Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 859

"Let's go!" Claire spit out her tongue to the night eclipse and pulled Feng Zao Shenren to turn and leave. Others also wanted to say night eclipse and others politely. Alice wanted to be with Vercelia. Say a few words, but Vercelia turned her head to look like I didn't listen, and finally Alice left with a desperate look.

Eclipse put his hands in his pockets and watched the departure of the Scarlett team.

"I'm looking forward to it..."

"Your growth."

Chapter 73 is this moment!

"Let me see..."


Just when the night eclipse was about to open the pressure cooker because of curiosity, a small white hand patted the hand of the night eclipse. Unexpectedly, it was not the Yae Sakura that prevented the night eclipse, but the always soft snow. child.

"Boss, this is very dangerous!" Xueer bulged her face like a parent who was teaching her own bear children, "The pressure cooker cannot be turned on until it is well, it will explode!"

"Huh?" Does a night eclipse, who never cook and rarely enter the kitchen, mean that it will really explode?Suddenly want to see it!

Seeing the night eclipse not only did not reflect, but was eager to try, Xue Er's mouth grabbed Yae Sakura, "Senior, please talk to the boss, the pressure cooker will be very dangerous!"

I have to say that Cher is very smart, knowing that the night eclipse in front of Yae Sakura is as meek as a Samoyed, and she also believes that Yae Sakura will not let the night eclipse do some dangerous things!

"Eh? Will it really explode?" Who knows that Yae Sakura's eyes brightened and looked very curious.

"How it...try it?" Talking about the night eclipse, he reached out to the pressure cooker again.

"Hmm," Yaezakura nodded.

"Ah!!! Boss and seniors go out for me!" The always gentle Xueer shouted angrily for the first time. Although it looks more like a baby, Xueer still emits a genuine light to make Yae Sakura and The night eclipse was pushed out of the makeshift kitchen.

"It turned out to be very gentle after being angry," Ye Eclipse looked back at the light that gradually faded.

"I said from the beginning, she is a good boy," Yae Sakura rarely showed a proud expression.

"What are you talking about?" Monkey King, carrying a wild boar, blinked curiously.

"Nothing? I asked you to get some prey. I didn't expect to get a wild boar back." Night Eclipse glanced at the humming big wild boar and nodded in satisfaction. "Catch alive. The ingredients are better than slaughtered on the spot. "

"Oh~ Boss, you don’t know how hard I took to prevent this floating island from collapsing with great force," Monkey King threw the wild boar on the ground with a bang, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "but the wild boar here The quality is really good, and the meat quality is better than that of Aresia."

"Is it really good? I'll know if you taste it," Ye Eclipse licked his mouth and took out a small dagger from behind, slowly squatting down towards the wild boar, looking at the very humane expression of fear. The wild boar, Ye Eclipse sighed and raised his dagger and cut his throat to understand the rest of the wild boar's life neatly.

"Boss, can't you just start with it? I heard that fear will affect the meat quality." Monkey King squatted down and poked the wild boar's belly with his fingers. "I didn't expect the wild boars here to be so smart. Ah~"

"After all, it's a wild boar in Sanctuary," Night Eclipse looked serious, and then poked the wild boar's belly with his finger.

Yae Sakura silently looked at the two boring people who were disrespectful to the corpse. She was still talking about the deliciousness of the killing a few seconds ago, but after killing her, she started poking her belly.

As for why wild boars are afraid...In other words, anyone who sees a person holding a dagger and staring at the large arteries in your neck will be afraid, especially when the limbs are tied.

"It's really a headache, what if the meat quality is really affected? But I don't know how the original taste is here?" Monkey King scratched the back of his head with a distressed look, and the other hand was still poking the wild boar's belly. .

"You can grab another one. Anyway, this one is definitely not enough for you to eat. An Xin, this time I will be cut off the head simply," Night Eclipse said seriously.

"Although I think these wild boars are very pitiful, I suddenly feel so happy when I think that they are delicious after they are cooked," Monkey King said helplessly.

"Don't worry, they will thank you for making them so delicious." The night eclipse changed to a pinch, pinching the meat on the wild boar's belly and subconsciously comparing it with the soft meat on the belly of the wind early god.

Well, the wind early god is the soft flesh on your stomach that is more comfortable to pinch, you won!

The Fengzhao Shenren who was setting up the camp suddenly sneezed heavily, and his hand pulled hard subconsciously, and the tent that was built before the last step collapsed instantly.

Finally, Monkey King and Ye Eclipse stopped tacitly after jabbing for a long time, watching the wild boar Sun Wukong and Ye Eclipse whose body had cooled down.

"There is no such thing as a corpse saying that you have to take advantage of it while it is hot. You can also make a living if it is cold," Ye Eclipse looked thoughtful.

"Yes, don't you use it from the refrigerator often?" Monkey King tapped his right fist gently on the palm of his left hand.

"That's right! That's right! You really know how to do it! After all, as long as you have the courage to control whether it is hot or cold," Ye Eclipse smirked.

Yae Sakura quietly came to the back of the night eclipse and grabbed the wooden knife in his hand, took a deep breath, and came to the night eclipse's head heavily.

Unexpectedly, Yae Sakura would come so suddenly, the night eclipse's eyes flipped and fell down, and her face hit the wild boar's belly.

"Sun Wukong, go and cook this wild boar first, your boss is too tired," Yae Ying smiled and helped the night eclipse.

"Oh, I got it," Sun Wukong, who felt something was wrong, dragged the wild boar straight down and slipped into the kitchen without any muddy, unusually neat.

After Monkey King left, Yae Sakura sighed and helped the night eclipse to come to a tree, gently placed the night eclipse's head on her knee, and looked at the night eclipse's sleeping face (?) Yae Sakura stretched out her hand Gently stroked Ye Eclipse's face.

"Don't always try to bring the crooked Monkey King, Xue'er will have a headache," Yae Sakura sighed helplessly. Her slender fingers directly pinched the night eclipse's face and pulled it up, "After all, why are you? I like to tease people so much."

"Because..." Ye Eclipse opened her eyes and looked at Yae Sakura's eyes seriously, "You are not here."

I just want to lean against you quietly. If you are not there, your heart will be empty and you can only find other things to fill it. So...

Don't leave my side..

"Yeah, because I'm not here, do you want to molest other girls as much as you want?" Yae Sakura pulled up Ye Eclipse's face with both hands, "I really can't rest assured of you in terms of girls!"

"It hurts! It feels right! But it is really strange! I didn't mean that!" Night Eclipse screamed and hugged Yae Sakura's waist and raised his head, trying to pretend to be pitiful.

However, because the night eclipse was attached to the belly of Yaezakura and raised his head, Yaezakura could not see the face of the night eclipse, only a head arched and arched in the stomach.

"I pull--" Although the strange touch on her stomach made Yae Sakura a little shy, she still pulled Ye Eclipse's face mercilessly.

"Hmm... I was wrong!"

"Yeah! I've decided!" Yaezakura bent down and hugged the night eclipse, "You have never been reassuring, so..."

"I will be by your side forever."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now

"Are you eating my tofu?"

"Eh hey (? ???ω??? ?)"

"I'm bored!"

"It's useless! For this moment I have become the real top of the surpassing creatures, there is no air! Hahahahahahaha!"

Chapter 74 Group Annihilation

Without making trouble, Monkey King and Xueer quickly prepared food.

"Huh?" Night Eclipse, who was chewing wild boar legs, raised his brows and stood up, looked around and laughed disdainfully, "It's rude to attack him during meal time~"

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