Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 835

The Silent Fortress, where all the means of attack were sealed, suddenly disappeared. After losing the target of the attack, Alice panicked for a while. At this moment, Vercelia suddenly appeared in front of her and held Alice’s spear with her left foot. Smashed the ground, and slammed her towards Claire with the help of Alice's own dash forward.

Claire, who didn't react, ran into Alice directly.

"Unexpectedly, she untied the armor!" Linselei shot the ice bullet at Vercelia without hesitation. The most troublesome thing in their battle was the almost unsolvable defensive power of Vercelia, but Now she has solved it by herself!

"I understand."

Facing Linsley’s attack, Vercelia didn’t panic or waved forward, and the ground cracked. Two barrels broke through the ground and blocked her in front of her. The Ice Bolt shot the cannon without any surprise. The tube freezes.

"Your attack is mainly to contain my attack."

Two more barrels emerged from behind Vercelia and fired two shots directly in the direction of Linsley, but Linsley was directly attacked.

"Well, your level is good." Vercelia nodded.

"You are too arrogant! Go and help them Geochius!" Fayana, who was doing Kagura, waved her hand, and Geochius, who was holding a knight sword and shield, started directly in the direction of Verseria. Sprint.

"It's useless."

The huge silent fortress once again appeared and smashed into Georgius in a nearly crushing manner. Even Georgius, who had super defensive power, was almost crushed, but it still held it firmly. The shield competed against Silent Fortress, even if the shield was full of cracks.

"Withdraw the preface, you are not bad too."

The barrel on the Silent Fortress was turned to the cracked Geochius.

"But not enough, not enough to drive me into desperation."

The artillery fired, and the high-ranked Saint Elf Geochius was bombarded by countless shells and disappeared.

"So it won't be available for the time being."

"Geochius!" Feyana wailed.

"Your opponent is me!" Linselei was also angry and fired dozens of magic ice bullets once again, this time she aimed directly at the head of Silent Fortress.

"It's useless."

The huge silent fortress once again disappeared, and Vercelia fell to the ground lightly, while Linsley’s magic ice bolt shot into the air and fell on the ground behind Vercelia, exploding many ice flowers. .

"It's true that the expansion speed of the elven magic outfit is not as fast as you, but it does not mean that I am slow." Vercelia patted the strongest pure white coat representing the academy and scanned the Scarlet team that surrounded her. She was obviously surrounded, but she didn't panic at all, "What's the matter, don't you dare to go?"

"Trouble, if she doesn't unfold the fairy costume and fight us close, Linselei will be restrained," Claire bit her thumb and felt a little irritable.

Alice stared at Vercelia's leisurely posture, as if she saw Vercelia before participating in the sword dance three years ago.

"Alice, don't you want to show me your determination? What dazed there!" Verseria could not help but scolded when Alice was in a daze, "Hurry up and swing the gun in your hand!"

"I...I see!" Alice was startled and held the wind wing gun nervously.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Kreil scratched his hair in distress.

"!" Alice yelled, blushing.

"What a shame!" Vercelia shook her head, and the barrel was aimed at Clare and Vercelia.



Without any surprise, Claire and Alice took a head-on shot and were blasted into the sky.

"There is a flaw!" Linselei's eyes lit up and shot an arrow at Verseria.


Two huge pieces of armor broke through the ground to block Lins Lei's attack.


"You can't win!" Fijana gritted her teeth.

Originally, in their analysis, Vercelia belonged to the kind of the best in the world, relying on an almost invincible defensive armor to stand and directly kill the opponent. As a result, Vercelia was actually not very good. Relying on the armor, and removing it as soon as it was removed, made it difficult for Linsley to aim, also made Vercelia's almost zero mobility very high, and also reduced the consumption of power.

Vercelia shook her hand and slowly walked towards supporting Claire and Alice together, two huge barrels appeared behind her.

"It's over."

"No! It's not over yet! We will never end here!"

The wind early god who seemed to have disappeared from the battlefield circled behind the armor that Vercelia used to resist Linsley's sniping, and rushed directly behind the defenseless Vercelia.

"When!" Vercelia narrowed her eyes. "You man!"

"You did take off the armor and became stronger, but your invincible defense is gone!" The early god of wind quickly got close to Vercelia and hit her with the hilt heavily. Behind my head, "Sorry, we are the winner."


Vercelia fell softly to the ground.

"Win!" Feng Zao Shenren raised his iron sword high.

"Although it's a bit mean," Claire sat weakly on the ground.

"Sister," Alice looked at Verseria as she fell on the ground, a little lost.

"I'm exhausted," Feiyana also stopped and Kagura began to gasp.

"Be happy, we are victorious," Fengsaojinjin, who was not ashamed because it was a sneak attack victory, clapped his hands, "Next we can participate in the sword dance festival."


Night Eclipse walked out of the woods unhurriedly with his hands in his pockets.

"The battle has just begun."

Author's message:

PS recently started Monster Hunter World. I thought I could install the Guardian with two knives, but I could only play a set of crazy dog ​​swordsmanship that you don’t come over, and I can’t cut the monster (cover my face). Take the bow and arrow as an Archer

Chapter 49—Zai Peli Ao Ray

Feng Zao Shenren swallowed his saliva and involuntarily grasped the iron sword in his hand.

"What's the matter? Just challenge me with the aura of defeating Vercelia just now. If I don't even dare to fight, I will never let you participate in the sword dance festival." Night Eclipse glanced at the energy that has been consumed. Most of the Scarlet team, "Or you have already given up."

"Who would give up! I will knock you down now!" Claire gritted her teeth and stood up, clutching her stomach.

"The knights of Fangletor will not give up easily," Alice took a deep breath and held the wind wing gun tightly.

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