Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 825

"You can make up classes with peace of mind!"

Eclipse didn't hesitate to kick the Fengzaoshenren who was trying to hold his thigh into the classroom.

"Why did that fool of the god-man hang up all?" Claire was too lazy to be angry, and watched silently as the early god-man was taken to the seat by the class teacher.

"Because he is an idiot," Night Eclipse said confidently, with his hands behind his back, "My poor little idiot slave seems to be able to make up for it at least until night~"

"But no matter how stupid it is, it's impossible to hang up all of them," Feyana's purple eyes fixedly stared at the night eclipse, "Aren't you the head of a ghost animal who moved something."

Intuition is accurate, but it's useless...

The night eclipse had a face. Feiyana scanned Feiyana with a very dazzling gaze like a scanner, and grinned after staying on her chest for a long time, "An Xin, fake milk princess, how to abuse I know the private rights very well."

Just like on the battlefield where you would lose your life at any time, the first idea for Night Eclipse to get the small seal of Angers that represents the power of the principal was to take it back and give the Lion Heart and the Equipment Department more funds. In fact, He just did it...

This time he just came to Grevas with a few words. The foundation of the gods is not solid, and some things about nobles are completely unknown. Do you dare to believe that she doesn't even know the blood of the Elf King?What if you eat the blood of someone else's Elf King at the Sword Dance Festival?

Then Grevas convinced that Feng early Shenren died...

"What do you mean by fake milk!" Fijana covered her chest with her hands and her cheeks flushed.

"It means literally, you princess with breast pads!" This time Claire stood on the side of the night eclipse and started taunting Fiana.

Fiyana was recruited, Fiyana counterattacked, Fiyana attacked the enemy's fatal weakness and produced a critical strike.

"Huh? I'm sorry, even if you put ten pads on it, you can't keep up with my heels," Fiana stood up and looked down at Claire. "Ahhhh~ I saw your feet all at once, say you The cushion won’t slide down directly!”

"Ping'er classmate!"

"Now burn off your excess fat," Claire called out her fairy costume.

"Huh? Then I'll help you polish your slab a little brighter!" Feiyana smiled coldly, and an elf covered in armor and holding a knight sword and shield appeared in front of her. "you are welcome!"

"Oh? Is it possible to summon the elves?" Night Eclipse looked at the knight elves with interest.

"Yes, this lady called it out for her yesterday," Lin Silei walked out from behind the night eclipse, shaking her hair triumphantly, expressing her expression on her face.

"Well, sure enough, Lin Selei, you are the most reliable of these people," Ye Eclipse smiled lightly and touched Lin Selei's head.

"Ah, this... isn't it of course!" Linselei blushed.

"Ah, Missy is shy," Carol snickered.

"Carol!" Linselei flushed, raised her fist and punched Carol's shoulder.

"I'm very curious about how you did it," Eclipse touched her chin and looked at Lin Silei curiously.

You must know that Fijana is the second princess of the Odyssey Empire and the second seat of the Divine Hall. Even so, she can't restore the connection between herself and the elves, but Linsele recovered after less than a day.

This is really curious.

"Isn't it very simple?" Linsele raised the corner of her mouth, "Encountering a deadly dangerous elf allows nature to break through the barrier of fear."

Fayana, who was confronting Claire inexplicably, shivered and turned her head vigilantly. When she saw Linselei, she was shocked and took a few steps back and hurriedly took out a few pieces from her chest. The elven ore was tremblingly held in his hand, and the knight who stood in front of Claire decisively abandoned the target and stood in front of Lin Si Lei, apparently Lin Si Lei was more dangerous in the subjective thinking of the elves.

"What did you do?"

"No, I just kept shooting her with the Bow of Demon Ice in the real world," Lin Silei shook her hair, "Shoot and shoot, Feyana was crying for her father and mother for a long time. When someone rescued her, the knight was called out."

"It's too much!" Seeing Linselei very directly exposed her scar, Fayana blushed and explained, "That's... by the way! I was shocked by you!"

"Don't explain, you all understand," Night Eclipse patted Lin Silei on the shoulder. "Good job."

"Of course! Our Lauren Frost family is best at playing with prey when hunting, and giving them a fatal blow when they are exhausted!" Linselei looked proud with her hands around her chest.

"Eh~ I'm also very good at juggling, why don't we have time to chat," Night Eclipse's eyes lit up.

"!? That's great...cough cough! Of course, we can share hunting skills with each other," Lin Silei's eyes lit up, and then said pretendingly, but her ears were flushed. It exposed her heart that was actually quite happy.

Carol looked at Linsley, who was smirking unconsciously, with a smile on her face.

The eldest lady looked very happy.

"Don't prey on others without authorization!" Fijana waved her fist dissatisfiedly, "Wouldn't you really make a fatal blow when I was exhausted!"

"This is not for..." Lin Silei flicked her hair stiffly, then turned her head guiltily, "Of course not."

"You look into my eyes and speak!"

The more Feiyana thought about it, the more horrified she felt. When she was exhausted that day, Lin Silei did indeed pull her bow with a smile that made her scalp numb. What's more terrifying was Lin Silai even after letting go. She was frightened, or damn dying, at that moment Fijana almost peeed in shock.

Then her guardian elf was summoned by her.

Afterwards, Feiyana still took Linselei's hand very gratefully. If it hadn't been for her realistic acting skills to drive her to a dead end, she might not be able to get through the knot in her life, at that time Linselei's expression was very unnatural. , Like a relief, but also a guilty conscience...

Now it seems.

Damn it!If it weren't for my old lady to be good enough, I wouldn't be shot to death there with an arrow!

"Aren't you dead?" Linselei curled her lips.

"Why didn't you shoot her to death!" Claire glared at Lin Silei with a dissatisfaction, "Do you dare to call yourself an ice demon like this!"

"Isn't it unexpected that she suddenly called the elves out!" Lin Silei's voice was rarely aggrieved.

"Don't be wronged!" Feyana was a little crazy.

"They will definitely have a very interesting reaction together." Eclipse touched the non-existent beard.

"The eldest lady is actually very happy," Kahlo said softly, reaching the ear of Eclipse, "Thank you."

Night Eclipse smiled slightly, squinting at the three noisy people.

"It's okay, I'm used to taking care of the kid."

"In fact, the young lady is well-developed, and even though the second princess has a cushion, it's actually pretty good," Kahlo carefully took out a book from her chest, "Ms. Alice is really rough, do you want to know their size? Actually, I don’t mind telling you what color underwear they are wearing today~"

The night eclipse was silent, and countless questions floated through his mind.

Why do you hide a book in your chest?

Why do you both hide things in your chest?

Why can't I see that there is such a big thing hidden in your chest?

There is...

"How did you get this information?"

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