Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 864

"They will definitely be angry if you do this," Enkidu said in a complicated tone.

"Get angry when you get angry," Night Eclipse squeezed a fist. "The Sword Dance Festival is crueler than they thought. I just made a few tactical traps. If I were more ruthless, I could use Mira. Bring a few teams over."

"Um...I hope they can end the sword dance festival happily," Enqi sighed.

"This sword dance festival is not as beautiful as you think. It's not much better than the Holy Grail War," said Night Eclipse in disgust. "What is the difference between the twenty-four teams fighting for seven days and the Holy Grail War? It's just preheating."

Enki was silent. In fact, it might be more cruel than Night Eclipse described, because the elves are mostly a group of innocent young ladies, and there is nothing more cruel than letting these young ladies fight each other and betray each other. Even if the rules clearly state that contestants cannot be killed because this is a sacred Kagura ceremony, where is this kind of thing sacred?

"Let's end this sword dance festival as soon as possible," This bad behavior made Enkidu subconsciously think of a goddess with a bad personality.

"Relax, I have no plans to become a harlequin," Night Eclipse smiled coldly, "The Elf King is equivalent to the world, but this world is not maintained by the Elf King."

Then it doesn’t matter if the Elf King disappears, right...

"The trap has been set up, so just wait for the prey to come," Night Eclipse waved his hand and climbed onto a tree and lay down. "People must call me when they arrive."

"I see," Enqi nodded and raised his hand. The surrounding branches were wrapped around the night eclipse as if alive, and the dense leaves covered the night eclipse like a quilt.

"It's a reassuring thing," Night Eclipse closed his eyes.


"Why!" Feng Zao Shenren's incomprehensible and angry cry like an alarm clock wakes up the night eclipse.

The night eclipse yawned, sat up and scratched his head, "What did this guy do?"

"It seems that she was rumored to be an adulteress again," Enqidu laughed embarrassedly.

The corners of the night eclipse's mouth twitch, should it be said that Feng Zao Shenren is really powerful or is the world's intelligence agencies all waste?Usually Fengzao Shenren followed his ass honestly, and occasionally sighed a few words about how the pure elves were so revealing that they were so exposed, and they turned into a slutty harlot here.

"But do elves have quirks?" Night Eclipse crept away the leaves and watched the team of the Four Gods. Everyone’s clothes are tight skirts and they are slit. Basically, there are two steps To lose the feeling, "the pure elves are wearing sensational clothes."

Unfortunately, no one can answer the question of night eclipse, and the following four gods team also began to honestly introduce themselves.

"It's a pity, all of you are coming to an end here," Night Eclipse snapped his fingers, and tiny cracks spread across the ground. It's a pity that the ladies who were obsessed with self-introduction and unable to extricate themselves didn't notice at all, but they were Feng Zao Shenren. His eyes jumped and took a small step back.

"My loyal four gods, get rid of them now!" The girl who looked younger than Mira stepped forward and waved her hand.


The next moment the earth was cracked and accompanied by the flying dust, everyone in the Four Gods was sluggish, and Feng Zao Shenren and others were even more shocked.

"Ha...hahaha, I have seen that this is not the power of this palace!" The young girl's mouth twitched. Although she doesn't know why she casually collapsed this foot, she still put on a pose. Is this what the old lady did?Look like.

Claire and the others immediately showed expressions that looked like an enemy, but Feng Zao Shenren showed a weird look.

"Children who lie will be punished~"

As if it were a prophecy, the cracks under the feet of the Four Gods spewed out of muddy mud and instantly covered their snow-white calves.

"Wh...what!" The young girl panicked and tried to pull her leg out, but the more she struggled, the deeper she fell and soon buried her thigh.

"Princess, this is a swamp, the more you struggle, the deeper you will sink!" The girl with a ball haircut pulled the chaotic young girl.

However, in the next second there was stronger suction from the swamp under their feet, and soon all of them were left exposed outside.

"Why!" The girl with the meatball hairstyle looked incredible.

"Because this is artificial~"

The dense leaves not far away trembled for a while, and the night eclipse fell from it and unhurriedly walked towards the four gods in the swamp, looking at the prey that fell into the trap.

"You are!" The young girl narrowed her eyes, and then showed an unyielding expression the next moment, "Do you think a trap of this level can defeat us!"

As if to prove that the girl's words were normal, a girl with fierce eyes and white hair raised her hand and slammed into the swamp, "This swamp can fly away all at once!"

"Really? Even a young beast is still a beast. If you deal with a beast," Night Eclipse raised his hand and shook it, "Naturally need shackles."

The filthy swamp, as if possessing life, spewed out a number of mud streams entwined around the white-haired girl’s neck and arms. Just as the girl wanted to shake the mud stream at will, a stream of light followed the swamp vines onto the mud stream. Look The seemingly unrestrained mud flow turned into a hard chain in a flash.

"Although prove to me that you are brave, if you can break free of this chain," Night Eclipse raised the corner of his mouth, "If you can do it."

As soon as the voice fell, several chains drilled out of the swamp and entangled the members of the other four gods and began to drag them into the depths of the swamp little by little.

Author's message:

PS Yaesakura costs money for two wedding dresses...

PS collapse three planning!I TM universe spiral grief and anger!

Chapter 79 My Little Eight Wedding Dress... Uhhhhh

In the end, the four gods did not show their bravery. All of them were dragged into the swamp. The white-haired girl among the four gods did have the strength that matched her identity—the four gods were the strongest. Now she still has one hand exposed, although it is soft. Ride there.

"It's over," Night Eclipse exhaled in a complicated tone, as if by magic, took out a bunch of white flowers and threw them on the swamp.

In the strange scene, the white flowers did not sink, but rather like they had fallen on the hard ground, and there was still dust.

"Quick help!" Feng Zao Shenren shouted, holding an iron sword as a shovel, digging the earth that had been transformed from a swamp into dirt.

Afterwards, the Scarlet team, which should be the enemy of the Four Gods, tried their best to make all of them mud, just to dig out the Four Gods before they died.

"Although the sword dance festival has a rule that the contestant cannot be killed, there is no guarantee that the contestant will die," the big tree with both hands and chest leaning on the side of the night eclipse stared at each confirming whether the four gods are still alive. Feng Zao Shenren and others, "If they died like this, it would be just an accident, and you have no reason to save them."

They are not the same country, and they may become enemies in the future. They can easily shake the army if they grow up with their talents. If they die here, the other country’s vitality may be severely injured, and the other side will definitely not dare to make trouble. , Otherwise it would be a dead word to offend the Elf King.

"Do you need a reason to save people!" Feng Zao Shenren stared at the night eclipse with his black eyes without fear.

"Okay, okay, you don't need a reason to save people," Night Eclipse waved and turned and walked towards the depths of the forest. "Those magic stones belong to you."

If you can keep doing this...

After the eclipse left, the Scarlett team looked at each other awkwardly, especially Alice and Linsley.

Because they were still patting their chests not long ago, saying that the night eclipse would definitely not interfere.

"Oh, so I said you don't always be so naive," Feng Zao Shenren curled his lips and bent down to remove the magic stone from the members of the Four Gods, but after seeing the raging fire burning in the hands of Claire He took a few steps back with a smile and raised his hands above his head to show his innocence.

"We always feel that the world in his eyes is completely different from us," Alice squeezed her arm and felt a little lost.

Sorry, maybe the world in my eyes is the same as him.

Feng Zao Shenren turned his head silently, the world is not so beautiful, she who came from the teaching school knows better than anyone.

"Why don't we have a good chat with him after the sword dance festival is over?" Lin Silei suggested.

"At that time, you will still be in that mood," Feiyana pouted. Everyone here except her and Alice has a reason to win the sword dance festival, and it is not for herself. Claire does it for her. The sister of Lin Selei, for her sister, although Feng Zao Shenren did not say, but she definitely did not wield a weapon for herself.

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