Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 842

Feng Zao Shenren is completely dumbfounded, what kind of operation is this!Cut her off and have another baby, not right!Obviously he couldn't even say that word, so he would directly open his mouth to have a baby!

"I refuse! The child is the crystallization of love," Ye Eclipse refused without hesitation.

"Um...I won't give up," the red light in his eyes dissipated, Leola shook his head vigorously, and then looked at Fengzhao Shenren, "Then cut you off first! Sa! Hurry up! Take off your pants! I...I won't hurt you!"

"I can't do it!" Feng Zao Shenren looked resisted, she really couldn't get that thing out!

"Even using force!" Leola slowly raised his big sword.

"Master, help!"

"Then you can take off your pants," Ye Eclipse rolled his eyes.


Fengshao Shenren and Leola blinked at the same time in confusion.

"Oh, I have already taken you off," said the night eclipse, raising his right hand, a belt fell on the deck, and the trousers of Fengzhao Shenren fell along with it.

"Eh!" Before Feng Zao Shen Ren had time to scream, the opposite Leola who threatened to hang Feng Zao Shen Ren screamed first, and then fell to Feng Zao Shen Ren's feet with a snap.


Author's message:

PS Qiaoye is coming back, the actor Caojia is coming back, Toei is going to make a big move, looking forward to the second cousin

Chapter 55 The Wind Early God Who Was Crazy Targeted

"Do you have anything to explain?"

Feng Zao Shenren pulled up his pants at the fastest speed in his life, and then looked at the night eclipse with an expression that I wanted to die with you.

"Um...I can play with your legs...," Ye Eclipse said seriously, touching his chin, "It's just that the safety pants you wear are a little dirty."

"Who cares about you!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed, if it weren't for her pants, she would now launch a mortal charge against the night eclipse.

"Hey, I used the most simple method to solve the opponent," Night Eclipse pointed to Leola, who was still smoking on his head even though he had fainted on the ground. "A ace player will be killed by you."

Feng Zao Shenren gently poked Leola's head with his toes, and found that the latter was really unconscious and relieved, and then furious, "You can just knock her out!"

"I ask someone to tell me that I will have a baby on the front foot. It is not good for me to stun her on the back foot," Ye Eclipse spread his hands.

"So you took off my pants!"

"I just pulled out your belt."

"Is there a difference!"

"Don't worry, the only person I see is me." Ye Eclipse jumped off the guardrail with a look of indifferent expression, picked up the belt on the ground and threw it to Fengzhao Shenren. "But I also found a secret, maybe it was obtained. Sword Dance Festival is the ultimate means of victory."

"I feel it's definitely a bad idea," Feng Zao Shenren curled his lips and took the belt.

"How come!" Night Eclipse walked to Leola and picked her up.

"You don't mean to throw her down here and destroy her body now!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes narrowed.

"Then why didn't I just sink the entire spacecraft," Night Eclipse was full of black lines.

"It makes sense!" Feng Zao Shenren clenched his right hand and tapped his left palm lightly, "Then why are you lifting her up? Isn't it just trying to get her hot... just kidding! Put away these dangerous things? La!"

The night eclipse let out a cold snort, and the golden ripples characteristic of the treasure of the king slowly disappeared.

"I just want to confirm..."


Before Eclipse finished speaking, a loud noise interrupted his words, and at the same time the entire flying ship began to vibrate violently.

"There are so many uninvited guests today," Night Eclipse let out a bit distressed breath.

"Damn! There is a huge monster attacking our ship!" Feng Zao Shenren leaned out and looked down, then lost his face in shock.

"Calm," The Eclipse threw Leola aside, and walked to the side of the flying ship. A row of golden ripples spread out neatly, "No matter what you are, kill me immediately."

Like a waterfall, countless treasures with golden light rushed down.

Then the world is clean.

"Well, I suddenly felt that I was too embarrassed to panic just now," Feng Zao Shenren reluctantly covered his face, the boss led the team, why should I panic?

Eclipse shrugged, so he said he should calm down.

"Um...why my face hurts so much..." At this time, she was thrown aside by the night eclipse, and Leola, who was looking for the ground with her face, sat up with her red nose.

"Is it possible..." Leola narrowed her eyes, and left and raised her great sword to aim at Fengzao Shenren, "What did you harlot do while I was in a coma!"

"Why target me!" Feng Zao Shenren was a little crazy.

"It's not the pants you took off first!" Leola blushed with a sword and slashed at the head of Fengzhao Shenren, "Sure enough, I will destroy your humanity!"

"Wow! Don't cut over suddenly!" Fengzhao Shenren waved his hands in panic.

"If you kill her, I will be very distressed," Night Eclipse stretched out his left hand to catch the big sword steadily, "Only I can kill her!"

"If you don't say the second half of the sentence, I will definitely be touched!" Feng Zao Shenren flashed and hid behind the night eclipse.

"You unexpectedly..." Leola's eyes were a little shaken, "I caught [Nidhoeg] with my bare hands..."

"[Nidhoegg]? I heard a very familiar name, but it's a pity that your elf doesn't deserve this name." Night Eclipse released a flick of his left hand, and the terrifying power directly made Leola's hand The sword slipped out and stuck it on the deck not far away.

"Understand, the gap between us."

"Well, I understand," Leola nodded calmly, red light appeared on her black eyes again, "I am even more convinced that you must give birth to your blood."

"Well, you don't understand at all," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "and you are a third-rate at all, who can't even control your own power."

"Um... it's really indifferent, completely different from the intelligence," Leola took a few steps back and picked up the big sword on the deck, the light in his eyes disappeared, "I don't know why I just need to be close to you. [Dragon Blood] on his body will awaken uncontrollably."

"Don't blame it on my head," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, the next time it's probably on the battlefield," Leola shook his head, and then stared at Feng Zao Shenren fiercely, "If you dare to do anything to my men I will make you unable to do that kind of thing in the future!"

"very scary!"


"That's it again!"

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