Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 858

The next moment the stone flew out at the third cosmic speed.


A large area of ​​woods was directly blown up.

"If you hit just now, you will be dead! It will definitely be dead!" Fayana held Linsley's shoulder with a look of horror. If she hadn't experienced Gilgamesh's bombing training, she would have already kneeled. Down.

"Who told you to come here and hide there," said Night Eclipse quietly with both hands around the chest, "I said, I am the largest wall on your sword dance festival, but I never said where it is. Stop you, if you can't give me a satisfactory reason, your sword dance festival journey will end here."

Verseria's eyes condensed and stepped forward, and all the fortresses of Silent Fortress appeared to be aimed at the Scarlet team. I don't know if it was selfish, most of them were locked in the wind early god.

If it were the previous Fengzhao Shenren, she might have jumped up, but after the torture of life is not as good as death, now she is equivalent to Lian Ashubel who does not penetrate the sword of truth, so naturally she has a lot of courage.

"Well... you want to achieve the purpose of large-scale harvesting by forcing other teams to unite, but in fact, you can only harvest those who think they understand your true strength and have a certain strength," Claire Calmly analyze, "Even if you deliberately make your team look not particularly strong, it is an indisputable fact that you kill the Dragon Lady with one hand without using the magic outfit. At least there is a small part of the team. I don’t dare to approach you at all. As for those powerful teams, they will consider again and again, and even encourage the upper and middle strength teams to unite to test you, or even avoid you to attack other teams and delay the time until the end of the game, so that you are practical. The number of people who can kill will be less than expected."

"Interesting, continue," Night Eclipse raised his eyebrows, and the index finger of his right hand pressed on his left arm began to tap slowly.

Claire breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but she still looked indifferent outside, because she knew very well that when negotiating, especially when the strength of the other party is far superior to herself, she can crush herself at any time. Established and reap certain benefits, there must be benefits that can make the other party's heart beat.

"So working with us can at least have some fun before or even after you kill those unions!" Claire said seriously, patted her chest.

Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes, and Claire's answer made him a little unexpected, completely putting his status to the lowest place, and deliberately catering to his interests.

"For you, the other teams are not strong or weak. They are all hunting prey, but there will always be some cunning prey that will not fall into your trap, so if you count the real bait!" Pointing to himself, "Our strength is not top-notch, and will not attack you, so those teams that need magic stones but don’t want to run into you will always have someone looking at us. Our cooperation with you is that we Don't ask for anything in return, just unilaterally as your second bait!"

"Pretty!" Night Eclipse clapped his hands, "The most important thing in cooperation is the benefits to both parties. I also thought you would ask for the minimum share, but I didn't expect you to be more ruthless! Just don't want any benefits, just unilaterally as bait , Then why should I reject you!"

Claire breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, they still had equivalent benefits, and the night eclipse knew about it, but they didn't say it.

The purpose of the night eclipse is to be a hunter who is constantly hunting the competitors of the other 23 teams. The number of magic stones is actually meaningless. If there are only four teams left in the elf world, then the game is equivalent to ending directly. However, in this kind of mutual hunting game, except for the teammates are all enemies, then even the same academy will directly attack without mercy. The so-called allies may be stabbed at any time.

The strength of the night eclipse does not require allies at all, but the result of this strength is that the prey dare not approach at all, even if false information is spread, the real prey will not come, so what the night eclipse needs is bait, which can help He attracts the bait of prey.

So in order to ensure continuous hunting, the most basic thing is to ensure that the bait is not eaten. He can even make other prey mistakenly think that the Scarlet team counter-killed the opponent and obtained the magic stone to attract more. Prey.

The biggest benefit that the Scarlet team can get is to survive to the end!Then advance!

"Then let me make the most of you!"

Chapter 72 Successful Negotiation

"Sure enough, night eclipse-you are the best!"

On a condescending hillside, five girls in military uniforms were sitting quietly.

They are one of the candidates for the winning team of the sword dance festival-the Dragon King Knights. They have been observing the battle of the night eclipse with the look of the dragon attribute, but in order to prevent being discovered that they ended at the end of the battle..

However, it seems that because of this battle, the problem of the dragon daughter has committed again. At this moment, she is staring with red eyes and making bad remarks.

"I want to give birth to offspring for you more and more!" With an abnormal blush on Leola's face, he stared fiercely in the direction they were looking at before. "The bloodline that even good is degrading must be for Doragu. Nia won!"

The deputy head of the Dragon King Knights looked at Leola hesitantly and stopped. As a witness to how powerful Leola was after his dragon blood awakening, her fear of night eclipses should be the deepest among all. Being able to kill Leola in seconds with ease, it can be said that this man is no longer what their Dragon King Knights can resist. It is precisely because of such advance recognition that she was very good for the general team in the previous game, but for As far as the top teams are concerned, she sees deeper into the confused battle.

She is not so stupid to think that the night eclipse is an empty embroidered pillow. Because of this, she saw Leola look like she was rushing over and cutting him to give birth to him. Kind of feeling that the Dragon King Knights might be eliminated today.

"Reassure, Julie, I am very calm now," the red light in Leola's eyes gradually dissipated, and Leola lay down on her back without an image. "Even the manic dragon blood clearly understands it and rushes up. It's just a death, but I still want to fight him."

"Master Leola..." Deputy Commander Yuli looked complicated, "He is too threatening to us. We should join hands with others. The battle just now proves that they are not invincible."

"Cooperate with the four gods or with the Liebao division," Leola smiled disdainfully, "or the Lian Axiubel's purgatory apostle, joking that this man only has this strength?"

As a person who has fought the night eclipse head-on, she can be said to be a person who understands the strength of the night eclipse. The Dragon Killing Sacred Sword, which is comparable to the Sacred Sword of Annihilation, can't even cut his skin, and the power of the dragon blood after awakening makes him move. Can't do it, with such power, will two rookie teams be let go?joke!

"If you want to die, just go, if you want to advance, you can avoid him with all your strength! If you want to win this sword dance festival..." Leola was silent for a while, and then looked up with a strange look. After seeing my beloved subordinates, I saw them fluttering.

Finally, when the rest of the Dragon King Knights were about to be unable to sit still, Leola retracted his gaze and muttered to herself.

"Why don't you just try to seduce him? If there are five people, the probability of getting pregnant should be five times. If you get the blood of the sword dance sacrifice winner, wouldn't it be the same as winning?"

"Master Leola, did we just give up like this?" Yuli was dumbfounded. She had been living to the death in battle before, but now she is seriously considering the issue of having children, and she plans to drag other people together. go with!

"You don't want to?" Leola frowned, then stretched out her hand to pinch her chest, a little annoyed, "I won't force you, my body should be long, but why is he not salty every time? Doesn't it seem like he has a special hobby?"

Leola blushed inexplicably as she said, "It's not that I can't accept special gameplay, but this kind of thing..."

The point is not this...

"In any case, Leola-sama, let's at least advance to the next level!" In order to prevent Leola from going wrong, Yuli simply pressed Leola's shoulder.

"That's right," Leola squinted his eyes. "There are still many objects worth hunting for this sword dance festival!"

Finally back to normal...

Yuli sighed long.

However, what Leola said was not wrong. The Kingdom of Dolagunia also discussed the issue of night eclipse. If you can win, you will try your best to win you even if you count the entire Dragon King Knights. If you can’t win, at least leave it to the species...

Although there is no difference between the two.


"Okay, you can go now," the night eclipse drove people up unceremoniously after the negotiation.

"So direct!"

Although it is understood that if the two teams are mixed for a long time, it will definitely make people suspicious and lead to failure of cooperation, but the extremely bad face of the night eclipse still makes Claire upset.

"Hey hey hey, we are not allies of cooperation, you are just bait that we use unilaterally," Night Eclipse raised his chin with his hands around his chest, "If you want more respect, give me a point."

"The weak in this world do not have the right to demand from the strong!" Vercelia said coldly as she stood beside the eclipse.

Rough words are not rough.

Claire covered her forehead with a headache. Although she knew from the beginning that this tactic would make herself completely useless, she couldn't bear even this humiliation, how could she go further.

"Okay! I understand what you mean," Claire raised her hands helplessly, "Then you at least tell me, as bait, how can we let you as a hunter come and hunt after we meet the prey."

"The collar on the neck of the god man is equivalent to a location. I can know it every time the healing power is activated." Night Eclipse pointed to the dark collar on the neck of the god man. "As long as the man is injured, I can rush. come."

"That is to say..." The Scarlett team looked at the sluggish Feng early God with a weird expression.

"You want me, a person who is positioned as an assassinator, to rush out and fight against other teams!?" Feng Zao Shenren's mouth twitched.

"As long as you get a little hurt," Night Eclipse gestured with his index finger and thumb.

"Tsk, then it doesn't matter if I knock them down!" Feng Zao Shenren twisted his wrist and sneered. This is the confidence of the strongest sword dancer-Lian Ashbel.

"If you have that ambition, go ahead and do it!" Eclipse opened his hands, "At least it makes me look forward to the next game even more!"

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