Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 837

"Very unwilling," Vercelia put down her hand and said softly, looking at the ceiling.

Who would be willing to be defeated in a way I never expected...

"It's true~ it ended with being knocked out by someone with an iron sword," Ye Eclipse picked up a bench and placed it next to the bed, and sat down, "but in the end I cleaned them all up."

"I know," Vercelia sat up and hugged her knees with her hands, and lowered her head, "I'm afraid Alice will be disappointed again, just like the sword dance three years ago."

"You think too much, she has never lost to you... emmm... as if she was quite disappointed in your life," Ye Eclipse reached into the King's Treasure and started groping.

"Um... are you really here to comfort me?" Vercelia collapsed and smiled bitterly while supporting her chin.

"I am very satisfied with your battle this time, so I won't come to comfort you," Night Eclipse waved his hand and took out something from the treasure of the king and handed it to Verseria, "No, the prize for you. ."

——Golden collar

Vercelia gradually lost her expression.

"are you joking?"

Does anyone use a collar as a prize?!

Eclipse: Me!

"Remember for yourself what you said before the game?" The eclipse dropped the collar in his hand.

Vercelia fell silent, and after the reminder of the night eclipse, it seemed that she had issued a military order.

You will be at your disposal if you lose.

But it seems that if the back of the head is knocked, it will cause amnesia...

"If you say that the back of your head was forgotten, I'll help you recover," Ye Eclipse smiled and took out a golden hammer from the treasure of the king.

This is a sub-question.

Pick one of hammer and collar.

"I'm not going to squander the bill. Since I said I was left at your disposal, then no matter what you do, I won't resist," Vercelia smiled helplessly, and put the collar around her neck in a strange way. .

"It's quite suitable for you." Eclipse nodded.

"It's not a compliment." Vercelia rolled her eyes.

"It's not you who have the final say," Night Eclipse stretched out her right hand and messed up Vercelia's hair somewhat rudely, stood up under the latter's resentful eyes and walked to the door. "There is still left before the sword dance festival. In two weeks, it is impossible for Alice and the others to be shortlisted, but if there is an S-level task completed by them at this time, they should be able to get the third place."


The night eclipse pulled the door forcefully, and the person who had been eavesdropping at the door did not react and fell to the ground with a snap.

The night eclipse stepped on the back of the comer, "Are you right?"

"Can you raise your feet high?" Feng Zao Shenren's face was cold and sweaty, not because he was discovered by the night eclipse because of eavesdropping, but Verseria, who was sitting on the bed with messy hair, made no secret of her killing intent. Two cannons have been aimed at her forehead, if it weren't for the night eclipse, I'm afraid Vercelia had already fired.

"This is a punishment for eavesdropping on you, endure it first," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, then looked at Vercelia, "It is almost impossible to make another S-level mission in a short time, but it is very It just so happens that Vercelia should have an event in your body that can be counted as an S-level mission."

"Huh?" Feng Zao Shenren looked dumbfounded.

"The curse... Do you want me to provide the information of the curse merchant, and then let Alice and the others catch it?" Vercelia was a little clumsy and straightened out the hair that was messed up by the night eclipse.

"It's not Alice and the others, but this guy," Ye Eclipse bent down and patted Fengzao Shenren's face.

"Huh?!" Feng Zao Shenren looked incredulous.

"Hahahaha," Night Eclipse scratched his ears, "They will have to sleep for two days according to the mental shock caused by me. I specially let you let you have the opportunity to be handsome, thank me quickly."

"Just kidding! I don't have any elves! Wouldn't I be killed by myself?" Feng Zao Shenren threw himself on the ground.

Vercelia covered her face with some shame, thinking that she had been defeated by this guy, she couldn't accept it psychologically or physically.

"How could An Xin's master let you go to death?" Night Eclipse moved her feet away, "I will help you to contain her, then you can attack her like a sneak attack on Vercelia. "

"You wouldn't say that, but in the end you just turned your head and left without doing anything?" Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse suspiciously.

"How is it possible," Yezha smiled disdainfully, "If you don't participate in the sword dance festival, you will have a lot less fun."

"The result is for myself," Feng Zao Shenren stuck out his tongue.

"This is helping you, don't you have a reason to go to the sword dance festival?" Ye Eclipse reached out and squeezed Fengzao Shenren's collar and picked her up very easily, "You're cool, I'm also cool." , How great."

"Yes, yes, master, you are so kind!"

"The specific situation is like this, Vercelia, please rest first, let's talk to Grevas first," Night Eclipse waved to Vercelia and then left with the wind early god. After leaving the room, he also closed the door.

"Sword Dance Festival..." Vercelia sighed heavily and lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling and chanting a name in a complicated tone.

"Lian Ashbel."

This woman who changed everything about her.


Dean’s Office.

"This is not suitable," Grevas shook her head with the night eclipse and the early wind gods facing away.

"Since you found this guy, there must be a reason to need her. If she can't enter the sword dance festival now, wouldn't everything you did go to waste?" Night Eclipse looked at the costume with interest in her arms around her chest. The deep Grevas.

"Indeed, I need the real Lian Asupel to defeat the fake, but now this real product is more watery than the parallel product, which makes me very unconfident," Grevas sighed helplessly.

"That's what she said about you," Ye Eclipse looked at Feng Zao Shenren.

"I'm not deaf," Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes.

"And isn't you here?" Grevas shrugged, "It must be easy to blow that guy up with your strength."

"But I refused. I have no interest in slinging children," Night Eclipse made a big cross in his chest.

Fengzao Shenren and Grevas rolled their eyes at the same time, and they clearly set off a light cannon at the children that they will never forget in their lives.

"My previous ones were educational," added Night Eclipse.

"Even if you don't want to, I don't believe that people will kick your face with a kick. You won't slap you," Grevas began to play a rascal. "You will bump into it anyway."

"If you don't agree, I will hit you."

Chapter 51: Two Nightmarish Weeks (Part I)

In the end, Grevas compromised, and originally planned to take advantage of the night eclipse, but in the end, the night eclipse was a fist warning, and she had to throw away her careful thoughts.

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