Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 838

Then it became very smooth, Vercelia said the appearance and name of the businessman, and then the night eclipse and wind early god directly blocked the former waiter Vivian who wanted to run overnight.

Originally, Feng Zao Shenren thought that there would be a fierce battle, but after seeing the night eclipse, the other side surrendered without saying a word, and said that he would be a good man.

However, the night eclipse caught her. It is worth thinking about the fact that this product was actually a former student of Grevas. The goodbye between teachers and students was a touching one. Grevas kept a mysterious smile throughout the whole process, while Vivian was shaking. Cheng Sisi, has been hiding behind the night eclipse for fear of being eaten by Grevas.

In this way, with most of the Scarlet team's combat power in a coma, they all rushed to the rankings and directly squeezed the third place.


"Are you looking for a smoke?" Eclipse took the black tea from Leticia and looked at the Scarlet team in front of him with a weird face.

"It's training! Training!" Claire corrected the night eclipse with an awkward expression.

Night Eclipse blinked. Training is equal to actual combat. Actual combat is equal to fighting. Fighting is equal to punching to the flesh.

"That's right, isn't it just looking for a chance to let me train you?"

"Um..." Claire had nothing to say at once.

"And I don't have a way to improve your strength all at once," Night Eclipse spreads out, "but I can improve your combat experience."


"Fight me."

Feng Zao Shenren showed such an expression as expected. After all, there is no way to teach such things as fighting. No matter how many tricks can't be used proficiently, it is not as good as Wangbaquan, at least the opponent can't see your routine.

"Though you say that," Night Eclipse lifted Erlang's legs, "I'm already planning to help another person. Come out."

Vercelia walked out, her hands wrapped around her chest and ice-blue eyes looked at the Scarlet team indifferently, symbolizing the strongest pure white coat of the academy, which was draped over her shoulders, and she wore a golden collar around her neck. .

"Sister, why do you carry that kind of thing!" Alice's eyes narrowed.

"It has nothing to do with you," Vercelia closed her eyes, as if she didn't intend to pay attention to Alice.

Alice bit her lip and lowered her head sadly.

"Yeah~ The fireworks on that day are so beautiful, I don't know who put it off?" Eclipse bombed his nails and said casually.

"This is the punishment I deserve," Vercelia opened her eyes and reached out to touch her collar.

"Did you do this!" Alice looked at the night eclipse angrily.

Ye Eclipse's face twitched, and then nodded, "Yes, Vercelia said that if she didn't beat you, I'll take care of it."

"It's too much!" Feng Zao Shenren said loudly, pointing to the collar of his neck, "Why is mine dark, she is shiny golden!"

Is this what you care about!Ye Eclipse's face collapsed, and he looked at Feng Zao Shenren speechlessly. On the value of this black and autumnal collar, it is not comparable to a golden collar.

"Because your grades are relatively low," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "I can't do anything and still want high treatment?"

"Hmm..." Feng Zao Shenren covered his chest with an injured face.

And Vercelia straightened her chest out inexplicably proud.


"An Xin, I brought it with my own will, and I won't take it off until my sins are paid off," Vercelia said softly.

Whether it’s wearing a curse costume or letting you down...

"Okay, the sisterhood is over," Night Eclipse clapped his hands, "Although I will not come to train you, but I will let others train you, and I promise that you will spend the most memorable two weeks of your life."

After talking about the night eclipse, he showed a creepy smile.


——Elf World

"Lin Silei, you have good sniper skills," Night Eclipse looked at the nervous blonde girl with her arms around her chest.

"Of course," Lin Silei shook her hair for granted.

"So I arranged for you an enemy who can quickly approach you," Night Eclipse pulled out Altria, "With your strength, she can come to you in an instant."

"Huh?" Linselei's movements became stiff, shouldn't she arrange an opponent who is also good at sniping at this time!

"Please advise," the upright Knight King greeted politely and raised the invisible sword. "I will not be merciful because you are a child. I don't want my temporary softheartedness to cause your future. die."

No matter which King Arthur is in the training of recruits, he will not show mercy.

"Wait a minute! Wouldn't it be meaningless if I was approached by her all at once!" Lin Silei was somewhat resisted. Although she often stood in the most conspicuous place and sniped at others, it did not mean that she would like to be approached.

Because this will cause her to be beaten unilaterally.

"Don't you like to stand in a place that is highly anticipated and shoot others?" Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"That's natural," Lin Selei nodded as a matter of course.

"Then you got close by someone?"

"Uh..." Lin Silei was silent.

"So, you stand in a place that is highly anticipated and sniper others, and you are hit directly on the ground by others, do you like it?" Night Eclipse said meaningfully.

Lin Silei's face twitched and shook her head vigorously.

"So!" Night Eclipse raised his mouth with a sly smile like a fox, "If you are proficient in the technique of fighting an enemy who suddenly comes close, even if you snipe others in the most conspicuous place, you will be caught A surprise attack can also kick the enemy into the air, and then end the enemy under the eyes of everyone, don't you think it's cool?"

Lin Silei replenished the situation, thinking of the enemy's expression of gritted teeth that wanted to kill you but couldn't help it, Lin Silei couldn't help but nod.

"So I gave you an enemy who is good at rushing," Eclipse patted Altria on the shoulder, "I'll leave it to you!"

Altria's eyes lit up, "You can leave it to me without worry!"

"Then I'll go first," Night Eclipse quickly turned around and walked towards the others, for fear that Lin Silei, who was full of excitement, would see the smile on his face.

Although the words are so cool, how can it be possible to achieve that level in such a short two weeks? Even the archer did not die in melee combat. The source of the red A is because he is really too experienced and can handle it. It is very convenient to rub the big knife and take the bow completely to kill you far away.

And how many times do you think he played with the bow seriously?Biu's opponent didn't die with an arrow, and then he took two knives and slashed.

Anyway, the night eclipse did not expect Lin Si Lei to achieve the level of red A, as long as she can calmly deal with close enemies.

But time was too short of time and had to give a strong medicine.

King Arthur in training is serious!

Lin Si Lei might spend the most memorable two weeks of her life.

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