Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 857


There were three more signal bombs rising into the sky. Such a tight burst seemed to tell everyone how critical the place is, and tell everyone how mindless the people here are.

"Isn't it? That way we can harvest at least three magic stones," Night Eclipse blinked.

Vercelia blinked, looked at Cher, looked at Monkey King, looked at Yae Sakura, looked at the night eclipse, and then the signal flare in her hand rose into the sky with a scream.

Almost forgot that the people here are fierce men who can string everyone together to fight, Vercelia was ashamed of her immaturity.

"Understood Vercelia, you still have a lot to learn," Night Eclipse patted Vercelia on the head, then snapped her fingers, "Enki will be handed over to you."

"I understand." The chains on the night eclipse quickly drove into the ground. When the greedy hunters were hiding and approaching their prey, the entire forest had already fallen into the hands of the objects they wanted to hunt.

Night Eclipse laughed disdainfully and opened his hands, "Indeed, it is foolish to show fire in the dark forest. This will provoke all the hunters to attack, but the pretentious hunters, have you ever thought about... "

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the night eclipse.

"This firelight is the bait that is originally darkness to hunt you."

On the other side of the forest, the five members of the Scarlet team looked at the sky in a neat and sluggish manner and sent out five calls for help.

"That's... from our academy...?" Claire's mouth twitched. Although she didn't want to admit it, the weak team that started the five-game call for help really belonged to their academy.

"That bunch of senior elder sisters..." Feiyana covered her face. She still remembers the expression of the pterosaurs that you scumbags don't hold us back.

Then I asked for help five in a row-

As for the possibility of a night eclipse, Feiyana said that it would be possible for the winning team to start a five-game burst of help. Then let's stop playing this game and what should we do when we go home.

"Should we save it?" Alice scratched her face. "After all, they belong to the same college."

"Huh? If we go, we will only become other people's hunting targets," Lin Silei resisted, not to mention that the pterodactyl team didn't give them a good face. She was very upset, as a competent hunter. , I know how many hunters will be attracted by this fire.

"No!" Feng Zao Shenren rubbed his chin and meditated for a while and said decisively, "We have to go there!"

"Huh? Although you have been very abnormal since this morning, your speech now is no longer all right," Lin Selei held her forehead, "Do you know how much will pass?"

"Well... this morning I... I have a reason!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed and ended.

"Then what do you mean by your proposal to let us break into the chaos?" Lin Silei tossed her hair a little dissatisfied. "If you want to say that taking advantage of the chaos, I can only say sorry, only the real Confident hunters will participate in this chaos, and do you know how many teams will appear?"

"This is his purpose," Feng Zao Shenren grabbed his hair and said helplessly, "For him, the more you come, the better, because it will only make him a good harvest. This flare is not something to be slaughtered at all. Sheep are the bait that lures their prey into the abyss. I am afraid those confident hunters do not know that they are the real prey."

Feng Zao Shenren pointed to the direction of the flare, "Because the flare... is a night eclipse!"

"That group of guys are finished," Claire spread her hands.

"Poor," Fiyana clasped her fingers as if praying for the victim who was about to appear.

"This is the real hunter!" Lin Silei's eyes lit up and she directly flicked out the flare and looked lunatic, but she was quickly concealed by Claire, and they didn't have the ability to eclipse at night.

"Then what are we going to do?" Alice looked like a curious baby.

"Hold your thighs," Feng Zao Shenren didn't feel ashamed at all, but he analyzed it in a straightforward manner. "As the master's character cannot be honest and steady after harvesting a wave of magic stones, he will definitely wait until the time is over. Keep harvesting other teams until the remaining four teams force the end of the game."

"In other words, following the night eclipse team can not only guarantee the possibility of survival, but also ensure a quota for promotion. Although it is shameful, it is the safest way to do it," Claire said unwillingly.

"So what's your decision?" Feng Zao Shenren looked at Claire. Claire is the captain of the Scarlet team. She just put forward her own opinions, even if Claire chooses to have dignity. She will only accompany to the end in the battle.

This is the self-confidence of the strongest sword dancer——Lian Ashbel!

"Ha... let's go," Claire flicked her ponytail after closing her eyes and thinking for a while.

"Where to go?" Feng Zao Shenren looked at Claire expectantly.

"Go on your knees and lick it!" Claire kicked the rock beside her feet uncomfortably, and then walked towards the signal flare.

They all have reasons to have to win the sword dance festival, so those who bear these reasons must take them to win, even if they choose to be humiliated.

"Good!" Feng Zao Shenren happily followed.

In the face of the reality called Eclipse, the dignity of the strongest sword dancer, Lian Ashubel, is worthless.

The rest of the Scarlet team glanced at each other and followed, but watching the wind early gods jumping in front of them, they didn't know why they thought of a creature.

The dog who is separated from the owner, but is about to return to the owner.

Author's message:

Is the PS five bursts all sensitive words!

Chapter 71: Dirty Playing Tactics

"Even let them run away."

Night Eclipse kicked the boulder next to him with an unhappy face, and then threw the magic stone in his hand, no more, no more than eight.

"Yeah, let the people of these two teams run one by one. It would be troublesome if they combined with other teams to attack us," Monkey King squatted on the ground with a distressed expression.

Yae Sakura and Xue Er looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, and Vercelia sat on the ground with a dazed expression, the grains of sand all over her body felt like she had been beaten severely.

"The breath has disappeared, and the surveillance is gone," At this time, the chains on Night Eclipse lifted, and Enkidu's voice sounded.

"Ah~ I finally threw the line out, pretending to be very hard and really tired, but also to beware of a good thing with a sinew companion," Night Eclipse held his forehead helplessly and looked at Wei who was still sluggish. Ercelia.


"So, I blame Vercelia for you wanting to kill them in one shot, so that I have to knock you down first," Ye Eclipse shook her finger.

"It's you!" Vercelia's eyes widened. No wonder she suddenly slipped when she wanted to fire the cannon, which caused the opponent to be hit by a sand-controlling elf.

"Why! Isn't it your attention to attract the enemy and wipe them out?" Vercelia was aggrieved.

"Well, I intend to bring the enemy over, but I never said that I will wipe them out," Night Eclipse sighed and stretched out her hand to pull Vercelia up. "It is not common sense to let go of the last person in the team. ?"

"Isn't it supposed to cut the weeds and roots! What if that person unites with other shouldn't!" Verseria was stunned, and then looked terrified.

"This is the long line to catch the big fish," Night Eclipse showed a sinister smile, "Although most of the teams know that I am strong, it is just a vague concept, just very strong, so just give them a correct order. It is true that you cannot win the challenge, but if there are many people attacking at the same time, you can win the illusion, then..."

"They will assemble a large team to encircle us, and then be harvested," Verseriaha breathed out.

Those playing tactics these days are so dirty...

"I have specially shown that except for being resistant to RBI, it is a completely meaningless silly big image~" Monkey King waved his hand like asking for credit.

In their opinion, you are a silly big guy who is completely meaningless except for being able to manage. Vercelia looked at Monkey King hesitantly.

"Will you not leave after listening to our tactics?" Night Eclipse raised its brows and picked up a stone from the ground and threw it away.

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