Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 861

"Oh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..." Monkey King nodded and stared at him and began to count.

"Do you have to read it out!" Night Eclipse sat up somewhat collapsed.

"Then I just don't read it," Monkey King felt aggrieved.

Five minutes later, just when the night eclipse was about to fall asleep in a daze.


"Boss, I have finished counting."

The night eclipse turned over, "Then you count it again! Do not count until you fall asleep!"


Five minutes later.


This time the night eclipse was directly awakened.

"Boss, I want to go to the toilet."

"Puff-if you want to go to the toilet, just find a place on the ground!" Night Eclipse sat up and squeezed Monkey King's face madly.

"Don't you report to the boss," Monkey King grievedly looked at the night eclipse.

"Well...then you go," Ye Eclipse reluctantly covered his face, "Remember to go a little farther, and when you come back, you can sleep directly for me, don't call me if you are fine!"

"I will go as far as possible!" Monkey King nodded heavily, then patted his butt and flew out.

"I feel that he is tossing about it and I can't sleep anymore," Ye Eclipse patted his forehead in distress, took out the golden cudgel and placed it on the ground, then lay down.

Ten minutes later--

"Boss Boss Boss Boss..."

Push push push push——

Night Eclipse glared sharply, sat up straight, and took the golden hoop with his left hand.

"You hand me your head."

"The boss has a situation!"

Monkey King was startled by the sudden movement of the night eclipse, and then as if holding a gold medal to avoid death, he took out a loli about thirteen years old with a heterochromatic pupil from behind.

"Emmm...Do you think that taking a loli can quell my anger?" Night Eclipse stood up, hit the golden cudgel to the ground, and then lifted the little loli up like a doll.

"Boss, you seem to have calmed down your anger," Monkey King smiled bitterly.

"You are familiar," Ye Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

"My name is Mira Pascher, and I am the leader of the [Lee Breaking Division]," Lori looked at the night eclipse blankly. Found it by your subordinates."

"Oh ~ what you are," Night Eclipse nodded without understanding, and then glared at Monkey King, "You actually went out to eat alone by the name of going to the bathroom!"

"No! It was when I was in the bathroom that they rushed out and attacked me on their own!" Monkey King said aggrieved, "I was almost scared to death!"

"Are you a demon? Don't you know that men can't be disturbed when they go to the bathroom!" Ye Eclipse looked at Mira with shock.

Mira was silent for a while, and then spoke slowly, "We thought he found our stronghold."

"Where are the others?" Night Eclipse looked at Monkey King.

"I was eliminated," Sun Wukong spread his fingers and pointed at Mila, "She picked the magic stone from the unconscious team member herself."

"I just made a judgment based on the actual situation," Mira said calmly, "Rather than being eliminated by the team, it is better to be left alone to fight for cooperation."

"Interesting," Eclipse nodded and walked to a big tree and hung Mira on it, "Then you stay here now, and we will hold a meeting tomorrow about whether or not to keep you."

"(●—●) Can you let me down," Mila shook her two suspended legs, "This way I am very uncomfortable."

"What if you ran away while we were asleep," said Night Eclipse earnestly with his arms around his chest.

"You can tie me up." To prove that she really didn't mean to run, Mira looked at the night eclipse seriously.

"It makes sense," Eclipse nodded and took out a rope to tie Mila up.

On the tree……

"I think it makes no sense for you to hang me on a tree. If I slip off a branch, I can jump out," Mila twitched. "You can tie the other end of the rope to your hand. Or simply tie me to a tree, there is no need to hang me."

At this moment Mira felt that she had broken something, and she even told others how to prevent herself from slipping away.

"I see," Night Eclipse nodded and backed away a few steps.

In the next moment, countless soil thorns appeared in a circle around the tree.

"So you don't try to escape."

His hands are tied, his legs are tied, and sliding down at this time is no different from death.

"I think we can talk," Milla twisted her wrist, um, couldn't figure it out.

"But I want to sleep," Ye Eclipse turned around and glanced at his leaf bed. At this moment, Monkey King had already fallen asleep next to him, "Good night."

The night eclipse didn't give Mira a chance to speak at all, so she lay back on the bed of leaves and closed her eyes.

Twenty minutes later...

"I can't sleep at all!" Night Eclipse collapsed and sat up with his face covered. After being tossed back and forth several times by Monkey King, his sleepiness and everything went to hell.

Especially the guy next to him still looks like he is sleeping soundly.

"Hey hey, Monkey King, wake up," Ye Eclipse pushed the Monkey King maliciously.

However, Monkey King still sleeps soundly.

"I..." Ye Eclipse raised his fist and wanted to awaken Monkey King directly, but after seeing Monkey King's peaceful sleeping face, Ye Eclipse still reluctantly lowered his fist and cast his eyes on the rice hanging on the branch with his eyes closed. Pull.

"Hey, Mila, wake up," The Eclipse picked up a branch and came to Mila and gently poked Mila in the face.

"Sure enough," Milla opened her eyes without any surprise, as if the behavior of the night eclipse was in her expectation.

"Huh?" Night Eclipse was taken aback.

"According to information, you like to play with women who can't resist you," Mira said calmly, "Now I just meet the requirements. Of course, if you are willing to form an alliance with me, you can play with this body."

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