Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 870

However, seeing the Feng Zao Shenren lying on the ground and looking at him bitterly, Night Eclipse felt that the sweat he shed was worthwhile.

"Obviously I'm obedient," Feng Zao Shenren rolled on the ground holding the night eclipse jacket, "Why hit me! You beat me so hard!"

Seeing the Fengzhaoshenren, who was rolling on the ground like a pet who was dissatisfied with the behavior of the shoveling officer, Eclipse nodded in satisfaction.

How stupid, it's my slave!

"You should almost understand that I am an unscrupulous master who likes to toss people," Ye Eclipse squatted down and held Feng Zao Shenren's face. Ye Eclipse smiled wickedly at the slightly deformed face that was pressed. stand up.

"It's too much..." Fengzhao Shenren left two rows of kelp tears.

"Hey—what are you doing!" At this time, Claire and others who went to look for Fijana also came back, but from their embarrassed appearance, it seemed that they had encountered a rival with their colorful arms.

"How did you get beaten so badly?" Fengzhao Shenren quickly rubbed his face and stood up pretending to be nothing.

"Encountered a very strong enemy," Claire said in a dull tone, "and let her run away."

"Eh...Four hits one, and the family ran away," Night Eclipse raised his tone somewhat dissatisfied.

Claire's face turned dark, but she didn't know what to say. She couldn't say that in fact they didn't completely beat the opponent, but the opponent was too long to be caught by their flaws and repelled the opponent, if it wasn't for Feyana's sudden Appearing and unfolding the magic elves might have been blown up.

And they really did not beat each other.

"Next time!" Claire clenched her fist, "Next time she will be completely defeated!"

"I'm optimistic about you~" Night Eclipse patted Claire's head in a perfunctory manner, and then twisted her head very inconspicuously.

Then Claire decisively exploded her hair...

In order to prevent Claire from destroying Alice on her own, Lin Selei and the wind early gods caught the cat with completely blown hair.

However, Fijana looked at Kreil with some meaning and didn't know what she was thinking.


"Guren-sama, where have you been?"

Lily paced back and forth anxiously at the apostle’s stronghold in the purgatory, and hurried forward after seeing the figure of Lian Asupel—Gu Lian.

"That dark elf and him are gone! And the sky just now..."

"I know..." Guren waved his hand, "He has been knocked down."

"How is it possible! Could it be..." Lily's eyes narrowed.

"I was overwhelmed by a night eclipse, I was there at the time," Guren let out a tired breath, "That is no longer a battle that humans can participate in."

In the end, the sword swung by the night eclipse turned the entire sky into a sea of ​​stars. She even thought that the night eclipse was a so-called god.

"Then what about our plan? Without him, we simply don't have the ability to resist a night eclipse," Lily was anxious.

"The existence that cannot be controlled is not a pawn at all, it will only make the plan uncontrollable," Gulian frowned, "And I will not give up, even if this body will be destroyed because of it! "

Chapter 85 The Eightfold Sakura Sharpens the Sword and Huo Huo Xiang Night Eclipse

In the end, the eclipse provocatively poked Claire's nose with his fingers.

"You are still not enough now, but I still want to praise you a little bit," Night Eclipse patted her face under Claire's eyes, I will burn you to death, "Too harsh will only have counterproductive effects, I still understand of."

Then don't keep provoking people!

Feng Zao Shenren swallowed his saliva and firmly clamped Claire's arm, for fear that a little wild cat would accidentally rush out and bit the person who couldn't bite in front of him.

"Although I really want to see what you can develop into, but the time is too tight," Night Eclipse breathed out helplessly, and supported the waist with one hand. "I always think it will be troublesome to drag it down like this, so I Will end the game today."

"Are you so anxious?" Feng Zao Shenren frowned.

"It's just the time," Night Eclipse waved his hand and walked towards the forest. "I won't release the water in the finals. If your determination to realize your wishes is really that pure, show it to me. , Maybe I will help you realize your wishes when I feel good."

"Cut! Don't look down on people! Don't blow you up when we watch our finals!" Claire shouted angrily towards the back of the night eclipse.

"Can we really do it?" Alice looked at Claire nervously.

"I always feel confused about the future," the arrogant Lin Silei was unable to face the absolute gap as easily as before.

"Speaking of the sky, isn't it strange, it's already night?" Fijana looked curiously at the sky that was still the sea of ​​stars.

"Well, it's no show." As a witness of the inhuman battle between the night eclipse and the dark night eclipse beyond common sense, Feng Zao Shenren said he would win him?Well, I think it can be done in a dream, so let's wash and sleep.

Although he knew that he really could not be the opponent of the night eclipse, but the early wind gods answered very simply and neatly, and there was no doubt that Kraer, which was already in an explosive state, was blown into the sky.

"Ha!!!! A mere slave who can only kneel and lick even dared to call! You must be the spy he sent to shake the military spirit! Now I will burn you to coke!" Claire chased after wielding a whip. The wind is early in the morning.

"It's too much! I'll just kneel and lick him, okay!" The strongest sword dancer who is already equivalent to the full version-Lian. Asoubel's wind early gods easily avoided Claire's whip.

"Madam is filthy!" Alice flushed her face as if thinking of something, holding the wind wing spear and chased the Feng Zao Shenren.


Just when Fengsao Shenren was inexplicably beaten by his teammates, the night eclipse returned to the camp of the victory team, but the atmosphere seemed a bit dangerous.

Yae Sakura quietly knelt and sat with her back to Night Eclipse and her hands were not knowing what she was doing, but the sound of thorns made her scalp numb.

What is she doing?

Night Eclipse made a gesture to Monkey King.

Monkey King blinked, comparing his right hand to a hand knife moving back and forth in front of him.


Night Eclipse blinked and couldn't react, what is this!

"You're back," Yae Sakura stopped and turned slowly, her crimson eyes made the night eclipse's body tremble and teleported against the tree ten meters away.

More importantly, he saw clearly the stuff in front of Yae Sakura, a sharpening stone, and a Tachi that flashed into his eyes, feeling that she was sharpening the knife just now!And the one that is polished and shiny!

Verseria sat with tea and watched all this quietly. I don’t know why she now feels like she is reading a story. It’s the kind of husband who comes back from work and finds his wife is waiting for him with a sharp knife. The bridge section that makes people shine.

"Why don't you come?" Yae Sakura tilted his head and looked at the night eclipse in confusion.

"I seem to..." Night Eclipse was crying and aggrieved, "I haven't done anything..."

"Boss, please," Monkey King walked quickly to the front of the night eclipse and put a letter in the hands of the night eclipse. "Just shortly after you left, a person who claimed to be the deputy head of the Dragon King Knights sent it over."

The inexplicable night eclipse began to beat the drums, and some dared not to open the letter in his hand.

"Don't read it? It was written to you specially," Yae Sakura smiled softly. Of course, it would be better if you don't touch the handle of the sword.

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