Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 853

Five minutes later...

"Ahhhhh! It's so uncomfortable! I can't sleep at all!" Fengzao Shenren rolled over with his head, and the very subtle pain that kept her awake made her want to sleep even if she closed her eyes for a while. She couldn't sleep, and she even had a terrible premonition that she might not want to fall asleep all night.

I can't sleep and you don't want to sleep either!

Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse with his back facing her with a very sinister look, planning to pretend to be unable to bear the pain and roll and hit him, anyway, it was hit by the floor and couldn't tell if she was intentional.

At least before I fell asleep!

"Do you need me to help you."

Then Feng Zao Shenren saw an extremely cruel stick erected on the side of the night eclipse.

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up tomorrow," Feng Zao Shenren politely refused the kind help of Night Eclipse and lay back silently.

Speaking of which...Where did Sun Wukong and Xueer go?

In the block, Monkey King grabbed the skewers and nibbled, while Cher on one side was holding a glass of juice in both hands and looked at an Elfi girl apologetically.

"Sorry, it cost you money."

"No... it's okay," the Elfi girl gave a smile that was almost crying.

The most loyal subordinates of Lord Guren have already issued all the enlightenment for Lord Guren!So even if she might die, as an intelligence officer, she tried to extract some information from the two people wandering on the roadside. For this reason, she kindly asked them to eat, and the other party was very happy. Accepted.

At first she thought she could shed some useful information, but as a result...

"This skewers are delicious, and the vegetables are also good. Um, oh, this sauce is a perfect match!"

These are all similar things.

No matter what question she asked her next to Xueer, she looked confused.

So not only didn't get any information, but also the Elfi girl who used the activity funds to return to the base in despair.

This is the first time she has ever wondered if she is really suitable for this job...

Chapter 66: Submission?

Early in the morning, the night eclipse stretched and kicked the Feng Zao Shenren who was still lying down.

"Get up, the sun is about to bask."

"Don't dream, our room can't get the sun at all," Feng Zao Shenren shrank his body.

Eclipse silently looked at the only window in this room, not knowing if it was intentional. This window happened to face the sun, and probably only the sunset could come in.

"Damn it, it's a mere genius! Now I will pull out the sun god's carriage!" The night eclipsed a hand in the King's Treasure and started groping. Although he doesn't know if there is any, just look for it carefully. Look for... carefully... carefully...

"This is too messy!" Almost the entire upper body of the night eclipse has been pierced in. What caught your eye was not the neatly arranged treasures, but the very messy mountain-like treasures.

"It may take decades to sort it out." Eclipse sighed and gave up looking for the legendary carriage that was pushing the sun forward.

"No one can stop me from lying in bed today."

Although he didn't know what happened, Feng Zao Shenren instinctively felt that the night eclipse had nothing to do with her, so he twisted his body as if showing off.

"Believe it or not, I will take off your pants?" Night Eclipse's soft voice seemed to wake up the brother of the coquettish sister.

"Ah! I'm awake! Full of energy!" Feng Zao Shenren cried out strangely, against the dark circles under his eyes.

It took her a long time before she fell asleep when she couldn't hold her energy, but now she was woken up by the night eclipse.

"Don't look at me so bitterly," Night Eclipse scratched the back of his head, "Last night Sun Wukong touched him like a thief and fell asleep not much earlier than you did. I went out for morning exercises before it was too bright."

"I'm sick and weak!" Feng Zao Shenren covered his eyes.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you want to continue sleeping," Night Eclipse walked to the door and pulled a bunch of people down, "Is it okay to be watched?"

"That...I just because...because you fainted suddenly last night, so I wanted to come and see you," Claire, who was lying at the bottom of the crowd, blushed against Alice's full double peaks. Justify it.

"Yeah! You are our team member. It is normal for us to worry." Although Alice said awe-inspiringly, she still looked at the night eclipse from time to time.

"Cough cough cough, I was just passing by and happened to see them piled up here, and I just took a curious look," Linselei, who was lying on Alice's body, gave a light cough.

"The eldest lady means that she also cares about the gods~sir~" Carol stood respectfully by the crowd. At this time, she was like a maid.

When not moving...

At the next moment, Carol took a step forward, tripped with her left foot and fell with her right foot, and directly pressed heavily on Fijana who was the most relaxed.

All kinds of noisy sounds sounded in this room-like warehouse.

"Obvious result," Night Eclipse shrugged, not surprisingly. If Carol is half as reliable as Leticia, Linsele can't be like a perfect superman. She is versatile and good at taking care of housework, massage, etc. people.

But the only pity is that Leticia cannot be exposed to the sun of this world.

"Reassure, there is nothing wrong with this guy," Ye Eclipse picked up the Feng Zao Shenren who wanted to die on his face and trembled, "Squeak."

"Squeak--" Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes.

"You see it's alive and kicking," I don't know why the night eclipse now feels like an unscrupulous businessman selling his tossed dying pet to others.

"It feels like he only has the breath that comes out but the breath that doesn't get in," Alice patted the dust on her body.

"Your illusion," Ye Eclipse loosened his hand, and Feng Zao Shenren fell to the ground. The Feng Zao Shenren, who was obviously still suffering from the curse seal erosion, softened his legs and lay directly on Ye Eclipse. Eclipse sighed, "Well, withdrawing the preface, she is indeed half-dead now."

"What happened to the god-man?" Claire stepped forward with some distress and held the arm of the god-man Feng early.

"In order to be able to help you in the sword dance tomorrow, the god man is enduring inhuman pain," the night eclipse patted the head of the Feng Zao Shen man, using it to be very fake in the eyes of the Feng Zao Shen man, but in The very sincere expressions in the eyes of the innocent ladies tell of Fengzao Shenren's efforts.

Although most of this pain is caused by Feng Zao Shenren himself.

"God, you don't need to be like this, even if you are weak, we won't give up, aren't we companions?" The upright Alice thought that Feng early God was willing to accept such a result, so she was a little bit too small.

"Yeah, yeah," Fiyana nodded.

"This lady can be used by two people alone," Lin Silei shook her hair.

"The eldest lady means she will work hard with you," Carol said with a smile on her face.


Looking at Linselei's shy look, it is obvious that the maid who is useless has successfully translated again.

"How could I give up after you said so," Feng Zao Shenren reluctantly covered his face.

Obviously everyone has a reason to win, but they are all concerned about her dragging the oil bottle. They are all to this point, whether it is pain or humiliation, I will bear it for you!

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