Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 867

"Fenrir can smell Fijana, let's save her!" Lin Silei's eyes flashed coldly, "We absolutely cannot forgive those who hurt her companions."

"Yeah, obviously this might be a trap, but..." Claire pulled the whip in her hand, "Dare to do such a thing, whether it is a trap or not! Linsley, let's go!"

"Well, Fenrir depends on you," Linsley touched Fenrir's head.


The white wolf lowered his head and sniffed the smell on the ground and began to move slowly.

"Wait, Feiyana, come to rescue you now," Fengzhao Shenren clenched his fist.

Let you see how terrifying the strongest sword dancer——Lian Asupel is when she is angry!

Led by Fenrir’s keen sense of smell, the Scarlett team moved very quickly in the direction of Fiana. Fenrir’s reaction should be very close to Fiana, but even without Fenrir’s Er's reaction Feng Zao Shenren can also see the strangeness around him.

They seemed to have come to the so-called Hall of Demons, and the unidentified aura filled the entire space.

It is hard to imagine such a place in the sacred sanctuary.

"Let's go," Claire squinted her eyes.

"It's a pity that you have to stop here."

Along with the dark feathers slowly falling from the sky, Restia landed on the path of the Scarlet team.

"Fieana is a must. We won't let her have trouble. If you look back now, when you return to the stronghold, you will find Feiyana waiting for you there."

"In other words, Fiana's disappearance is related to you!" Kleier narrowed his eyes.

"No, it should be said that a restless person violated the plan," Restia shook her head, raised her right hand, and a dark thunder and lightning burst in her palm. "You have a reason to live, so immediately Turn around."

"Really? But I'm sorry, our companions will bring them back by themselves, so you don't need to worry about it." Feng Zao Shenren pulled the collar and slowly walked towards Restia, "You go first, hand in here. give me."

"I see, let's go." Claire originally wanted to hold Fengzao Shenren, but after seeing her serious eyes, she gritted her teeth and led others into the stronghold filled with unknown details.

Restia used her evening-colored eyes to watch the wind early gods quietly, even if Claire passed her by, there was no response, as if she could not see.

"Ren, you should go back," Restia slowly put down her right hand and said with sorrow, "It's not what it used to be."

"Eh, that means you are going to kill me this time?" Feng Zao Shenren clenched his fists.

Just like in the past, she tried her best to kill Restia, but she would always be easily defeated by Restia, but Restia never wanted to kill her, instead she was wounded all over her body. She told bedtime stories.

But this time it was different, and the sadness in Restia's eyes seemed to say goodbye to her.

Eternal life and death...

"No, I will never hurt you, but..." Restia gave a poignant smile, and her body began to become translucent.

"It's not something I can decide."

In the end, Restia's figure disappeared completely. What appeared in the same place was the sword of penetration and reality that was most familiar to the gods.

"It's your words..."

A hand covered in silver armor gripped the sword of reality.

"Can be killed."

The terrifying sense of oppression made Fengshao Shenren knelt on the ground with a soft knee.

"How could it be..." Feng Zao Shenren looked at the figure wrapped in armor in front of him with his chest covered in disbelief. At this moment, he was holding her sword.

The scorching mark on the back of her hand kept reminding her that the bond between her and Restia was still there, but the sword of reality appeared in the opposite hand.

"Because you are just a thief who plagiarized the emperor's authority."

"Now it's time to punish you."

Chapter 82—The Sinner Restia

"The elves who don't understand emotion understand the pain at the cost of losing the person they love most."

"Aresia, who is walking forward with good wishes, ends with death."

"It's all because they made the wrong choice."

The white and silver visor turned into a white mist and disappeared, and the broken black hair slowly fluttered, and the sharp penetrating through the sword of reality reflected his face.

Feng Zao Shenren's eyes shrank, and the face she was most familiar with reflected in her dark pupils was now extremely strange.

"Touched the power that shouldn't be touched, and chose the person who shouldn't be chosen. You thought you should understand if you have witnessed their ending, right? Restia." He raised the sword that penetrated the truth. .

"Who are you... on earth!" Feng Zao Shenren knelt on the ground holding his chest and cried out heartbreakingly, "You are definitely not him! He...Night Eclipse will not show that look in his eyes."

Looking down at everything with the absolute highest gaze, calmly making the scalp numb, all this is not like the expression of that lazy night eclipse.

"Really, but it's a pity. He does not show such a look now, but soon, in which dark future," Dark Night Eclipse slowly walked towards the kneeling Feng Zao Shenren with the sword in his hands. "But you can't see the ending. As someone who has touched the emperor's power, death is a doomed result. And Restia, who has already known the cost, you still made this choice, then give it to you and her The same result is good."

The Dark Night Eclipse came to Fengzhao God and raised the sword that penetrated the truth.

"It's up to you to end the life of your favorite person."

The dark night's eclipse slowly penetrated the sword of truth and pierced the forehead of the god Feng early.


Feng Zao Shenren's forehead burst with several veins and tried her best to lean back, but no matter how her will roared, her body was already motionless.

"It's a pity, you can't defeat destiny." Dark Night Eclipse stabbed with a blank expression on his face.

"A liar!"

At this time, Feng Zao Shenren yelled and he just turned her head away, and the sword penetrated through the truth cut through her face, but she didn't care and stretched out her hand in the direction of the night's eclipse.

"Restia, if you still treat me as a partner, immediately come back to me! I want to show this despised fellow a little bit of color."

"No sense," there was no sarcasm or sneer, and the eclipse merely stated this fact.


A sword pierced through the lower abdomen of Eclipse, and Eclipse's eyes shrank. The empty right hand seemed to be saying something, while the sword of truth that pierced through his lower abdomen clearly explained everything.

"Hahaha! Deserve it!" Obviously, the shocking sense of oppression was already on her body, but after holding the sword wind that penetrates the truth, the early gods miraculously stood up and leaped backward and leaped away.

"The Strongest Sword Dancer——Lian Ashbel is completely resurrected!" Feng Zao, Buren Ashbel raised the sword that runs through the truth in his hand.

"Do you want to resist too?" Mingming's lower abdomen was pierced, but the night eclipse still looked like water, as if not caring at all.

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