Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 860


A bunch of people walked out of the grass and surrounded Night Eclipse and others, but they seemed to be very afraid of the strength of Night Eclipse and no one would do it first.

"Let me see, count the eight people who ran away~" Night Eclipse said vaguely after taking a bite of wild boar. "Obviously, it made a lot of flaws, but only this person came."

Although that is the case, in fact, two-thirds of the participating teams appeared here. Counting the two people who were let go, there were ten teams fighting with them.

But I have to say that they are very smart and rushed to crusade them immediately after finding allies. It is a pity that they are too confident of their own strength and are too eager to defeat the night eclipse.

"It seems that there are a lot of smart people," Verseria frowned and put down the barbecued pork in her hand.

"Enough," Night Eclipse threw the wild boar leg in his hand into the sky, and the corners of his mouth raised. "Your sword dance offering ends here."


Countless chains broke through the ground and rushed towards the surrounding elves.

"Hurry up and disperse the attack!" one of them shouted.

It seems that this person is the temporary leader of this alliance. Everyone spread out in an orderly manner. All kinds of elf magic blasted into the night eclipse, and the elf envoy holding the weapon blocked the chain before the elf envoy who released the elf magic. Knock.

"I don't have the habit of aggressively attacking," Ye Eclipse stepped on the ground and jumped up to avoid the attack.

"He can't escape now! Attack!" The head of the person's eyes lit up and waved, and the people under him also raised their hands in a tacit understanding.

For a time, violent winds, ice bursts, flames, and various attacks of thunder blasted the night eclipse in mid-air.

"Can't escape? Who has the final say?"

The chain that was bounced by the weapon before turned around and all rushed to the direction of the night eclipse. The corner of the night eclipse’s mouth was raised, a foot stepped on one of the chains, twisted the body and ran directly on the chain, and at the same time on the left arm. A series of golden arcs flashed.

"Everything is up to me!"

"Don't let him come near! Defense! Defense!" The headed person's eyes narrowed and took a step back in a panic.

"When you stand on the ground, you have already lost."

The originally flat ground suddenly wriggled as if it had life, and the elves who focused on the night eclipse in mid-air only felt that their feet were soft and directly out of balance, and the defense that had no tacit understanding collapsed in an instant.

"It's over," the eclipse fell from the sky and landed steadily in the middle of the crowd, raising the left hand covered with golden thunder with a light wave.

The thunder light flashed, and the golden thunder raged in the crowd. The night eclipse let out a sigh of relief, shook his left hand, which still had some electric light, and walked out of the crowd.


As if an appointment had been made, the crowd behind the night eclipse all fell to the ground, all of them fainted before they even screamed.

"Boss, your wild boar leg fell on the ground just now, I will help you to remove the leaves," Monkey King held the wild boar leg and came to the night eclipse like a dog leg.

Ye Eclipse took the wild boar leg with a blank expression on his face and ate it directly.

"Such a power - as expected, you did it on purpose during the previous special training!" Verseria flushed her eyes and looked ashamed.

After seeing Night Eclipse completely stun everyone, Vercelia immediately recalled the shameful special training not long ago. Night Eclipse used the kind of electric current that seemed only a little powerful to constantly attack her. That kind of electric shock not only did not cause any harm, but kept irritating her skin, leaving her in such a state all the time.

What’s even more is that Eclipse doesn’t kill her at all, but keeps fighting her attrition and staying at the level where Vercelia has to concentrate all of her attention on Eclipse actions. As a result, she has no energy to suppress the feeling of shame.

In short, all kinds of unbearable past...

"Obviously, we should be serious and fight!" Now that I remembered, at the time of the night eclipse, she was holding her to show all kinds of shame and attacking. Vercelia really had something to marry. Feel it.

"It is the privilege of the strong to play with the opponent seriously during the battle," Ye Eclipse snorted and pointed at a pile of hair styles on the ground with a wild boar leg, and they also twitched from time to time. You want to be like this."

"If you have to choose one of this appearance and being teased by you, I choose this appearance," Vercelia pointed to the twitching elf without hesitation.

"Um... It's a pity that the person chosen was not you, it was me!" Ye Eclipse grinned.

The bright smile made Vercelia's face black, and silently walked to the crowd and began to harvest the magic stone.

"But~ it's a pity that my long-line fishing plan ended like this," Night Eclipse sighed and looked towards the sky, and several light groups disappeared into the air very simply.

Surveillance uses wizard magic. Obviously, this group of people will directly come in and some people will be behind it. But unfortunately, although they are selected by various countries, there is a fundamental gap between them in terms of resourcefulness and strength.

Obviously these guys are regarded as the cannon fodder to test his strength. There are ten teams, even he is difficult to play. Very difficult just to win. After all, a team is very difficult to beat the representatives of ten countries. The team is unscientific!

Therefore, the night eclipse came in a wave very simply, taking it away from the beginning to the end.

"Boss, shall we continue?" Monkey King raised the wild boar leg in his hand.

"Continue, I don't believe anyone would dare to attack us under my amazing operation?" Night Eclipse glanced at the wild boar leg in his hand, and threw it behind him.

"Then who will watch the night tonight?" Vercelia asked a relatively normal question.

"Vigil? Why?" Ye Eclipse looked confused.

"Sorry for asking extra questions," Verseria continued to eat in silence.

Sneak attack?Who dare?Who dare!

"Don't worry, Leticia will have a special spirit at night because she can't bask in the sun, so leave it to her at night," Night Eclipse waved her hand.

"Isn't she boring one night?" Vercelia was curious.

"Um...Anyway, she seems to like the evening very much, and she said there is something worth seeing," Ye Eclipse spread her hands.

Vercelia blinked, always feeling that there was something very important, but she couldn't tell why she didn't know why.

Author's message:

PS I watched Shiwang’s update, emmm...Weird knight holding the dragon and I called the best combination, the war rabbit was inexplicably jealous, the ghost formula that Shiwang shook out, and the dragon, I still didn’t pull the zipper in the end...

PS Anyway, let's have barbecue together!

Chapter 75 Can't sleep!

Late at night, the night eclipse lay on a pile of leaves and watched the night sky quietly.

Just five minutes before everyone was ready to go to bed, the night eclipse naturally followed Yae Sakura and got into the tent, and then he was picked up in the next second.

When he got in again without giving up, he was stuck on his forehead by the wooden knife in Yae Sakura's hand.

Of course, Monkey King, who is still behind the eclipse, said very simply that Boss, I want to share the joys and sorrows with you.

Of course it’s mainly because he is sure that if he tries to get in, he will throw Cher out, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance that Xueer will let him in, and the jealous face of eclipse makes me want to turn you into The look in the paper man's eyes was too oppressive, and Monkey King felt that it was better for him to sleep outside.

"Boss, I can't sleep..." Monkey King stared at the night sky.

"Then you can count the stars," Night Eclipse yawned. It was too easy for the dragon seed to fall asleep. Basically, he fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed and his head was empty.

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