Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 824

Yeah...Don't be so proud if you steal something, okay?

"God man! This princess is cheating!" It was Claire who suddenly pointed to Feyana with an angry expression.

"I've told the truth!" Fayana held the blood of the Elf King in her hands angrily.

"You are a fake princess at all!"

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Feyana's chest.

"No... don't look!" Fayana squatted down with a flushed face covering her chest.

"Oh, woman..." Ye Eclipse smiled disdainfully, looking up at the sky.

Shrunk so much, it's really greedy...

Chapter 38 It's Valentine's Day Again


Feng Zao Shenren patted the table with a sad face and sighed constantly.

"I said, God, you don’t have to sigh all the time. Isn’t it because the softness of your arm that you often touch your arm consciously or unconsciously is actually the cushion?" Night Eclipse took a sip of coffee and placed the cup on I got on the table, put the leaflet in my hand and smiled disdainfully, "Anyway, you don't have that function, and you won't regret that you reacted to such things because you were attracted by fakes."

"You think I'm scared of that...that..." Fengzhao Shenren raised his head suddenly, but when he thought of that stuff Fengzhao Shenren felt extremely ashamed, and his tongue knotted unconsciously.

"Go on~" Ye Eclipse looked expectantly at the Fengsao Shenren whose skin was starting to flush, "The strongest sword dancer is really H~"

"My name is innocent!" Feng Zao Shenren stood up and said loudly, then sat down with a puff and covered his face with his hands, "You let me say something, I really want to die..."

Ye Eclipse curled his lips, took a sip of coffee and happily admired Feng Zaoshenren's self-loathing.

"You are so cheeky~"

Then make up for it.


"What has been worrying me recently, just a few words make me happy," Night Eclipse leaned on the chair with his arms around his chest and looked down at Feng Zao Shenren.

"I would be very happy if there is no second half sentence," Feng Zao Shenren sighed and propped up his chin, and gently scratched his left hand on the table. "It's about to be the Valentine's holy sacrifice, but Claire and Fiana What..."

Before finishing talking, Feng Zao Shenren covered her face again. It's not that she can't tell, but she really can't tell what it is, or is it really chocolate?!Why is there a lizard in it!

"It's really the ugly face of a winner in life," Ye Eclipse curled his lips. It was so distressed that two girls gave me chocolates that I should eat. At first glance, they were troubles but actually showing off cheeks. Night Eclipse did not hesitate to give him Tianzhu, but unfortunately Feng Zao Shenren was really troubled because...

What Feng Zao Shenren is about to receive is - believe it or not, chocolate that might die if you eat it.

"Hey~ If you don't have a strong one, the peach blossom luck will have to become a peach blossom tribulation~" The night eclipse took a sip of coffee, gloating.

"It is a disaster for me," Feng Zao Shenren held his chin covered with black lines, "Feng Zao Shenren cannot be by their side for the rest of their lives."

And her orientation is very normal!At the beginning, I was determined to help Claire only purely because of kindness, but now I think she is pretty cute, but Feiyana knows that she is a woman and deliberately fixes her, obviously just pure and interesting!

"What do you say, master," Feng Zao Shenren shifted his eyes to the night eclipse while drinking coffee calmly.

"For the sake of the smoothness of your master's call, I can tell you clearly." The night eclipse shook the cup unhurriedly. "I am a very mature person and I am a little interested in this kind of thing. nothing."

Feng Zao Shenren took advantage of the leisurely night eclipse to shake the cup and quickly reached out his hand and took the leaflet placed on the side before the night eclipse and erected it in front of the night eclipse, with a strange smile on his face.

"Then why is there no interest at all, the mature night eclipse master will take the leaflet of the lover's sacrament and read it with relish~"

"Heh, on such a lively day, criminals will definitely be mixed in. As the leader of the Wind King Knights, of course he has the duty to patrol," Night Eclipse calmly touched Ace who was hanging on his waist. Special, "If you want to ask why you want to draw a circle in some places, I regret to tell you, because I think there is more likely to be an accident, so I marked it."

"The master is really foresight," Feng Zao Shenren's eyes rolled round and revealed a malicious smile, but unfortunately, the night eclipse did not see it because of the fact that the leaflet was blocked.

"Of course, how could I be selfish ~" Ye Eclipse smiled disdainfully.

Demo, your tricks are all bad for me...

"But..." Feng Zao Shenren smiled slightly, and then pretending to be puzzled, pointed to an obvious circle on the leaflet that was very powerful when drawing, "Why do you want to write here? Did you receive Sakura’s chocolate here?"

Ye Eclipse's face froze first, and then he jumped up a little excitedly, "How is it possible! I obviously wrote it in another Xuan..."

"Ah..." Fengzhao Shenren looked dumbfounded at the night eclipse that suddenly closed her mouth and said nothing. She just tried it. Who knew that the night eclipse not only jumped in, but also jumped directly to the innermost.

Eclipse sat back blankly and drank coffee.

"Oh~" Feng Zao Shenren raised his eyebrows, looking at the night eclipse that was very calm, but his eyes kept flickering.

The wind is flying early...

"I drank the coffee," Night Eclipse stood up with the coffee he drank in one sip, and walked towards the kitchen with a bit of stiffness.

"Wait a minute! I am mature, and have no interest in the saint of lovers at all, and also a selfless master~" For the first time, the god of Fengzhao had the wonderful illusion that he could stand up as a serf and sing.

"Um..." Night Eclipse froze in place.

"Why do you look forward to Miss Yae Sakura's chocolates in places that require more attention, Master?" Fengsao Shenren covered his mouth pretendingly in surprise, "Master, you actually said that you want to patrol. I just want to take the opportunity to date Miss Yae Sakura."

"Ha—" Night Eclipse exhaled heavily, "Shenrenchan, do you know why those undercover agents are always the first to die?"

Feng Zao Shenren, who was originally a little proud of taking the top spot in front of the night eclipse, couldn't laugh immediately.

I remember that the last time Eclipse was silent, it was exposed to her face that he was Tsundere, and then she suffered a series of headshots, and Eclipse was still the kind of fist that shook your head without making you amnesia.

"That... I was joking just now. Don't mind, Master. How could you be so selfless and do this kind of thing?" Feng Zao Shenren scratched his head with a sneer, while preparing for the night eclipse with his back facing her. Quietly buggered.


Feng Zao Shenren's eyes shrank, and the night eclipse in her vision disappeared without warning, and the next moment a hot wind blew her ears.

"Ah!" Feng Zao Shenren yelled cutely.

"An Xin, I will only punish you a little, yes, a little punishment," In order to prevent Feng Zao Shenren from running away, Ye Eclipse opened her arms and hugged her from behind Feng Zao Shenren.

"That..." Fengzao Shenren swallowed. If it is normal, it might shyly twist its body, but this time she dare not at all, "Please let it go."


Ye Eclipse sneered sneer, his hands went directly into the hem of Feng Zao Shenren's clothes and touched her delicate skin.

"Don't touch, don't touch! I was wrong! Next time I won't dare anymore! There is...why!!!"

"Pinch my belly again!"

Chapter 39 Is your chest a four-dimensional pocket!

"How could things become like this! This is a conspiracy! Master, please save me!"

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