems that we ran into the little bug head-on," Night Eclipse laughed playfully while supporting his chin, and Geo was sneaking towards the mine right under them.

"That's..." Alice squinted her eyes on the edge of Vimalakirti. She didn't have the ability to perceive a night eclipse, but she could still vaguely see a figure walking in the ruins.

"He doesn't want to liberate the strategic seal spirit!"

"He must be stopped! Ye...cough, let's go down, master," Feng Zao Shenren was a little worried.

"There should be no other people besides the invaders," the night eclipse didn't descend immediately but asked a question that confuses everyone.

"Uh... this place has been abandoned for many years, there should be no one," Alice replied after thinking about it.

"That is, it doesn't matter even if it's gone here, right," Night Eclipse gently tapped on the armrest of the throne, "As for the life and death of the invader, it seems that we have nothing to do with us."

"Hey hey hey! Wouldn't you just want to destroy the entire mine directly!" Feng Zao Shenren looked terrified, "Even you can't do it!"

"That means it doesn't matter if you can do it~" Night Eclipse stretched out his right hand, as if to snap his fingers.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Feng Zao Shenren immediately grabbed the right hand of Night Eclipse, "What if you are so messy if you let the elf out!"

"Will it?" The night eclipse passed by Feng Zao Shenren and looked at the professional Fei Yana.

"If you don't go through the formal liberation ceremony, the elves won't come out, but..." Fijana was a little tangled, "It shouldn't be possible if it is violently bombed."

If violence can unlock the seal, then there is no need for a liberation ceremony.

"Have you heard, so don't get in the way of the gods," Ye Eclipse pushed the face of the gods and gods in dissatisfaction.

"No, we are already crowded, and now we can end it with a rush of punches!"

"Actually, the man of God, I did not attack the snapping finger because I had to flick it, but it was boring to stop the opposing second without saying a word," Night Eclipse spread his hands helplessly, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Don't you already..." Feng Zaoshen's face went black.

"Yes, it's already gone," Night Eclipse smiled slightly.

I don't know when a hole was opened at the bottom of Vimana, and a shiny object fell towards the mine in the evening.


There were no countless screams, no sound of collapsed buildings, just a loud noise, nothing was seen, and the deserted land of the former mining city was directly razed to the ground.

As for Gio...

Who cares?

"After finishing work..." Night Eclipse stretched out and looked at the sluggish people around, "What kind of expressions are you guys."

"No... our mission is to patrol the mine," Feng Zao Shenren spit out these few words after holding back for a long time.

Night Eclipse blinked, "Isn't that good, the mine is safe, and then it's gone."

"Yes, I guess it won't be dangerous anymore," Feng Zao Shenren's mouth twitched.

Because the whole mine has gone to hell!

"Night Eclipse, do you know what you did!" Alice rushed to the night eclipse sitting on the throne, pulling the collar of the night eclipse and shaking it vigorously, "Even if there is really no one here, you can't say If it blows up, it will blow up, in case those nobles come to the dean, they won’t be able to protect you!"

"Emmm... Tell me which nobles will trouble me. I'll go to them and throw something shiny," Eclipse touched his chin and looked at Alice seriously.

Linselei's face twitched and immediately said, "We, Lauren Frost, don't care about this. Anyway, it's better to put it on the ground.

"Do you know how many ancient monuments there are!" Alice yelled at Linsley, then turned her head and stared at the eyes of the night eclipse, "We, Frankelto, are not greedy for life or death. family!"

Linselei's face turned black, and she felt an inexplicable physical attack.

"Does the knight all have their own ribs?" The Eclipse reached out helplessly and grabbed Alice's hair into a bird's nest. "This city is sealed with a strategic level seal elf, this kind of uncontrolled thing. Like a bomb, it can explode at any time. Destroying is the right choice, and this fairy is the kind you want to destroy, but it can’t be destroyed, isn’t it?"

"Uh..." Alice calmed down, thinking about the night eclipse, it is indeed correct, the kind of strategic seal elves that do not have hundreds of people can not control them at all, in case one day there is a malicious person. Come to liberate it, then it is the real disaster.

"Well, I will treat you as kind, but what if you accidentally damage the seal?" Alice loosened the collar of the night eclipse.

"Well then," Eclipse snapped his fingers as if it didn't matter.

A few more shiny things fell.

After several deafening roars, the flat land became a bottomless pit.

Regardless of whether the strategic seal elf is liberated or not, it is certain that it will either die or never want to appear again.

It's a perfect result, I deserve it!

Eclipse held his forehead somewhat narcissistically.

"You guy didn't listen at all!" Alice pulled up the collar of the night eclipse with tears in her eyes, but this time the two students who came with Alice were very witty and stood up Ellie. wire.

"Then what am I here for?" Fayana pointed to herself with a wry smile. The biggest and most important effect of this mission as a professional wizard Ji participated in this mission was the re-seal of the multi-strategic seal wizard. But Night Eclipse blasted this away without saying a word, wouldn't she...

Is it useless at all...

Before she knew it, Fijana's eyes dimmed a lot.

"Hey, are you underestimating yourself?" Night Eclipse raised an eyebrow. "You have a very strong elf, at least a high-level elf in the row. You don't have to use that thing to deceive people. "

Fayana's face stiffened, she smiled bitterly under the bewildered eyes of everyone, and took out a piece of scarlet elf ore from her chest.

At the moment when they saw the elven ore, people except the night eclipse and the wind early gods breathed.

"What's the matter? Is that thing very valuable?" Ye Eclipse, who has no common sense of this kind of thing, looked at Feng Zao Shenren with suspicion, "When Fiana wanted to buy you, didn't she just take out three yuan?"

"I don't know," Feng Zao Shenren also scratched the back of her head in confusion, she had no common sense of such a valuable thing.

"Are you really elf messengers?" Claire couldn't bear it.

"This is the blood of the Elf King, the secret treasure of the Odyssey Empire," Fiyana fiddled with the ore in her hand.

"Eh~Aren't you falling out of favor? Can you still get this kind of baby?" The night eclipse has weird eyes. In the empire, princesses who fell out of favor like Feyana basically had only one ending, that is, getting married, or Married to his general, it was the first time he saw a princess holding a national treasure.

Could it be a conspiracy?

The look in Feyana's eyes during the night eclipse immediately became much more sinister.

"It's really rude, I just dropped it out upright!" Fiyana straightened her chest proudly.

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