Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 882

The surrounding temperature began to rise very quickly, the trees began to dry up, and a huge elf like a demon in red lotus stood up, and a petite figure was standing in front of it.

"Sister, Muya came to play with you~"

"Muya..." Lian Ashbel looked up at the ghost-like elf and sighed, "You can't win. I don't want you to die here. Go ahead."

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Muya raised his finger and pointed his cheek with an innocent smile. "Muya would lose because the toys weren't good enough. Now Muya got the strongest toy."

Muya raised his right hand, and the imprinted lines on it were emitting an unknown light.

"The Demon Flame Elf [Varocar] is in charge of the evil spirit that destroyed the red lotus. I will use it to burn all the bugs around my sister!"

"This baby's three views are not correct," Night Eclipse said seriously.

"My fault," Lin Axiubel covered her face in shame.

"Enough! Let's start with you! [Varonica] Burn him to ashes!" Muya waved his hand.

The huge Demon Flame Elf raised his hand and shook it, and a whip composed entirely of flame appeared in its hand. The scorching heat caused the surrounding space to twist.

"Huh? Are you really going to do this? The one named Lili knew very well how to survive at the beginning, and you don't seem to understand," Ye Eclipse squinted his eyes.

"Lily is just a coward! But Muya is different! Muya is a monster!" Muya showed a naive but cruel smile.

The demon flame elf [Varonica] roared and swung the flame whip in the direction of the night eclipse.

"Ah, it's over," Lian Axiubel held his forehead helplessly.

"It's not that the louder you call, the louder it is," Night Eclipse gathered up the flurrying hair that was blown up uncomfortably, and the dark shadow blade swept in the direction of the demon flame elf.

The flame whip composed of flames broke into two segments in an instant, and the demon flame elf that had just become aggressive fell to the ground with a bang.

"You see I am better," Night Eclipse shrugged.

"How is it possible! Muya... Muya's elves will not lose!" Muya raised his right hand, "Get up! [Varonica] Get up!"

However, the demon flame elf seemed to be dead and motionless, Lian Ashbel quickly came to Mu Ya and hugged the pale Mu Ya in her arms.

"Enough, enough Muya, I should have known it a long time ago, I shouldn't have left you alone," Lian Ashupel put her face to Muya's ear and said softly.

"Sister is really cunning now!" Mu Ya pouted, but the light of the curse engraved on the back of her right hand was disappearing.

At this moment, the demon flame elves that seemed to have died suddenly stood up, the burning red lotus was infected with black flames, and countless undead spewed out from its huge body.

"Roar ah ah ah..."

The demon flame elves braved the black flames and let out a roar full of resentment, as if they had become a black shadow.

"Liar!" Mu Ya's eyes widened with disbelief. She lost control of the Demon Flame Elf.

"It's so noisy, didn't I say it?" Ye Eclipse buttoned her ears with an impatient look.

The shadow of the dragon, which turned into a sharp blade, stretched straight toward the sky, cutting it down from top to bottom.

"So shut up forever!"

Chapter 99 The Witch in the Labyrinth

The demon flame that was still roaring the previous second was cut in half in the next second, and the ground behind the demon flame elf that did not know where to extend was also cut apart.

"Hey!!!" Looking at the demon flame elves who fell to both sides, Mu Ya knew what fear was for the first time, and tears of fright came out, and he threw directly into Lian Axiubel's arms.

"Huh, miscellaneous fish," Ye Eclipse glanced at the slowly disappearing Demon Flame Elf with disdain.

"It's really amazing power, I really don't know who took the blow head-on," Lian Asupel swallowed.

Although the elves are the main combat power in this world, it is the military elves that really set the winning factor. Most elves are basically not opponents of high-level elves without the help of special props. For example, the Knights of the Holy Spirit, without sacred weapons, Restia can blow them all up by himself, and the elves have become a burden instead.

This is the reason why Grevas is the strongest elf envoy in the mainland. Her unique sword skills all have special sword skills used to hack to death the demon god-level elf. How can ordinary elf envoys win her.

But Eclipse just now cut the demon flame elf in half with one blow, and the demon flame elf in a state of apparently running away. That weird shadow blade is silent but has incomparable power, and the one who fights with him may not have been Was killed at the beginning.

"Speaking of the kid, you said you are a monster," Night Eclipse looked at Muya in Ren Axiubel's arms, "see clearly what a real monster is."


Not long ago, Muya, who was not afraid of the sky, cried directly.

"Well, Muya doesn't cry anymore," Lian Axiubel stroked Muya's head helplessly and comforted her.

"It's noisy," Night Eclipse scratched his head and turned and walked in the other direction of the ruins.

"Where are you going?" Lian Ashbel hugged Muya and looked at the night eclipse.

"Continue to hang out," Night Eclipse waved his hand and disappeared in place.

"Really, Muya, I have something to ask you," Lian!Ashbel sighed and patted Muya's head gently.


"Ah~ It seems that I found a very interesting place," Night Eclipse stroked his chin and looked at the narrow entrance with interest.

This game is no different from the previous battle royale, except that there are fewer people, and the map is changed, which is very dangerous, but it is the same in front of him. Finding someone to stun the game is over.

But this is too boring...

A mysterious entrance appeared in this former battlefield, which is simply too easy to arouse people's curiosity.

"Then go in and take a look," Night Eclipse raised his left foot and walked directly along the dark road.

The cross golden pupil of the night eclipse in the darkness exudes a faint light. For him, this degree of darkness can be adapted almost instantly. It is precisely because of this that the night eclipse can clearly see the degree of wear and weathering of the surrounding walls. There is a feeling that it will collapse at any time.

Night Eclipse raised his fist curiously and knocked, almost instantly cracks covered the entire wall like a spider web.

"Uh, um, I don't know anything," Ye Eclipse retracted his fist with some guilty conscience and quickly walked on.

The end of the ladder is connected to a passage with various elven characters carved on both sides. However, the night eclipse has no knowledge of the elven characters. For him, it is a bunch of carvings that look not ugly, but the night eclipse has also discovered Not very good things.

Here... it turned out to be a maze!

"Well, let's make a way out," Night Eclipse looked at the two passages in front of him and thought about it for two seconds before thinking of a perfect plan.

Do not go on either side and move towards the middle!

"The road ahead of me!" Night Eclipse grinned and raised his fist and walked forward, "Just block it in front of me and break it all!"

Perhaps for Ji Witch, these walls engraved with various historical documents are valuable materials, but for the eclipse, who is completely ignorant, well, it is a hindrance.

"Night eclipse?"

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