Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 865

But even so, the night eclipse will never release water, perhaps it is a matter of dignity, perhaps in order not to tarnish this desire.

Even if you lose the opportunity to realize your wishes, won't you complain?

"Why not? Aren't we friends?" Lin Silei looked puzzled.

"And since we can make it to the final once, we can definitely make it again next time," Alice looked at Fijana seriously, "At that time, the night eclipse will be too old to participate."

"Cut, who said we will lose!" Claire threw the red ponytail unhappy.

"Yes~" Fiana scratched the back of her head.

"Let's go, I'll be tricked and go back," Fengshao Shenren stretched his waist, "It seems to try the rice cooked by Linselei and Alice again~"

"What about me!"*2

Fayana and Claire's eyes gleamed.

"I don't want to die." Feng Zao Shenren swallowed.


A group of pitch-black objects fell from the sky with a snapping noise and fell into the pit where the four gods had been planed before.


Fiana Kleier snorted at the same time, ignoring her breathlessness and turned her head and walked towards the stronghold. Alice and Linsley hesitated for a while...

"Hurry up and catch up."

There is no intention to help at all.

"What if I'm eliminated by a sneak attack?" After lying on the ground for a while, he found that no one really came to help Hou Feng Zao Shen Ren mumbled and stood up and patted the ashes on his body.

Of course, if someone really came to sneak an attack at this time, then Feng Zao Shenren would definitely let them take a set of extraordinary sword skills to heaven.

"If someone comes to attack you, you can easily solve them, can't you?"

The dark feathers slowly fell, and Restia stepped on the space like a princess walking down the stairs and fell behind the god of wind early.

"The strongest sword dancer——Len Ashbel."

"It's a pity that you don't have the partner of the strongest sword dancer," the god of wind sighed and turned and stretched out his hand to Restia. "Are you willing to come back to me? I don't remember what happened. What happened to your original wish? But it doesn’t matter, Restia will come back, and I will fulfill your wish again."

"I'm really happy, but Ren, only now..." Restia shook her head with a poignant smile, "It is absolutely not possible now, remember Ren, never get close to [Night Eclipse] anymore, you are already It’s too close."

"What are you talking about?" His face changed and he reached out and grabbed directly at Restia, but only a black feather was held, and Restia had disappeared in place.

"What! I said a bunch of inexplicable things and left without being responsible!" Feng Zao Shenren scratched his hair frantically, glanced at the feather in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket, "Don't be near night Eclipse, isn't it all he has been pestering me!"

After complaining on the spot for a long time, Feng Zao Shenren chased Claire in the direction of self-defeating.


Infernal Apostle stronghold.

Shera Kahn, the only member from the Principality of Infernal Apostles, is looking at the fifth member of Infernal Apostles who is wearing armor and leaning motionless against a tree with his chin.

"Hey! Are you dumb?" Sheila picked up a stone and threw it over.

"Don't do unnecessary things." A ball of flame flew out to block the stone, and the masked Lian Asupel walked out.

"You are not qualified to order me," Sheila snorted and stood up, "Don't forget, I haven't said about you pulling in this unidentified guy without the permission of the kingdom!"

"Ignorance," Lian Axiubel smiled coldly.

kingdom?In front of him, it was just a little bigger ant. Should he trample it to death or tramp it to death.

Sheila cut out dissatisfiedly and stood up and walked towards the exit of the enchantment.

"Where are you going?" Lian Ashbel frowned.

"You are not qualified to order me," Shera sneered twice.

Author's message:

PS so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!Dead!Asshole planning!Ya's succubus outfit costs 30,000 yuan, why don't you go to heaven!

Chapter 80: Not an Accomplice or an Accomplice

"Magic stone? I didn't take it." After returning to the stronghold to question Monkey King, Night Eclipse waved his hand and sat on the haystack.

"It doesn't matter if we already have fifty," Monkey King spread his hands.

Mila, who was awkwardly tidying up the tableware by the side, was able to get fifty magic stones of such a terrifying amount in the first two days. I am afraid that there is only a team like the victory team. The next thing is to wait until seven days pass. Properly able to qualify for the first place.

"It doesn't matter what the number of magic stones is, as long as all other teams are hunted out," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.


Miraha let out a sigh of relief. Although it has only been less than a day to get along, Mira can see that the night eclipse is not a safe player at all, otherwise it would not lose the ten team within two days of the game.

"But what if they are determined to avoid us? If they take the initiative to find them, will they be a little bully," Ye Eclipse propped up his chin in distress.

No, your participation in the competition is a very bullying thing.

Mira silently put the tableware aside.

"Hey, Mira..." Night Eclipse glanced at the young Mira's back.

"I should be able to help you draw out two or three teams." Before the night eclipse went on, Mira turned to look at the night eclipse and pointed to her own eyes. "If it is this eye, at least it can draw out the Knights of the Holy Spirit. The members of the group, maybe they can bring out the winning candidate Luminaris Saint-Rechette..."

Eclipse blinked, "No, I just want to ask you, what overlord spirit in your eyes is not important to you."

Mira looked at the night eclipse in silence. If not long ago, she would definitely say that it was important, because that was her only value as a prop, but now...

"I hate it."

Because of this overlord elf, she was bought by her parents to other countries, because of this overlord elf, she was cultivated as a one-time item, because of this overlord elf, her feelings were deprived.

"Then it doesn't matter if you eliminate it," Night Eclipse raised the corner of his mouth and stood up, slowly walking towards Mira, the golden light gathered in his right hand, and the illusory dragon head gradually appeared.

"Is it really okay? If it is you, I don't mind being your props, this overlord elf can at least be your bait," Mila quietly watched the night eclipse that had come before her.

"It doesn't make any sense," Night Eclipse gripped Mila with his right hand, and the golden dragon head gently touched Mila's forehead.


Mira could clearly feel that the Overlord Elf lodged in Feng Mo's eyes had completely disappeared. It was a tactical Elf but was wiped out without resistance.

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