Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 868

"I'm just..." Restia's voice rang through the sword of truth, "I don't want Ren to die."

"That's the case, anyway, I chose you only because I thought you were suitable," The Eclipse raised his left hand and squeezed it hard, and the dark red big sword wrapped in black flame appeared in his hand.

Lian Ashubel's eyes shrank her wrist fiercely, and the black thunder and lightning blasted towards the dark night eclipse, declaring the dark thunder to be dead. It can be said that it was the strongest attack method Lotus Asupel could use.

Eclipse raised his hand with a sword to fly the black thunder and lightning very easily. "If you resist, it will only cause more pain."

"Sorry, I'm the kind of woman who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Even if she hits the south wall, she will continue to hit it!" Lian Axu Belha let out a sigh of relief, and tightly held the penetration and The sword of truth.

Prototype purple lightning!

"It's a pity that you are not hitting the South Wall now," All the armor on Dark Night Eclipse disappeared, and ten translucent rings shining with light appeared in Lian Ashbel's vision.

"It's a giant wheel called destiny."

There have been such rumors that when someone shoots at you, you can clearly see the warhead slowly traversing the space, but it is just your own illusion. Now Lian Axiubel feels like this. The dark red sword slowly pierced her chest. All she could do was watch all this desperately, and the temperature began to gradually dissipate from her body, as if she had sworn her death.

"Lian, you want..."

The temperature returned to Lian Ashbel's body again, just because the girl who seemed to be far from the worldly princess hugged her body, bringing her warmth just like the past.

The dark red sword penetrated Restia's chest.


Restia tried her best to push Ren Asiubel away, the next moment the dark red sword penetrated her chest completely, if it hadn't been for Restia to push Ren Asoubel away, they would probably die here. .

The jet-black feathers slowly fell down, like tears on Lian Ashbel's face.

"No, no, no! It's a lie!" Lin Ashupel clung to her feathers indiscriminately as if she was crazy, and clasped her tightly in her hand, as if she was grasping Restia's hand.

"I will send you to see her now," Dark Night Eclipse walked towards Lian Ashbel.

"I'll send you on the road!"

A stream of light opened the space, long dark hair danced wildly in the air, and the right fist wrapped in the dragon head of the Star Sea blasted the face of Dark Night Eclipse.


The earth screamed, and the atmosphere was trembling because of the blow, and the body of the night eclipse flew out like a cannonball, but the next moment the night eclipse returned to the front of the night eclipse like a teleport. The dark red big sword slashed heavily. Eclipse of the head.

"Only you!"

The silver giant sword opened the space, and the violent wind drove the black feathers scattered in the sky.

"Only you can never forgive!"


The silver giant sword and the dark red sword slammed into each other heavily, and the sparks of splashing were reflected in the eyes of the two.


The ground underneath the night eclipse cracked, and the silver great sword began to be suppressed.

"It's useless, the current one is the only one," Dark Night Eclipse looked at the night eclipse's eyes burning like flames with a blank expression, and flew the night eclipse with a sword. "What you choose is only possibility."

"is it?"

After the night eclipse fell to the ground, he glanced at Lian, who was kneeling on the ground behind his back and weeping. Ashubel night eclipse exhaled and waved Esther [sword] lightly.

The black feathers flying all over the sky gathered around Esther as if they had their own consciousness and turned into dark inscriptions branded on Esther's sword.

"In my hand--"

"It's the future!"

Chapter 83 [Night Eclipse] Will Conquer Fate

Now is the era, the reality, the symbol of the strongest.

The future is potential, because she symbolizes possibility.

She is infinitely weak, because there is more than one possibility, and the scattered power makes her unable to win the present.

Because the possibility is too weak in the face of reality...

She is infinitely powerful, because when someone can hold all the possibilities, she is destiny.

Because the end of possibility is everything...

"Feel it, this is the possibility you give up!" Night Eclipse grinned and rushed towards Dark Night Eclipse.

"I didn't give up," Eclipse stared.

The dark red big sword and the big sword engraved with the dark inscription slammed into each other heavily.

"I just chose what I expected!"

A collision that human eyes could not catch at all took place in space, and wind blades ravaged the earth, but it was obviously different from before, and Esther was already level with the dark red sword.

"Then you are definitely not me!" Eclipse took a step back, twisting and wiping the dark red sword and slashing towards the head of Eclipse.

"It will be done soon."

The ring of the ring finger and index finger of the right hand of Eclipse was lit up at the same time. The dark red sword that had been slashed on the ground by inertia fell back at a faster speed and blocked Esther.


The dark red big sword and Esther engraved with the dark inscription flew out at the same time and plunged into the ground not far away.


As if the light from the abyss illuminates the entire sky through the cracks in the ground.


Accompanied by the trembling roar of the sky, two giant beasts tore the ground at the same time and raised their huge bodies. Rolling chains drilled out of the ground and wrapped around the night eclipse. The translucent figure of Athena slowly fell on the night eclipse. He spread his arms around his neck from behind.

This is the blessing of the goddess of victory——

The behemoth behind the night eclipse turned into a white mist and disappeared, while the white and silver armor against it covered the night eclipse piece by piece. The black flame ignited at the neck of the night eclipse and fluttered with the flame. It is a flag engraved with evil.

Compared with the mighty night eclipse, the dark night eclipse looks extremely lonely. The giant beast with the dark flame in its eyes melts like a liquid under the darkness and wraps around the night eclipse's body, and what comes out of the darkness is The same silver armor of the night eclipse, and the snow-white flag on the right shoulder.


Eclipse clenched his fists and rushed towards the Eclipse at an infinitely close to the speed of light, and threw his fist towards the Eclipse.

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