Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 869

Dark Night Eclipse did not show weakness, clenched his right fist, the ring hidden under the armor radiated light, and the next moment he threw a punch at a speed no weaker than Night Eclipse.

The ripples visible to the naked eye spread around them as the center, but before spreading to the surroundings, they disappeared quietly, as if they were already in another world, and what they saw was nothing more than a projection.


Speed ​​is power, and the power carried by a fist that is infinitely close to the speed of light is terrifying enough to destroy oneself before destroying the opponent, not to mention the collision of two identical forces.

Almost at the moment of the impact, the armor wrapped around their arms shattered at the same time, and the broken sleeves rolled into the sky along with the fragments of the armor.


The night eclipse and the dark night eclipse flew upside down at the same time. The skin on the arm of the night eclipse was directly torn, and bright red blood splashed out under the impact, but in the next instant, all the blood completely violated the laws of living things and expanded into A pure white two-headed dragon pounced on the eclipse.

The skin on the arms of Dark Night Eclipse was also torn apart, but what appeared was not blood but a scalp-numbing black mist, and these condensed in the air as if possessing life into a sharp blade through the double-headed dragon. Head.

Originally, the two-headed dragon should turn into a giant crocodile after a single blow, but the sharp blades are like death's sickles. What takes away is not the heartbeat but life. The two-headed dragon directly turned into flying ash and disappeared into the space. But the black fog disappeared with it.

"You can't even be alive," Night Eclipse raised his scarred right hand, all the torn wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the silver armor slowly covered it back.

After taking a hit of the night eclipse just now, it can be completely confirmed that the body of the dark night eclipse in front of you is no longer blood flowing, and there is no trace of temperature in the calm and terrible body.

"Alive? Because the blood in the body doesn't flow anymore?" Dark Night Eclipse waved his right hand, and the black mist wrapped around the armor and turned into a missing right arm, "I am just a manifestation of consciousness, but this is another How? Even if the blood no longer flows, even if the heart no longer beats, even if the body loses temperature, I can still live."

"How can you still be alive without blood flowing anymore!"

The shadow of the dragon's remains soared behind the night eclipse, like a sharp knife slashing towards the night eclipse, and the night eclipse also raised his right fist at this moment and rushed towards the night eclipse.

Because I'm still alive...

Eclipse was pierced by the shadow blade without resistance, and Eclipse's fist relentlessly blasted on the face of the eclipse. The white and silver fragments were scattered in the air, and it was no longer clear who belonged to it.

"How can my heart hurt for that person no longer!"

Night Eclipse lifted his knees heavily against Dark Night Eclipse's belly, and blasted him into the sky. In an instant, Night Eclipse's armor was all shattered, but the black mist that overflowed from the Night Eclipse wound poured down like bullets. The armor on Night Eclipse shattered.

Because I'm numb...

Night Eclipse took a deep breath and stepped forward, holding hands together on the right side. The white, blue, and gold armor covered the night Eclipse body, and the scarlet magic pattern vines on the right face of Night Eclipse. A corner of it.

"If the body loses its temperature..."

The light like a sea of ​​stars gathered in the hands of the night eclipse in a spiral shape.

"How do you hug someone you love!"

Night Eclipse roared and waved the light in his hand toward the night Eclipse in the sky.

"How can I bring her warmth!"

Dark Night Eclipse looked at the sea of ​​stars rushing towards him blankly, closed his eyes in silence, and was instantly submerged by the sea of ​​stars.

Because there is no one to hug, so...

Night Eclipse exhaled, the armor on his body turned into a little light and drifted away. Even if it was a long time ago, he felt tired, but Night Eclipse still did not relax and stared forward firmly.

"and so……"

Eclipse grabbed his chest and walked out slowly, the translucent body that was beginning to dissipate silently speaking about his condition.

"I will only choose what I expect!"

The dark red big sword that fell not far away disappeared in the light, and the dark night eclipse raised his right hand to the night eclipse, with a solemn tone as if it were announcing something.

"I... [Night Eclipse] will defeat fate."

Author's message:

PS can't even send bullets!

Chapter 84: Sure enough

"Yeah, Eclipse will win," Eclipse clenched his fists.


At this time, the night eclipse heard the hoarse cry of Lian Ashbel.

"This look doesn't fit you at all," Ye Eclipse sighed slightly and came to Lian. Ashobel squatted down in front of him, "Hurry up and show your usual silly smile."

"Ye... By the way! Master! You must be able to save Restia, right!" Lian Ashubel raised her head and opened her tightly held hands, the crumpled feathers being held Lie on the palm of her hand, "Please, I will give you whatever you want, whether it is this body or soul!"

Lotus Asupel lowered her head and leaned against the chest of the night eclipse, "Please return Restia to me."

Night Eclipse silently looked at Lian Ashubel, who kept crying, her disguise had long since disappeared. At this moment, the night eclipse was the ethereal girl, but she lost her heroic spirit at the time. weak.

"The past Restia has disappeared," Eclipse raised his arm around the crying girl. "It's time to look up to the future."

"What's the meaning of a future without Restia," Lian Ashubel dropped her hands weakly on the ground, and crumpled feathers scattered around.

"Lestia didn't leave," Night Eclipse grabbed Ren. Ashobel raised her left hand, took off the gloves she had worn for a long time, and stroked the back of her hand, "The past she has disappeared. She gave up her responsibility and chose you. This mark is the best proof."

Even if there were a number of cracks, even if the light was dimmed and almost disappeared, the contract that symbolized the bond between the elves and the elves was still on the back of Lian Ashbel's hand.

"Lestia will be with you from now on," Night Eclipse chuckled and wiped away tears from Lian Ashbel. "She is no longer the future that walks in the dark first. She is now It’s just that Lian Asupel, the spirit of the wind early god."

"Hmm..." At this moment, Lian Ashbel covered the back of her hand and cried. If it was because of despair before, then now she is just crying with joy for a better future.

"Hmm, don't forget what you said before," Night Eclipse stood up and held his forehead with one hand, "I have returned Restia to you."

Then according to your vow, your body and soul will no longer belong to you...

If it were the old Fengzao Shenren, I am afraid that now she is playing Tai Chi with a hippy smile, but now she raised her head and interlocked her fingers as if looking at her own god.

"Well, my body, my soul, everything about me will belong to you."

"Hmm..." Night Eclipse shook fiercely, but Lin Asubael's sincere eyes made him feel uncomfortable, the kind of eyes that I would feel completely obedient to my gift no matter what you do to me.

If the previous Fengzhaoshenren was a beast that would never surrender even if the body was obedient, but the soul would never succumb, there is no difference between the current Lian Asupel and tamed domestic animals.

For this result, the night eclipse is very dissatisfied...

Eclipse took off his coat expressionlessly and placed it on Ren Asupel's head, then raised his fist that was not as big as a casserole.

"Hmm! What are you doing! Why did I succumb to beating me! I obviously obeyed you! Ouch!"

For a while, the eerie space reverberated with the peculiar screams of Fengzao Shenren.

"Huh~~ I finally changed back, what a troublesome slave," Ye Shui wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled.

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