Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 841

Vercelia buried her head on her knees, and her face felt hot when she thought of her gaffe all day.

And when she thought that such days would last for several days, Vercelia felt ashamed to pass out.

It's okay, maybe I'll get used to it in two days, Vercelia squeezed her fist and kept hypnotizing herself.

But sometimes getting used to it is more scary.

——Two weeks later

"Finally met!" Feng Zao Shenren cried bitterly while holding Enqidu's leg. In the past two weeks, she almost wondered if she would assassinate.

"It's amazing, touch your head," En Qidu gently stroked Feng Zaoshenren's head.

Although she was sap unilaterally knocked on by Enkidu from beginning to end, she was now alert to the turmoil around her to the same speed and instinct.

Of course it is not the kind of neuroticism, but the perception of hostility, how to do it...

Just when Fengzao Shenren was about to become neurotic, Enqi released a group of small animals over.

As for the others, they all sighed for a wave of happiness in being alive, and then went back to pack their luggage, after all, not everyone is as light as Fengzhao Shenren.

"Finally I can make a wish with the Elf King~" Night Eclipse stretched out and showed a hearty smile.

Leticia looked at the night eclipse with a hesitant expression.

Yae Sakura patted Leticia on the shoulder and shook her head, "Let him go."

Chapter 54: The pants are off every second, every second

"So slow..."

The night eclipse lay on the guardrail at the edge of the flying ship in a very dangerous position.

"Hey, hey, it's very dangerous to do this," Feng Zao Shenren walked behind the night eclipse.

"Push me down now, maybe I will fall to death~" Ye Eclipse chuckled and sat up directly, but still turned his back to Feng Zao Shenren.

Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes, walked to the night eclipse and put his hands on the guardrail, "Which slave will think of pushing the master down."

"Passed," Night Eclipse reached out and patted Feng Zaoshenren's head.

"You still come to test my loyalty," Feng Zao Shenren was a little speechless, "what if I really pushed it?"

"It must be you who will go on, and it will go on dying."

Seeing Ye Eclipse's face that I will not lie to you, I will definitely kill you, Feng Zao Shenren shrugged, "This is terrible."

"Why don't you go with your eldest ladies," Ye Eclipse glanced at Feng Zao Shenren and then turned his gaze to the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, your maid and the team members are all there

"It's my own after all," Eclipse propped his chin.

"It's also... It's really hard to imagine that Vercelia glared at the senior group for our team today," Feng Zao Shenren said with emotion.

"Isn't that good?" Night Eclipse smiled gently.

It's normal for the Scarlet team to be targeted. The Lost Elf, the sister of the Calamity Elf, these two points alone are enough for them to be treated with cold eyes, but Vercelia is unexpectedly guarded. She gave them a stern look at the pterodactyl team. Although the weak were not qualified to bark at the strong, in the eyes of the night eclipse, Verseria simply felt that Alice was stared at. So very upset.

But the other party really didn't dare to say a word and walked away desperately.

"Yeah, it would be great if we can always live in harmony..." Asashi's Feng Zao Shenren sighed.

"But this seems impossible..." Night Eclipse sighed helplessly.

Just as Fengzao Shenren looked suspicious, as if to prove that the night eclipse said something like that, a person came behind them.

"You are the representative players of the Aresia Academy, Early Wind God and Night Eclipse, right?"

"Who are you and how do you know our name?"

Feng Zao Shenren turned helplessly to look at the person who came under the urging of you to send her gaze in the night eclipse.

"Because you are very famous people, all male elves," the girl with shoulder-to-shoulder black hair and a beret paused, and suddenly showed an expression of indignation, "and they are all female public enemies. Every girl in the world!"

"Ahahaha, your ghost animal has become famous overseas!" Feng Zao Shenren stunned his stomach and laughed.

"Feng Zao Shenren, what's funny about you! I also included you!" She was obviously pitiful in appearance, but the young girl felt like she was sharp.

"Why!" Feng Zao Shenren collapsed, obviously she didn't even have tools to commit crimes!

"Huh! Don't underestimate Doragunia's intelligence capabilities!" The girl looked proud.

"What kind of waste organization is this! No, you are the representative player of Doragunia!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes condensed, and he subconsciously pulled the night eclipse clothes.

"Yes, I am the leader of the Dragon King Knights-Leola Lancaster," the girl introduced herself with a serious face.

"Eh-Doragunia's ace Dragon Duke, aren't you planning to get rid of us before the game," Feng Zao Shenren squinted his eyes with a relaxed expression, "We don't mind. Right!"

Speaking of Feng Zao Shenren poked the night eclipse with his elbow.

"Pull me in too," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Everyone has named them by name," Feng Zao Shenren looked like a fox.

"What stupid thing to say," Leola frowned dissatisfied, "We will beat you upright in the arena!"

"Oh, then what are you doing to us?" Feng Zao Shenren instantly lost interest. It would be great if this Duke Long was here to provoke, so that he could watch the night eclipse a whole wave of others.

People who have been rectified too much always want to see others also rectified.

"I...I'm... here to chop off yours!" Without warning, Leola drew the big sword from her waist.

"Scared!" Feng Zao Shenren was startled by the big sword that was pointed at him suddenly, and threw himself directly on the night eclipse.

"If you change to another person, you have already gone down just now," Night Eclipse strangled Fengzhao Shenren's neck.

"Whoever is suddenly pointed at by the sword will be my reaction!" Feng Zao Shenren slapped the arm of the night eclipse, and she could already feel the oxygen slowly leaving her.

"Eh..." Night Eclipse looked at Leola. At this moment, the girl was flushing as she watched Feng Zao Shenren's eyes always turning downwards unconsciously, and then immediately moved away after meeting a certain position. Sight.

"Damn! Master, can you tolerate this!" Feng Zao Shenren also noticed what Leola wanted to cut and thought about it and looked towards the night eclipse.

"No, what I want to cut is only yours," Leola shook her head and corrected Qifeng Zao Shenren's words seriously.

"Huh? Huh, eh!" Feng Zao Shenren looked puzzled.

"I can feel the dragon's blood boiling!" A red light floated on Leola's dark pupils, "I want to have a baby with you!"

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