Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 863

At this moment, Mira saw Vercelia passing by with bread, more accurately the collar on her neck, and Jae combined with a piece of information she had obtained from the principality that seemed painless.

"I can be your slave," Mira looked at the night eclipse seriously.

"I said," Night Eclipse pinched Mila's face and pulled it up, "I don't need any props."

"So, I chose to be your slave, just like her," Mila pointed to Vercelia, who looked dazed and seemed to have not reacted yet.

"Eh~" Night Eclipse raised the corners of her mouth, "Then what can you do for me?"

"I'll find it," Mira looked at the night eclipse seriously.

"This is really interesting," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

"Then am I qualified?"

"Reluctantly," Night Eclipse stretched, "You go and start washing the dishes."

"Okay," Mira nodded and ran to Xueer very quickly to help clean up the dishes.

"Boss, did you agree to that?" Monkey King poked Night Eclipse and pointed at Yae Sakura who was comforting Feiyu Maru very vaguely.

"Be at ease, I have a good mind," Ye Eclipse smiled and raised his left arm. A falcon landed on it from the sky, and handed the envelope in his mouth to Ye Eclipse.

"This seems to be Elise's spirit, called Smurf," Monkey King reached out a little curiously to touch Smurf, but it seemed that Smurf didn't like Monkey King's appearance very much, and his wings fluttered twice and fell down. On the shoulders of the night eclipse.

"I got the bait so soon," The Eclipse also read the letter at this time, "[Four Gods], it's still a big fish."

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Monkey King did not give up trying to touch Smofu again, but it was a pity that Smofu avoided him very flexibly.

"Emmm, how do you say it~ The four gods are planning to play a fair and just battle. They directly invited the battle, and even the location was decided." Night Eclipse folded the envelope and stuffed it into his pocket. "Sure enough, there are a group of eyes above the top. The little devil, he clearly said it was a cruel fight and he was so straightforward."

"So boss, what are you going to do?" Monkey King gave up his plan to touch Smofu.

"What? It's very simple. Teach these kids how cruel the world is, what should you do as a mature person," Night Eclipse clapped his hands and showed an evil smile, "Since I have said the position. How can I not go there and get some fun traps~"

"Wow, boss, you can't do this well," Monkey King hesitated, always feeling that the fun trap in the night eclipse might bring a lifetime shadow to this group of underage children.

"Profound education is often accompanied by pain," Ye Eclipse has a good expression for them, "You think they will definitely be exposed to the darkness of the world when they go out in the future. Now I am just giving them a vaccination. "

"The boss, what are you going to do..." Monkey King was speechless.

"Emmm... I remember that the rabbit-eating grass prepared for the black rabbits had one or two seeds," Night Eclipse took out the gift card and shook it twice and took out a large bag of seeds, "I'll give them a fun. "

"This is too cruel!" Monkey King looked horrified. He still remembers how the black rabbit reacted to the overwhelming rabbit-eating grass, it was almost a fire pit.

"Don't worry, I know it!" Night Eclipse gave a thumbs up, and my face was full of words, I would definitely be messed up.


A ball of flame completely engulfed the hands of Night Eclipse holding the bag.

"Hey hey deserve it!" Feitamaru quickly hid behind Yae Sakura and made a face to the night eclipse.

Yaezakura looked at the night eclipse with a smile while holding the shimmering Dachi.

"Ha, how could I do things about ghosts," Night Eclipse shrugged, letting the flame burn in his hands in order to prove that he was serious.

It doesn’t hurt anyway, it’s kind of warm...

"Just don't overdo it," Yae Sakura sighed, and the fire in Night Eclipse's hand fluttered twice before disappearing.

"Don't worry, I'm just teaching them what is called tactical crushing," Eclipse patted his chest, and then poked Smoff in the head. "Go back and tell Alice that you will fight, and you won't be disturbed until you lose. "

Smoff nodded and spread his wings and flew to the sky.

"Eh, boss, you really don't do anything?" Monkey King looked dull.

"Yeah, I must have been watching them the day they were duel," Eclipse flicked his nails.

But until then I will not guarantee that nothing will be done.

"In short, in order not to arouse the suspicion of other teams, you will stay at the stronghold and I will go alone," Night Eclipse waved his hands and put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely towards the forest.

"Will the elder sister really do nothing?" Monkey King looked at the person who knew night eclipses best-Yae Sakura.

"No," Yae Sakura said with certainty without even thinking.


"He really said that?" The wind early gods looked at Alice who had communicated with Smurf in disbelief.

"Although I think it's a little weird, he did say that he will watch us fight on the day of the duel," Alice scratched her face, "It feels like he is taking care of our self-esteem."

"I think so too," Linsele said seriously, scratching Fenrir's chin at her feet.

"Will that man be so honest?" Fijana had some doubts.

"I'd better go to the duel place," Fengzhao Shenren stood up directly, telling her instinctively that the night eclipse must do something, as for taking care of their self-esteem...

Do you see the black collar on her neck?

"No way!" As the team leader, Claire directly grabbed Fengzhao Shenren, "No matter what angle we consider, we can't go anywhere."

"Um...what if the night eclipse really does something? For example, what to do with a few disgusting traps?" Feng Zao Shenren looked tangled.

"In any case, he wouldn't do such a boring thing, would he?" Claire waved her hand and made no sense.

The night eclipse that is digging at the moment:?

Author's message:

PS archive... not enough...

Chapter 78 If you want to win her, you must defile her

"Night Eclipse, isn't it good for you to do this?" Enqi was tangled.

"The concubine feels that there is nothing wrong with doing this," Athena nodded in agreement.

Night Eclipse curled his lips and used Enkidu's power to transform the earth. Although it is not visible on the surface, the land under his feet is nothing more than a solid layer of soil on top of the swamp. As long as he takes the power of Enkidu Withdraw, the person standing on it will puff down. It may be easy for the elves to get rid of the swamp, but...

"The power of the elves is actually very simple to crack." The Eclipse stepped on the ground and nodded, "Why do all the elves go to cleanse before the sword dance? That's because the elves like girls with ice and jade, just like a literal expression. It’s the same, the more clean, the amount and quality of the power will be maximized, but the reverse is also true."

As long as the elves are no longer ice clear and jade clean, the opponent's combat power can be weakened to the greatest extent. It may be a naive tactic, which is to throw mud on the opponent, but it is the most effective.

Of course, letting the night eclipse throw mud in the faces of others is really impossible, but it is acceptable to make a swamp and sink them.

"It's a very simple way. If there is a reason to win, then you must have the consciousness that you can do whatever it takes to win, but the group of children are too pure," Night Eclipse breathed out and looked up to the sky, "bad guys. Someone has to do it. For them, the Four Gods are not opponents who can win unscathed. Maybe they can only win a miserable victory. How can they survive the remaining days."

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