Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 854

Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse resolutely.

Ye Eclipse blinked, looking confused.

I know you are determined, but you want to stare at me for Mao!Believe it or not, I poked your big watery eyes.

Suddenly Feng Zao Shenren lowered his head weakly.

I dare not stare.

"Anyway, God, you take a good rest today, don't think too much, even if there are only four of us, I will find a way," Claire, the commander, promised, patted his chest.

"Yes, I will take a good rest, but rest assured, I will definitely go to the sword dance festival with you," Feng Zao Shenren sighed and touched the position of his heart.

It will be over tonight.

"Anyway, you will be participating in the sword dance tomorrow. You should prepare your luggage as soon as possible," Ye Eclipse clapped his hands as if he was about to rush.

"God, you have to take a good rest!" Claire and the others, who knew what was the most important thing for the current Feng Zao, didn't stay long and left the room.

However, there is one thing they misunderstood. Whether they are there or not, it hurts or hurts for the Fengzao Shenren, and there is not much change in the improvement or improvement of strength.


Night Eclipse raised his brows and looked at the listless Feng Zao Shenren sitting on the bedding with his head down.

"Yeah, I have succumbed. I have succumbed to your lust. I will not resist at night," Feng Zao Shenren laughed bitterly, "After all, I can't resist you at all."

The night eclipse watched silently with both hands around the chest for a while. Feng Zao Shenren finally pushed open the door of the room and left.

"Your heart hasn't succumbed."

Chapter 67 The Call of Taboo, The Ruthless Emperor

A forbidden ritual is going on in the huge cave below the earth.

The deceased Su Sheng?No, this level of taboo is no longer something people can relate to, and what they are doing now is more like an inferior version of the dead Su Sheng.

"It's more laborious than you think, dark elf, you're sure you didn't lie to me!" A little cold sweat broke out on the smooth forehead of Lian Ashbel's bright red mask.

Not far in front of them, the thick dark fog seemed to be alive, and the frightening sense of presence was appearing little by little. If it weren’t for the look of Restia next to her, she was still accustomed to. She must wonder if Restia deceived her to summon some demon.

"Relax, he is exactly what you are asking for, absolute power," Restia chuckled and stretched out her hands to the black mist. "What's the matter? You can't bear this level of pressure? You know? What you summon is nothing but his will."

"Just kidding, a monster of this level! How did you, how were you defeated by the Virgin Aresia?" Lian Asupel took a step back, the heavier and heavier pressure made her a little breathless, and she At that time, Lily, a young girl from the Elfi tribe, knelt directly on the ground, and Muya also appeared to have difficulty breathing.

"Yeah, why are we defeated? That King's World, the invincible emperor that even the Elf King didn't dare to appear in front of him, the ruthless emperor who held me but never saw me staring at the doll. Why would the emperor be expelled?" Unknowingly, a faint sadness appeared on Restia's dusky eyes, "He did not lose to Aresia and Esther, he just stopped in front of fate. , Just because it's not yet time."

"Hey! The dark elf hurriedly stop!" Lian Ashubel's eyes shrank fiercely. Restia's abnormal emotion gave her a bad premonition. Her plan and her righteousness are moving towards Runaway in an uncontrollable direction.

"It's too late. He will come whether you are or not," Restia opened her hands. "This is who you expect."

Just when Lian Asupel was about to kneel down, the pressure surrounding this void was swept away, as if it had never appeared.

"Did you fail?" I don't know why Lian Ashupel felt a trace of luck in his heart, hoping that the ritual failed, even one less chess piece would be better than the entire chessboard.

"No, the success of this ceremony was determined by him from the beginning." Restia held her skirt in her hands without joy and sorrow, and performed the most standard noble ceremony. "Welcome back, my... emperor."

The black mist slowly dissipated, and a person covered in armor slowly walked out of it, and a white cloak with a strange pattern engraved on his left shoulder slowly fluttered.

"This...what?" Lian Axiubel took a step back and stared at the pattern on the white cloak. There is no such thing in the literature at all. "Dark elf, you... lied to me!"

"That's the source language that symbolizes goodness, ah~ it's really ironic, obviously everything you do is evil, obviously I chose a dark future, but the world has given goodness," Restia walked forward After a few steps, he looked at Lian Ashbel and laughed, "Relax, in a way, he is the same species as you, isn't it?"

"Sacrifice for justice."

"Then are you on my side, or are you just trying to summon him from the beginning?" Lin Ashupel raised his right hand, and the dark flame burned in the palm of his hand, "Answer me! Dark Elf! "

"How do you say, I am your ally, I have the same purpose as you," Restia turned around and came to the armored man's right, raising her left hand as if she was expecting something, but in the end she was still powerless Fell down.

"But I have always been on the side of the future."


Lian Ashobel did not hesitate to do his utmost and used the flame to throw at Restia.

"You are really impatient, even I can't take this flame, and I didn't say that I was an enemy."

Restia shook her head helplessly, but stood there quietly without defensively or evading.


The fingers of the right hand covered by the armor moved, and the terrifying cold current swept through the space. Before Lily and Muya could react, a layer of frost spread on their bodies.

"It's impossible!" Lian Ashbel's expression twisted and subconsciously wanted to step back, but she didn't know when her legs were frozen, but she didn't care at all.


Her confident God Killing Flame was frozen when she touched Restia, as if to mock her ignorance. The ice fell heavily on the ground and broke into several pieces, but each piece was ridiculous. The flames in are still burning, as if they didn't even notice that they had been frozen in ice.

"There are people outside, there is heaven outside," Restia shook her head, raised her hand and pressed the armored man's right shoulder next to her, "They can't die."

The next moment the flame swept the entire space, all the cold was dissipated, and the strange thing was that even if there was a face dance with the flame, Lian Axiubel and others had nothing to do.

"Now you understand," Restia came to Ren Axiubel without any haste and reached out to her, "We don't want to destroy your righteousness."

"Hmph, then what do you want to do!" Lian Axiubel slapped Restia's hand unceremoniously, "Also, why can he use other spells!"

"Surgery? It might be better for you to explain it this way," Restia touched the hand that was slapped by Ren Asupel. "I didn't say that, he didn't lose to Aresia and Esther. , He just chose to pause in front of the gears of fate for the next time."

"That is to say, the time is now!" Lian Ashbel's eyes narrowed, "You want to use me."

Restia blinked her eyes and chuckled, "Sorry, you have no value for him to use."

"You!" Lian Ashubel bit her lip humiliatingly.

"But, he doesn't mind lending you power," Restia glanced at the person who was completely wrapped in armor. "How about, are you not willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of justice?"

" must answer me, your purpose!" Lian Ashubel's eyes narrowed.

"Ah~My purpose is the same as you," Restia gave a mysterious smile.

"What about him?"

"Me?" The armored man raised his head, the silver helmet slowly disappeared, and Lin Asupel's eyes shrank fiercely as if he had seen someone who was absolutely impossible to appear.

"I'm just talking."

Chapter 68: Respective Enlightenment

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