Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 839

Start-draw the bow-get close-brutally beaten-the game ends-start again

Chapter 52—The Two Weeks of Nightmare

"It's time for you," Night Eclipse reached out and held down Fiana, who wanted to leave.

"I'm just an assistant. I just need to dance and set up the position," Feyana felt guilty.

"As a support, I don't expect you to be able to tear the enemy with your hands, at least you can always escape," Night Eclipse loosened Fiana's shoulders and took a few steps back. "You wouldn't refuse this, right?"

Fijana breathed a sigh of relief. If Night Eclipse said irresponsible remarks such as at least beating the other party, she would ask for mercy even if she was rolling on the ground.

"Don't worry, at least I won't be everyone's drag oil bottle," Feyana said with a firm face, patted her chest.

"I'm very happy to say that, Jill can't help you train her to be a caregiver with her own arrow avoidance," Eclipse patted Gilgamesh, who was jokingly smiling with his arms around his chest.

"You can rest assured that this king is out," Gilgamesh looked up and down Feyana with her scarlet snake eyes, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

There is value in juggling.

"Wait a minute, what kind of protection is it!" Fayana looked wary, this matter must be asked clearly, what if it is the abbreviation of the trick that can fight the bear.

"An Xin means literally, avoiding attacks. I said that I only let you practice escape skills, and won't give you the opportunity to learn attack skills."

Because you have no chance at all.

"Let's go girl, my king's training is very interesting," Gilgamesh showed a kind smile, like a snake that lures its prey.

"Okay," Fiyana was too naive to be tricked away by Gilgamesh.

"Well..." Ye Eclipse looked at Claire a little distressed.

"What are you doing!" Claire exploded.

"Why don't you pick one by yourself," Night Eclipse pointed to Altorily who was waiting for the students with joy and Altria who was a little impatient.

To be reasonable, the type of leader and commander like Claire needs more training is to accept the teaching of better commanders than her. Unfortunately, the most indispensable on his side is people with leadership skills.

Claire swallowed and looked at Altria, who looked mature, but after confronting Altria’s aggressive golden pupils, she immediately looked at Altria, who exuded innocent and innocent air. .

I always feel this is easier to talk about.

Just when Claire was about to speak.



Along with the girl's screams and explosions, Lin Si Lei flew out, followed by Altria's cold shout.

"If it's just like this, it's still far!"

"It's great..." Altolili said with some envy.

"It's not enough," Altolia snorted coldly.


Coach, I don’t want to die!

"It's really better to teach this kind of thing."

The evil spirit hung around the waist of the night eclipse [sword] moved and fell to the ground, and Athena in the form of an imperial sister appeared in front of everyone.

"Little girl, your concubine will make you the leader of the game," Athens smiled and stretched out his hand to Claire.

"Hmm," Seeing Athena who was full of wisdom and gentleness, Claire nodded without thinking, after all, she didn't want to go to heaven.

Night Eclipse curled his lips. It was so naive. Even if you were to train you in command, don’t think about it. Athena is not a good man and believer. People have the title of a god of war on their heads. If you do physical harm, you will also be brainstormed.

"No, Alice gives you a discount package," Eclipse pushed Altria and Altolili to Alice, "you are so familiar with each other, and you are both good at using wind, and hope you can surprise me in two weeks. "

"Please advise, don't be merciful," Alice lowered her head towards the two completely extreme King Arthur.

"Let's work hard together," Altori Lili gently took Alice's hand and showed a sunny smile.

"I will let you become a far behind other people in two weeks, so be awakened!" Altria showed a cold side as always.

"Come on," Ye Eclipse waved to the three of them.

"What about me?" Feng Zao Shenren blinked his eyes in confusion, now that there is no one around the night eclipse, is it possible...

Feng Zao Shenren wanted to run without even thinking about turning his head, but was directly strangled by the night eclipse.

"Hey, hey! Are you trying to shrink back!"

"My soul is telling me that there is no difference between letting you train me and suicide!" After seeing the overnight eclipse and the reversal sixteen nights fight and the super-large light cannon, Feng Zao Shenren became unusually surprised, for fear that one would not Be careful to lose your life.

"An Xin, I will train Vercelia wholeheartedly, I will arrange another person for you," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Say it early," Feng Zao Shenren stopped struggling to adjust the collar and gave Vercelia, who had been silent, lost a girl's eyes.

The corners of Vercelia's mouth twitched.

Wait for the sword dance festival to see if the old lady won't kill you.

"Come out, Enkidu," Night Eclipse beckoned.

"Hello everyone," The chain on Night Eclipse quickly fell to the ground, and a girl with a green hair emerged from the ground.

Vercelia turned her eyes and almost stood and fainted.

En Qidu lowered her head a little disappointed, it is rare that she came out after completing the transformation underground in order not to scare Vercelia.

"Eh, it's you," Feng Zao Shenren was not scared by En Qidu's way of going out of the ground, but leaned closer.

"Well, I want to get along well," Enkidu smiled.

"Thank you!" Feng Zao Shenren bowed to Ye Eclipse with a grateful look. He didn't expect that she would be assigned to the gentle and gentle Enqidu at first sight. As soon as he saw Enqidu tolerant, All smiles made her feel healed inside.

"Well, you useless guy, you can hone your assassination skills," Night Eclipse yawned and pointed to the forest not far away. "As long as you can meet Enkidu there, you The training is complete."

"After training, shall we have a good chat?" Enqidu kindly took Feng Zao Shenren's hand.

"Okay..." Feng Zao Shenren's face was cured.

Thank God Ye Eclipse, the evil-minded master who really found it!


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