Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 856

Chapter 69 The Competition Begins

"Are we being squeezed out," Night Eclipse raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing more than the boring behavior of the weak gathering together," Vercelia glanced disdainfully at the surrounding team with her arms around her chest.

Now all the teams except for the [Infernal Apostle] of Lian Asupel have been assembled, but the weird thing is that there is no one beside the Victory Team of Eclipse except for the Scarlet team, even the pterosaurs from the same college. It also seems to hide far away to avoid suspicion.

"Why the look in their eyes," Claire put her hands on her hips with a little dissatisfaction, "as if to encircle us."

"An Xin and they only look at me," Ye Eclipse laughed coldly, "Isn't this normal? When human beings encounter an invincible opponent, isn't it the first thing they think of is encirclement and suppression?"

At that banquet, every contestant knew that the night eclipse killed the Dragon Lady in a flash. Basically, the night eclipse had already been tacitly recognized as a powerful opponent second only to Lian Ashbel.

But when a group of people can defeat the beast together, it is called hunting, but when a group of people attack the monster, it is just to die.

"In other words, they treat you as a prey?" Lin Silei looked at the night eclipse with some worry.

Night Eclipse sighed, "This is really an unpleasant name. I didn't expect to be preyed by a group of scum, but is it okay? Now we are enemies. It can be said that the highest wall in front of you is me. no problem?"

"Of course!" Lin Silei raised her voice, her emerald eyes without a trace of impurities, "I will be upright in a battle with you."

"Cough cough cough, I don't think these guys can beat you anyway," Feiyana coughed lightly, her eyes erratic.

"Hey! God, don't you say a few words?" Kleier patted the shoulder of Feng Zao Shen who had been keeping his head down since just now.

"Ah! Cough, cough, cough, this... everyone must cheer!" Feng Zao Shenren first screamed, then danced for a while with his flushed hands, and finally hid behind Alice with his face covered.

"Eh!" Alice was stunned and obviously did not react to what happened.

"Don't worry about this trick," Night Eclipse waved his hand, "Anyway, you must at least get me into the finals."

"That's natural!" Claire straightened out her barren chest with confidence.

"Speaking of it, don't you think her eyes are too dazzling?" Alice pulled the night eclipse's clothes and pointed to the direction of Doragunia's team. Lei who had been dropped by the night eclipse in seconds. Ola was staring at the night eclipse with undisguised eager eyes, and her red eyes made Alice's scalp tingling.

The night eclipse sighed. After seeing the golden cross with the golden pupil fully expanded, the ancient Longwei ran directly over. Leola with an eager face leaned back as if his head had been hit hard, and then Leola recovered. It's normal. Although there is still some eagerness in the black eyes, it is more apologetic.

"Don't you think it's okay?" Eclipse nodded to Leola and then shrugged at Alice.

"It doesn't look like it's okay," Alice twitched at the corner of her mouth.

"Speaking of it, it seems that there is still a group of people staring at me," Ye Eclipse tilted its head and turned its head, and the team looked like a deep hatred, as if Ye Eclipse did something crazy.

"Um... they seem to be the guards of the Royal Family of Barustan," Kreil touched his chin, "probably because of what you felt that night."

"Huh! That frivolous guy deserves it!" Alice was a bit angrily.

"It's okay, that guy shouldn't be frivolous anymore," Night Eclipse yawned.

Do you know what a meat grinder is, and what is an egg chopper?

"But what if the royal family of Barustan takes revenge after the sword dance festival?" As the second princess, Fayana knows exactly how temperament the royal family is. The night eclipse may have already thrown the glass heart of the royal family of Barustan. It was broken and stomped, probably to the level of endless death.

"Is it okay to just let Ballustan disappear?" The night eclipse flicked his nails and the tone seemed to be as easy as making a mosquito disappear. I got a wish."

Fayana was speechless, she almost forgot that the temperament in front of her was bigger.

At this time, the people in the audience began to commotion, for them, the real protagonist appeared.

"Come!" Feng Zao Shenren, who hadn't been in the state from the beginning, also showed a serious expression.

"Eh--" Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes and disappeared in place and appeared in front of Lian Asupel. The people around were startled, obviously they did not react to what happened.

"I thought it was just a harlequin in this drama, but there was a big head behind it. You did something that made me absolutely impossible to let go of you, fake!"

"Really?" Lian Ashupel didn't seem to be surprised at the reaction of the night eclipse, "but are you planning to do it here?"

Ye Eclipse frowned, his clenched fists slowly loosened.

"Correct judgement," Lian Asupel unceremoniously walked past the night eclipse, and the team members behind her also walked over one by one, and a girl with an exaggerated fan watched playfully. With a glance at the night eclipse, Muya spit out his tongue directly at the night eclipse, but Lily of the Elfi tribe quickly walked over with her head down, as if she was avoiding something terrifying.

In the end, the last members of the purgatory apostle walked to the side of the night eclipse, covered with silver-white armor, and the white cloak on his right shoulder slowly fluttered.

"Don't want to leave the elf world alive," Night Eclipse lowered its eyes and said softly.

"With you," he was not moved and angry because the eclipse directly announced the end of his life, and there was no emotional fluctuation, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Ye Eclipse's face sank completely and returned to the team with a black face.

"Ye..." Yae Ying raised her hand and looked at the night eclipse hesitantly. It was obvious that she had already seen the identity of that person.

"Catch it!" At this moment, the ugly night eclipse expression changed very quickly and grabbed Yae Sakura's hand, "I will never give you a chance to take it back."

"You are really..." Yae Sakura smiled helplessly, "Then I have to muster the courage."

Sun Wukong and Xue'er, who had originally planned to persuade them, looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Their worries were simply unnecessary.

But the people of the Scarlett team looked confused, and they didn't understand what was going on from the eclipse suddenly rushing out to coming back in black.

"By the way, if you don't want to lose your life, don't try to fight the Purgatory Apostle, at least before you leave the elven world," Night Eclipse held Yae Sakura's hand and looked at the Scarlet team, without the usual dangling on his face. , Some are only serious.

"We will," Claire nodded reluctantly. She was still able to distinguish the situation and make the night eclipse show such an expression...

It is definitely not something they can contend!

Chapter 70 Chaotic War?No, it's Jedi Escape!

"We should first construct camps and deploy defenses."

When he came to the forest, Vercelia proposed to the night eclipse with a serious face.

"We are clearly targeted, and there will be a lot of attacks next, and this is a seven-day battle. We still need to find water and food. What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Set off the signal flares," Eclipse blinked and the signal flares in his hand flew into the sky with a squeaky sound, and the distress signal exploded in the air carelessly.

"Isn't this telling others that we are here!" Vercelia was dumbfounded.

This game is based on the theme of survival and plunder. It takes magic stones from other teams to eliminate opponents. Without trust, even allies of the same academy may stabbed in the back at any time.

In such a cruel game, everyone is a hunter. At this time there is a distress signal in the sky, everyone will subconsciously come to a conclusion.

The weakest team is about to be eliminated. At least two magic stones will appear for the hunter and the hunted. And the signal flare of each academy is different. Maybe there will be people who support you. For those who are confident of their own strength, not only can they harvest the magic stones of the two teams, they may also harvest the magic stones of the teams that have the same idea.

As for the hunted...Isn't it normal that the weakest in this cruel existence is excluded first?Not even qualified to cooperate.

"I'm going to do this, come one by one," Night Eclipse shrugged and took out a few signal flares and sent them to the rest of the people. When it finally came to Versilia, Versilia received Lived but looked reluctant.

"Next we may encounter attacks from at least three teams! And still without a camp!" Vercelia persuaded me bitterly.

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