Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 866

Now her value should be said to have completely disappeared. Maybe the original country will still want her for it, but I don’t know why, Mila is not sad, but wants to laugh. I don’t know why, the sky has become even better than before. Wide.

"You are really weird," Mila smiled, only then did she look like a 13-year-old girl.

"I'm the devil, a man carrying the banner of evil, and everything I do obeys my desires," Night Eclipse reached out and scratched Mira's hair.

"Well, the style of the boss," Monkey King laughed happily.

"Huh? Just deal with a group of little girls, as long as you teach them the cruelty of society," Night Eclipse curled his lips and raised his arms to press against Mila's head.

"But how do we get the rest of the team, boss," Monkey King raised his hand, "I feel my bones are going to rust if I haven't done it for such a long time, no! I can't move my hands at all!"

To tell the truth, Monkey King has always felt like being tied up here. Let’s not say that the fighting power here is all girls under the age of 20, which makes Monkey King a little bit uncomfortable, and Monkey King always has a kind of punch on the planet. Illusion.

"Emmm... let's go back to the box court after the sword dance festival." Night Eclipse thought for a while. It is estimated that there will be no such creatures as the Elf King after the sword dance festival is over. It's not interesting anymore.

"Hakata?" Mira tilted her head.

"Don't worry, you still have a lot to learn as a slave candidate," Eclipse rubbed Mira's head.

"I see, I will work hard!" Mila clenched her small fist.

Vercelia on one side bit her lip, not knowing why she always had the feeling that she would go to a far place after the sword dance festival, so far that she might never see each other again.

Yae Sakura next to Vercelia sighed and walked to Ye Eclipse, pinching the soft flesh of his waist, and a drop of cold sweat fell on the ground along Ye Eclipse's face.

"Ah...I shouldn't do anything...Ahhhhh! It hurts! Sorry! I was wrong!"


The Scarlet team stronghold.

"Ah~ now only half of the team is kneeling on the next day. It won't be over in less than seven days," Feiyanaha lay weakly on the table, "Don't call Qunlan at all. Flurry, let the Jedi escape, keep running, and will definitely be shortlisted in the end."

"Don't be so pessimistic, at least we don't have to run away," Alice wanted to say a few words to inspire morale, but in the end she lowered her head, "Because we are also one of the accomplices..."

"Don't do this, how can we say that we and Night Eclipse are also partners, how can we say that we are accomplices!" Lin Silei whispered and whispered, "At most, accomplices."

"Isn't there no difference at all?" Claire curled his lips.

"This was originally a fair and just knights duel. Why do you care so much?" As the god of wind who has seen the true darkness, said that there is no psychological pressure. "Everyone is working hard for their own wishes."

"But that guy doesn't seem to have any wishes," Linsleyha exhaled.

"Who knows, but the only thing I can be sure of is that he won't be waterproof," Feng Zao Shenren spread his hands.

"Desperate--" Claire rubbed her temples with a headache. "Our strength has reached a bottleneck. It is almost impossible to improve our strength in a short period of time. Maybe we won't even be able to beat Vercelia by then. "

Suddenly everyone sighed heavily. After all, the scene of Vercelia's sorcerer's breath and the explosion of four dragon heads is still vivid.

Fayana blinked and stood up, "Leave it to you for the troublesome things. I can't help you with my assistance, so I'll go check the barrier."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked into the forest without waiting for others to answer.

Feng Zao Shenren frowned. Although Feiyana seemed to say something irresponsible, based on her knowledge of Feiyana, Feiyanaken must be working hard in her own way.

In a hidden tree house, Fijana stretched out her hand to the knight in front of her.

"Please Georgius, give me a sword that can cut everything."

Author's message:

PSemmm... I seem to have never said or hinted at the writing of Benghuan, and the setting of Benghuan III was not set up and it was still very broken. Forcible writing will only be added later by Mihayou The setting is crazy face.

PS and the introduction. Didn't it mention that the first two volumes are a bit poisonous for newbies, can you stop spraying it!You really can’t stand it. I’m sorry, please don’t read and delete the book, OK!

PS Anyway, that’s it, I won’t mute or delete book reviews.

Chapter 81 The Sinner Lian Ashbel

On the third day of Qun Lan dance, there were thirteen remaining teams.


The deafening shelling blasted the entire hill.

"Why! We are not in the same college!"

"Because you are so annoying," Verseria waved her hand expressionlessly, and the pterodactyl was completely overwhelmed by the bombardment.

"Does she have hatred with this team," Mila, who was startled by Vercelia's fierce shelling, pulled the clothes of Eclipse.

"Uh...should..." Night Eclipse hesitated. At the beginning, he hadn't planned to attack the pterosaurs, but God knows how Vercelia did it and found a stronghold for the pterosaurs.

Then, without saying a word, the elves started to bombard wildly, directly breaking the barrier that the opponent was not particularly professional.

There is a grandmother who wants to blast you all into scum.

"I just found it by chance," Vercelia walked up to the night eclipse with five magic stones. "Anyway, they are absolutely no possibility of being shortlisted. It's better to be harvested by us."

"Even so..." Night Eclipse poked Vercelia in the face, "but you don't have to say a word and just blast them directly, as if they didn't even unfold the magic outfit."

"It's the result that they expanded their magic outfit anyway" Vercelia snorted disdainfully.

"It's unlucky, I was eliminated by my own people," Mira couldn't help but sighed. Although other countries sent a few teams, they all pre-determined who will be promoted, and the rest are to eliminate the enemy. In order to pre-determine the team to be able to be more securely short-listed, but there is no way to get to Aresia, and he even knocked out his own.

"Is this the battlefield where you die or I die? There is no such thing as my own person," Vercelia raised her chin.

"Now there are twelve left in the team," Eclipse raised his head and stretched out his hand towards the sky, "I have to speed up the progress."

"Why don't we go and eliminate the purgatory apostles," Monkey King raised his hand.

"Um...strategy change," Night Eclipse frowned and clenched his fists. "All the staff spread out and wiped out the carpet directly, and all the faces were stunned! The purgatory's apostle will be solved by me."

After talking about Eclipse, he waved his hand and disappeared in place.

"Boss, this is..." Monkey King scratched his face and looked at Yae Sakura, always feeling that Night Eclipse would inexplicably become irritable after talking about the Purgatory Apostle.

"Let him go," Yae Sakura sighed, "He has made up his mind, even if it's me... No, I alone can't change his mind."

"Then let's find someone?" Xue Er raised her hand.

"As soon as possible," Yae Sakura nodded, and she was the default leader in the absence of Eclipse.

When the night eclipse set off straight towards the direction of the purgatory's apostle, the Scarlet team also had a problem, and Fijana was gone.

"I have shown Smoff, she is not in the barrier," Alice nodded towards Smoff who was standing on her arm.

"That guy is not someone who leaves without saying a word," Feng Zao Shenren clenched his fist tightly, "It is only possible to be hijacked! There are only so many people who can break through the barrier set by Feyana! "

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