Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 836

Fayana had already started Kagura without saying a word.

"How can hunters give up hunting," Linselei opened the Demon Ice Bow and aimed it at Night Eclipse's head.

"What...Is it the most embarrassing for me alone?" Feng Zao Shenren sighed and scratched the back of his head helplessly.

"I just found it?" Eclipse held Esther and waved in front of him, "Come on, show your bravery in front of me."

"It's really shameless, use a sword spirit..." Fengzhao Shenren held the second iron sword with a distressed expression, "I am all ordinary weapons here."

Eclipse raised his eyebrows on the side of his head, and an ice blue arrow rubbed his neck and shot through the big tree behind him.

"This is..." The slight tingling on the neck made Night Eclipse frowned. Just rubbing it up caused him to suffer from frostbite. This can't be done by simple low temperature, "Absolutely zero?"

"The King of Flames breathe!" Seeing that the attention of the night eclipse was attracted by Lin Silei's sniper, Claire did not hesitate to use the high elf magic.

The fire tornado carrying a huge amount of heat roared towards the night eclipse, and the night eclipse glanced at the fire tornado blankly, but did not make any movement.


The fire tornado completely hit the night eclipse.

"Success... succeeded?" Claire opened her mouth and was a little unbelievable. The night eclipse stronger than Vercelia was just...seconds?

"How could it be so simple!" Feng Zao Shenren stared at the burning flame, and a black shadow stood in it.

She has seen the horrible speed of the night eclipse more than once. Although it may be a bit of a disparagement to Claire, he can definitely avoid it with the ability of the night eclipse. A high-level wizard magic, then there may only be one possibility.

"Is it only this level?"

A hand stretched out the flame and waved it lightly, the blazing flame vanished in an instant, and the night eclipse held Esther and walked towards Feng Zao Shenren unhurriedly, as if he were the executioner who was about to be executed. .

"Hey hey hey! Do you just look like we're going to eat us?" Feng Zao Shenren took a step back subconsciously.

"Could it be that you think you have a chance to comeback?" Night Eclipse raised his brows and raised his hand with a sword to sweep away all the ice bolts that Linsley had shot at him.


Feng Zao Shenren yelled, and at the same time kicked on the ground. For a while, all kinds of dust and rubble formed by the previous bombardment by Vercelia flew towards the night eclipse.

"You are really mean."

"But it works!"

Feng Zao Shenren appeared in the lower left of the night eclipse, a sword pierced his throat, simply and decisively, completely with the purpose of killing the night eclipse.

"Are you kidding?" The night eclipse didn't even look at Feng Zao Shenren. His left hand stretched out and pinched the tip of Feng Zao Shenren's iron sword very accurately. The terrifying force completely suppressed Feng Zao Shenren's attack. .

"is that a lie!"

"I have said that this battle..." With a wave of his left hand, Eclipse threw out the god of wind early, and the lock of the sky wrapped around him completely dispersed and shot down Linselei's ice bolts.

"What you can do is to show your bravery."

Feng Zao Shenren turned a few somersaults on the ground and sat down at Kleier's feet.

"Is it possible for the god man to win?" Claire pulled the Fengzhao god man up, and looked at the night eclipse that youzai did not intend to attack with a serious face.

"It's not one dimension anymore. The general elf messenger just now has been dropped by me, but he seems to know that I will attack from there," Fengzhao Shenren breathed heavily, "If this is the case Enough."

Trained for the purpose of assassination, she can quickly analyze the best assassination path, just like using dust and gravel to block the sight of the night eclipse, stab at the fastest speed, and to prevent the only weapon from being eclipsed by the night sword. The elf cut off and attacked from the left, only to be pinched with his fingers.

It’s okay if her attack is predicted, but if the night eclipse does not predict her attack and simply blocks her attack with instinct and reaction, it will be over. No matter what sneak attack is detected, it will be dealt with. There are only two methods.

Hammer him head-on!


"The probability of victory is zero!" Feng Zao Shenren smiled bitterly, "If we beg you, would you let us go? Anyway, for you, the qualifying spot is already in your hand, and this victory is also It doesn't matter."

"Shenren!" Before Eclipse could answer, Claire drew a whip on the back of Fengzao Shenren.

"It hurts! I just want to qualify!" Feng Zao Shenren screamed and rolled on the ground.

"Wind early god! I'm the knight of Fangletor! I will never escape any battle!" Alice said majesticly holding the gun of the wind wing.

"I don't want to dance for so long in Kagura for nothing!" Feiyana cried out dissatisfied.

"I'm the eldest daughter of the Frost family. How could I agree with this shameful thing," Lin Silei trot all the way to Claire's side, panting, but she was already shaking her hair with ease. Look like.

"Why are you down again!" Claire exploded.

"No way! My sniping is useless at all, so I don't want to fight like this!" Lin Silei shrugged.

"Ah-I give up, I give up!" Feng Zao Shenren grabbed his hair arrogantly, "Since you guys want to work hard, I'll just stay with you to the end!"

"This is our determination!" Claire clutched her chest and looked at the night eclipse majesticly.

Ye Eclipse tilted his head, and looked at the five people who gathered together and looked like Ye Eclipse and smiled very happily.

"It's an eye-opener for me. Whether it's Vercelia or you, the next one is the final blow." The eclipse brought Ace to his waist, and the cross-shaped golden pupil began to change, and the holy cyan color replaced The bright gold.

The blue and white knight armor slowly condensed, the huge holy spear appeared behind the night eclipse, the magnificent scabbard appeared on the waist, the night eclipse smiled slightly, and the white silver armor of the right arm expanded from the fingertips. It continued to spread to the shoulders, and finally burst completely, like a galaxy, overflowing with light.

The King of Fantasy End plus the creation of a star simulation map [Void Star Tai Sui].

Mentor King Arthur Mode-Redemption Form

"Deliver this blow for your friendship!"

With a grip on the Eclipse Void, a golden sword appeared in his hand, and a little bit of starlight flowed from the entire arena and gathered on the blade of the Eclipse.


Chapter Fifty Prizes: Golden...

-Unrecognized ceiling

Vercelia raised her arms to cover her eyes, and the tingling behind her head reminded her of how boring the previous battle ended.

She was attacked behind her back, with a silent fortress called invincible defense, but she was knocked stunned with an iron sword. She was defeated by such an attack that usually didn't even bother to defend. The reason for all of this turned out to be her. Caused by taking off the armor actively.

Without taking off the armor that has been protecting oneself, there is no way to reach farther places, but when he took off, he was attacked.

If there is someone who can entrust your back, maybe everything will be different...

Vercelia clenched her fist tightly.

"It looks like you are recovering well." The door was pushed open and Night Eclipse walked in. Seeing Verseria's unwilling gesture, she couldn't help but laugh. "Is it unwilling to lose?"

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