Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 852

"Don't be kidding! Muya will not lose to you!" Muya shouted hysterically, the curse on the back of his hand radiated light, "[Tirmet] Kill me first. The dashing guy."


[Tilmet]’s four heads roared, and the cracks on its body became more because of this move. The earth surged with countless vines pouring out towards Alice, and dragons of different attributes were breathing Alice’s head gathered.

"To suffer!" Alice's eyes shrank. She could easily cut off this kind of vines coming from all directions, but she really couldn't avoid this kind of dragon's breath at the expense of accelerating and collapsing herself. Alice closed desperately. I closed my eyes, "Is it going to end like this!"

"Big sister go to die!" A blood flashed in Mu Ya's eyes.


Four dragons' breath swept down where Alice was.

"Alice!" Claire, Fiana and Linsele shouted at the same time.

"That's why I said you were too weak."


After the dragon's breath, Alice opened her eyes, and what came into her field of vision was Vercelia like the lonely Valkyrie, and the huge armor suspended above her head.


"Big sister... don't get in the way!" Muya yelled, and the dragon's breath in [Tilmet]'s mouth condensed again.

"Trash fish."

Vercelia took a cold look at [Tirmet], four black muzzles appeared behind her, and four scorching rays of light gushing out across the sky almost instantly, [Tirme Special] The four heads disappeared in the light before they could prepare their breath.

"How... possible," Muya took a step back in disbelief.

"It's over Muya," a hand protruded from the darkness and pressed it on Muya's shoulder, and the pale Fengzhao Shenren appeared behind her.

"What... when..." Muya narrowed his eyes.

"Don't... underestimate... we..."

Feng Zao Shenren said this with difficulty and fell to the ground clutching his chest.

" wait for me!" Mu Ya reached out to the Feng Zao Shenren on the ground, but a chill made her heart tighten, and finally Mu Ya was unwilling to move towards Verselli Ya and the others yelled and turned and ran into the darkness.

"Ah~ I still couldn't make it."

Another person came out from the darkness and picked up the Fengzhao Shenren on the ground.

"Well~ your growth makes me very happy~"

Chapter 65 is added to strengthen the buff price is blood loss

"It hurts..."

Feng Zao Shenren opened his eyes and looked at the gray ceiling. Although he was soft and soft, the lower layer was very hard. It was obvious that she was lying on the floor.

"Of course it hurts, something has been pressed on your heart," the voice of the night eclipse sounded on her left, "though I can help you eliminate it..."

"Then you are going to get rid of it!" Feng Zao Shenren sat up directly as if returning to the light, "I am about to hit the wall in pain."

"But this engraving is eroding you while constantly tapping your potential, coupled with the collar can save your life, at this speed you should be able to return to the level three years ago before the sword dance festival begins," The night eclipse flicked his forehead towards Fengsao Shenren, "Even so, do you want to eliminate it?"

Fengshao Shenren hesitated, and what she lacks most now is strength. If she can return to the level of three years ago, even if Restia is not by her side, she with the strongest sword dancer and the mighty power will be enough.

"Also, if you don't care about the position engraved on your heart, I don't mind being refreshed," said Night Eclipse and stretched out his right hand and grabbed it.

"Huh?... You are thinking about this kind of thing!" Feng Zao Shenren first watched the movement of the night eclipse in confusion for a while, and then seemed to think of something like a blushing face, pulling up the pillow and hitting the night eclipse. Head.

"It's really too much~" Night Eclipse stretched out both hands with a relaxed empty hand into the pillow, then tilted his head and looked at the flushed Fengzao Shenren, curling his lips, "I almost lost interest in the soft flesh on your lower abdomen. It’s time to explore further, do you think I would say that?"

"You've already said it!" Feng Zao Shenren loosened his pillow tightly on his chest, watching the night eclipse vigilantly.

"Hey, hey, what do you mean by the eyes that I will die if you take my clothes off?" With a twitch of night eclipse's mouth, he took the pillow and knocked it on the head of Fengzaoshenren, "I know how to do it. People of this kind of thing?"

"You almost took my clothes today!"

"That... just an accident..." Night Eclipse turned his head with some guilty conscience, "But you can rest assured that if I really want to do anything to you, you can't resist at all, I want to take off your clothes now You are gone."

"It's really reassuring!" Feng Zao Shenren's mouth twitched. Isn't this telling me that when you really have that idea, I can only obediently admit my life!

"Anyway, you are also my slave, how I treat you, you still want to resist!" Night Eclipse's brow raised and his tone became tough.

Feng Zao Shenren turned his eyes and fell straight down, and at the same time shrank the quilt over his head.

"Hey! Are you rebelling against me! Are you rebelling against me as the master!" The night eclipse grabbed the quilt and wanted to lift it up, but the wind early gods inside also clung to the quilt and refused to loosen it. .

"It's painful! It's painful! The imprints on the heart are beginning to take effect again. I can't hear the sound when it hurts!"

"Then do you want me to help you relieve it," Ye Eclipse squeezed his right hand.

"No need! If this is the fastest way to restore the strength three years ago, I am willing to bear it!" Feng Zao Shenren's head stretched out with a decisive expression.

"If you are willing to carry that thing forever, I don't care," Ye Eclipse shrugged and looked indifferent.

Suddenly Feng Good Morning God's face turned ashes.

Yes, although this thing is tapping her potential, an accidental corpse will be cold. Although the collar can guarantee that she will never die, it still hurts!When she thinks that she will be in this state of being inferior to death for the rest of her life, she has the idea that it is better to die.

Moreover, the night eclipse reminded her that she can hardly move even if she moves, let alone fight. Is it possible for Claire to take her burden to the competition!?

"It seems that you have already thought about it~" Ye Eclipse patted the face of Feng Zao Shenren with a playful look, "You can only go the way of removing the imprint on the heart before the game."

"That..." Feng Zao Shenren grabbed the night eclipse's clothes with a fawning expression, "Can I use my back? Isn't there closer to the heart?"

Night Eclipse snorted disdainfully, "My power can remove the mark on your heart even if it doesn't touch you."

"That!" Feng Zao Shenren's eyes lit up.

"Do you think it's possible?" Ye Eclipse pinched Feng Zao Shenren's face with a caring expression of mental retardation, "Do you think I would do this?"

You are the culprit of the spoiler. Is it possible to let you go as simple as that?

"What you said is right~" Feng Zao Shenren laughed and turned around and closed his eyes.

She didn't think so deeply, she just felt that if the night eclipse didn't let her show the expression he wanted to see, she wouldn't stop tossing, so simply ignore him is the best way.

"You think about time before the game, day and night," Night Eclipse shrugged and lay down and covered it with a quilt.

"I'm kidding, I didn't sleep at night." Feng Zao Shenren mumbled quietly, and only when you fall asleep can you forget the pain and troubles.

May the night eclipse in the dream be a good person.

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